We are a ressearch group based in Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. Our research focuses on the analysis and control of electromagnetic waves, from radio to light. We emphasize both theory and experiment, fundamental as well as practical, in understanding and applying basic electromagnetic principles in frontier (sometimes "blue-sky") scientific research and significant (towards "market-ready") technological innovation. And we are also very excited about extending the novel electromagnetic wave phenomena into sound!

Dec, 2020: Baile, together with Prof. Nikolay Zheludev and Prof. Chong Yidong, received President's Science Award in Istana.

Oct, 2018: Baile contributed a chapter to this book (first two chapters by 2016 Nobel laureates), and a cover figure.

Dec, 2017: Fei got "Young 1000 Talents Program". Congratulations!

Apr, 2017: Fei and Zhen received Chinese Gov't Award for Outstanding Self-financed Students Abroad

Mar, 2017: Prof. Zhang received Nanyang Research Award (Young Investigator)

Nov, 2016: Invisibility cloak featured in The Straits Times (click figure to read full article)

Nov, 2016: Make me A Super broadcased on 02 Nov., 6:30pm, on MediaCorp Okto (click figure to watch)

Jun, 2016: Dr. Xu Hongyi in Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting with S'pore President