Demo tNES
Version: 2020-08-16
Author : Wong Jian Cheng
0. Algorithm: transfer NES (tNES) as described in Wong, Jian Cheng, Abhishek Gupta, and Yew-Soon Ong.
"Can Transfer Neuroevolution Tractably Solve Your Differential Equations?." arXiv preprint arXiv:2101.01998 (2021).
1. Test functions
1.0. Rosenbrock
1.1. Ellipsoid
1.2. Square
2. Transfer NES demo run
Import Libraries
import numpy as np
from scipy import dot, exp, log, sqrt, floor, ones, randn, zeros_like, Inf, argmax, argmin, eye, outer, zeros
from scipy import array, power, diag, cos, sin
from scipy.linalg import expm, cholesky, solve, norm, eig
from scipy.stats import multivariate_normal
def tNES(f, x0, cApast, bs=20, lr=1e-3, sigma=1, maxEvals=1e6, verbose=False, targetFitness=-1e-10):
""" transfer NES (tNES) as described in
Wong, Jian Cheng, Abhishek Gupta, and Yew-Soon Ong.
"Can Transfer Neuroevolution Tractably Solve Your Differential Equations?." arXiv preprint arXiv:2101.01998 (2021).
Maximizes a function f. Returns (best solution found, corresponding fitness, etc.).
Transfer optimization: inject sample from a mixture distribution that unifying current vs. past search distributions.
Implemented baseline algo.: Exponential NES (xNES) as described in Glasmachers, Schaul, Sun, Wierstra and Schmidhuber (GECCO'10).
# target search
dim = len(x0)
I = eye(dim)
center = x0.copy()
A = eye(dim) * sigma # sqrt of the covariance matrix
learningRate = lr # a same learning rate apply to all updates (including mixture model coef.)
batchSize = bs
hist, thist = [], [] # to store history
bestFound = None
bestFitness = -Inf
# sources
ns = len(cApast)
cps, Aps = [cp for (cp, Ap) in cApast], [Ap for (cp, Ap) in cApast]
Cps = [eye(dim) *diag( for (cp, Ap) in cApast]
mixtures = np.array([1 /(ns+1)]*(ns+1)) # initial mixing coef.
# transfer settings
radius = sqrt(12) # set mahalanobis dist. boundary to cover approx. 95% of normal
every, till = 2, 1000 # do transfer every #steps till a #maxstep
# loop
numEvals = 0
while numEvals + batchSize <= maxEvals and bestFitness < targetFitness:
# produce and evaluate samples
samples = [randn(dim) for _ in range(batchSize)]
transfer = (numEvals/batchSize % every == 0) and (numEvals/batchSize < till)
if transfer:
# transfer happens
latents = np.random.choice(np.arange(0, ns+1), size=batchSize, p=mixtures)
samples_o = [dot(A, samples[i]) + center if (latents[i]==ns) else
dot(Aps[latents[i]], samples[i]) + cps[latents[i]] for i in range(batchSize)]
# projection applied to source samples
samples_t = [samples_o[i] if (latents[i]==ns) else
center + (samples_o[i] - center) * min(1, radius / norm(solve(A, samples_o[i] - center)))
for i in range(batchSize)]
# map (projected) source samples back to natural coordinates w.r.t. cur. search dist.
samples = [samples[i] if (latents[i]==ns) else
solve(A, samples_t[i] - center) for i in range(batchSize)]
# finesss evaluation & utilities
fitnesses = [f(s) for s in samples_o]
utilities = computeUtilities(fitnesses)
# no transfer
latents = zeros(batchSize)
samples_o = [dot(A, s) + center for s in samples]
fitnesses = [f(s) for s in samples_o]
utilities = computeUtilities(fitnesses)
# update best fitness
if max(fitnesses) > bestFitness:
bestFitness = max(fitnesses)
bestFound = samples_o[argmax(fitnesses)]
bestSearchdist = (center, A) # return optimzied search dist. in form of center, A
numEvals += batchSize
# print progress
if verbose:
if transfer:
print ("Step %5d | lr %.1e | numEvals %7d : %.3e [Best: %.5e] | Mixture: %s" %(numEvals/batchSize,
lr, numEvals,
' | '.join(['%.1f%%'%(100*m)
for m in mixtures])))
print ("Step %5d | lr %.1e | numEvals %7d : %.3e [Best: %.5e]" %(numEvals/batchSize, lr, numEvals,
max(fitnesses), bestFitness))
# store history
hist.append([numEvals/batchSize, lr, numEvals, max(fitnesses), bestFitness])
thist.append([transfer] + list(mixtures))
