Prof. Xing Bengang


Biomedical Fluorescent Imaging & Chemical Biology Studies In XING's Lab 


Postgraduate students/Staff/Exchange students

Feb. 28th, 2023, happy to see that our invited review article in special issue of phototherpay online now in ChemPlusChem. Thank you all, our lovely girls. Congrats for such a great team work!
             Eve, Msc. student                   Germain, PhD student             ShuangQing, Yr4 Bsc. student                Shonya, Yr4 Bsc. student

March 4th, 2022, Glad to host the joint-phD student Miss Abigail J. Deloria from Medical University of Vienna, Austria to proceed the collaboration in Bioimaging study. Welcome!

Nov. 23rd, 2021, Congratulations zhimin for his "Feature Article" accetped in Chem. Comm.

Aug. 27th, 2021, Congratulations Zhimin for his 2021 Dr. and Mrs Alex Tang Pang Kee Gold Medal Award. Excellent.
2021 Graduate Award Winners for the School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences | School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences | NTU Singapore

Aug. 26th, 2021, Congratulations New Start for Qinyu, who will be new phD student in Caltech, USA. All the best!

May 21st, 2021, Congratulations Zhimin and Thang' s paper accepted in "Angew Chem. Intl. Ed.", 2021, as "VIP" paper. Well Done!

Dec. 31st, 2020,
Congratulations Germain, Thang' s paper accepted in "ACS Applied Bio. Mater." 2021, end day of 2020, Thanks for all your effort and contribution. Well-done !.

Nov. 22nd, 2020,
Congratulations Qinyu, Junwei, Thang, Zhijuns' paper accepted in "ACS Applied Bio. Mater." 2020, also appreciate their great effort and contribution. Good Job and Keep it up!.

Oct. 6th, 2020. Congratulations Zhijun's paper accepted in "ACS Materials Letters" 2020, especially appreciate yr4 undergraduate students, Qinyu and Junwei, for their great effort and contribution. 

Congratulations Thang's paper published in "ACS Nano" 2020, 14, 5836, Highlighted in "Nanoer" and "Marvelist". Not easy at this special season of COVID outbreak. Thumbs-up !

Congratulations Zhinmin's invited paper published in "J. Controlled Release" 2020, 324, 104, another invited papers were accepted in special issues of "Chem. Asian. J," "Inorganic. Chim. Acta". Good Job! 

Congratulations Hu Ming's invitated paper published in special issue of Metal in Medicine, "ChemBioChem" 2020.

Welcome Amirul Bin Mohammad, Lau Junwei, Jobbie Loh, Han Qinyu, joining lab for Odyssey Research Program in 2019.
Also Welcome Ho Thi Thanj Nha, Chin Shuhui, Lim Xuan Yong Haydon, Loo Jun yang Alvin, Jonnathan Pang Kia Wui coming to lab for their Summer Research program.


Congratulations Thang's first paper published in "Theranostics" 2019, 9, 3308.  Well-Done!

Happy Chinese Lunar New Year, and Congratulations to Xiangzhao, Zhimin and Alan, for their great contributions to our 2nd Nature Communications paper in Feb. 06th, 2019! Well Done !!

"Nano Research Young Innovator Awards in NanoBiotech 2018"

"Highlighted Lecture" and "This is Our Lab" Featured in World Molecular Imaging Congress (WMIC) 2017, Philadelphia, USA. 

Welcome Mr. Do Cong Thang, Yr1 phD student, 2017, from National Univeristy of Vietnam.

Welcome Miss Charlotte O' Donnell, yr3 Medical and Biological Chemistry Exchange Student, 2017/18, from University of Edinburgh, Scotland, UK.

Welcome Miss Wenmiao YU, yr3 Chemistry Exchange Student, 2016/16, from Oxford University, UK.

Congratulations to Xiangzhao again for his 2016 National Outstanding Overseas Student Scholarship Award, one highly competitive Award. Great Job!