# update mixing coef.
if transfer:
C = # covariance matrix of current search dist.
C = eye(dim) * diag(C) # a hack here: use diagonal matrix instead of full covariance for numerical stability
pn_n = multivariate_normal.pdf(np.array(samples_o), mean=center, cov=C)
pn_i = [multivariate_normal.pdf(np.array(samples_o), mean=cps[i], cov=Cps[i]) for i in range(ns)] + [pn_n]
pmix = dot(mixtures, np.array(pn_i))
gw = np.sum(utilities *pn_i /pmix, axis=1)
mixtures += learningRate *gw
mixtures /= sum(mixtures) # rescale to 1
# update center and variances
center += dot(A, dot(utilities, samples))
covGradient = sum([u * (outer(s, s) - I) for (s, u) in zip(samples, utilities)])
A = dot(A, expm(0.5 * learningRate * covGradient))
return bestFound, bestFitness, bestSearchdist, hist, thist
def computeUtilities(fitnesses):
L = len(fitnesses)
ranks = zeros_like(fitnesses)
l = zip(fitnesses, range(L))
l = sorted(l)
for i, (_, j) in enumerate(l):
ranks[j] = i
# smooth reshaping
utilities = array([max(0., x) for x in log(L / 2. + 1.0) - log(L - array(ranks))])
utilities /= sum(utilities) # make the utilities sum to 1
#utilities -= 1. / L # baseline
return utilities
# Rosenbrock function
def rosen(x):
return - sum(100 * (x[:-1] ** 2 - x[1:]) ** 2 + (x[:-1] - 1) ** 2)
# Ellipsoid function
def elli(x):
dim = len(x)
A = array([power(10, 2 * i / (dim - 1.)) for i in range(dim)])
return -dot(A * x, x)
# Square function
def square(x):
return - sum((x - .5)**2)
Function to optimize
f = rosen
# past search dist.
cp1, Ap1 = np.array([.85, .85]), np.array([[-.05, -.012], [.05, -.04]])
cp2, Ap2 = np.array([.85, -.85]), np.array([[.15, -.02], [.05, -.04]])
cApast = [(cp1, Ap1), (cp2, Ap2)]
#cApast = [(cp1, Ap1)]
# test run (2D)
EVAL = 2e5
x0 = np.zeros(2) -10.5 # initial sample
op_weight, op_fitness, op_searchdist, op_hist, op_thist = tNES(f, x0, cApast, bs=20, lr=1e-1, sigma=1e-1,
maxEvals=EVAL, verbose=True, targetFitness=-1e-9)
# in mixture model: source1, source2, ..., current search dist.
Test run (HD)
d = 45
Function to optimize
f = rosen
# past search dist.
cp1, Ap1 = np.array([1.05]*d), np.diag(np.array([1e-3]*d))
cp2, Ap2 = np.array([.45]*d), np.diag(np.array([1e-3]*d))
cApast = [(cp1, Ap1), (cp2, Ap2)]
#cApast = [(cp1, Ap1)]
EVAL = 5e5
x0 = np.zeros(d) -10.5 # initial sample
op_weight, op_fitness, op_searchdist, op_hist, op_thist = tNES(f, x0, cApast, bs=20, lr=1e-2, sigma=1e-2,
maxEvals=EVAL, verbose=True, targetFitness=-1e-9)
# in mixture model: source1, source2, ..., current search dist.