Congratulations to Xiangzhao, for his 2016 Reaxys PhD prize, such a prestigious and highly competitive award. He was selected from 450 candidates worldwide.  Excellent !

Wellcome Dr. ZHANG Zhijun from Changchun Institute of Applied Chemsitry, CAS, China join us!!

Congratulations to Xiangzhao, Junxin and Mu Jing, for their first Nature Communications paper in Dec. 7th,  2015! Well Done !!

"Chemicals Safety in Laboratory and Industry", Television interviewed by Channel - 8 Mediacorp, (Aug. 17th, 2015) after chemical explosions in China.

Congratulations to Junxin won the SPMS Teaching Assistant Award in AY 2013/2014.

Congratulations to SHAO Qing and Yanmei, for their 2012 National Merit Scholarship Awards. Ministry of Education, China! (May, 13th, 2013).  What a wonderful achievement !!!


China Embassador Mr. DUAN Jielong, together with Yanmei and Shao Qing etc.

Congratulations to Yanmei's wanderful PhD defence (Nov. 26th, 2012)

Dr. Li Jingming (Research Fellow from Sun Yet-sien University in 2012)

Working area: Quantum Dots Based nanocrystals towards bacterial imaging and photoactive inactivation.

Dr. Min  Yuanzeng (Research Fellow from University of Science and Technology of China in 2012)

Working area: Multifucntional Bionanomaterials towards antitumor drug release and imaging applications.

Mr. Lin Mingkun (Research Associate from Xiamen University in 2012)

Working area: Fluorescent imaging, ChemicalBiology and Bionanotechnology.

Miss Mu Jing (Ph.D Student in 2012 from Nankai University)

Working area: Nanomedicine and Multifunctional biomaterials.

Mr. John Simpson (Exchange student from The University of Southampton in 2012)

Working area: Nanomedicine, self-assembly supermolecular platform toward controoled drug release.

Mr. LIM Ying Jie (FYP student in 2012)

Working area: peptide chemsitry, bacterial inactivation and fluorescent imaging.

Mr. ABBAS Ata (Co-supervised Ph.D student in 2011)

Working area: Organic synthesis, peptide chemsitry, medicinal chemisry; self-assembly.

Miss YANG Yanmei (Ph.D. in 2008; from SOUTHEAST University)

Working area: bionanotechnology, organic-biochemistry, intracellular imaging, drug delivery on the basis of nanoparticles platforms. 


                                                       Yanmei in ACS annual conference (San Diago), 2012

Mr SHAO Qing (Ph.D. in 2009; SUZHOU University)

Working area: Organic synthesis, fluorescent imaging, fluorescent probes for site-specific protein labelling and chemical biology.


Mr LIU Fang (Ph.D. in 2010; LANZHOU University)
Working area: Peptide chemsitry, chemical biology, intracellular bacterial imaging, supermolecular  chemistry and self-assembly.

Dr. LIU Rongrong (Ph.D. study in 2006; SUN YET SIAN University)

Ph.D Thesis: Development of Nanoparticles-based biosensing assay for identification of enzyme activities.  

China Embassador Mr. WEI WEI and Ms Liu Rongrong on the event of Outstanding Overseas Chinese Graduate student Award 2010

Miss JIANG Tingting (Ph.D. study in 2007; NANJING Unviersity)

Ph.D Thesis: Study of Vancomycin derivatives on bioconjugated activity and biooptical imaging.


Lab Events

Synthetic Lab Areas

Imaging Lab Areas

Our Division

            Marathon, Feb. 2012                       Marathon, March, 2013                  Pocari Run, June, 2013  
   Safari Run, March 2014            Pocari Run, June 2014                          Green Corridor Run, May 2014

      CCK Run, Sept. 2015                       Pocari Run, Oct. 2015                        CSC Run, Dec. 2015

             2XU Run, Nov. 2015       GreenCorridor Run, Mar. 2016              Marina 21 km, Apr. 2016
                                                       CCK Big Run, Oct. 2016                                      2XU Run, April 2018