extent to which energy filtered imaging allows quantitative matching of
experimental and theoretical electron microscope images is investigated using
two examples. In the first example, the matching of high resolution lattice
images of (WO
both energy filtered and unfiltered with a carbon surface layer, with
corresponding simulations is considered. It is shown that in both cases even
after all possible microscope and specimen parameters have been taken into
account in the simulations, the contrast in lattice images obtained
experimentally is only
3 of the contrast of corresponding simulated images.
In the second example, energy filtered convergent beam patterns in a scanning
transmission electron microscope are shown to depend sensitively on the
microscope lens parameters and are used as a method of measuring defocus,
spherical aberration and other microscope parameters.
quantitative comparison of experimental transmission electron microscope images
with theory is an important goal that has always been difficult to realise. It
is difficult to include inelastically scattered or “absorbed”
electrons in image simulations and so the general procedure has been to
arbitrarily scale the intensity and the contrast in the simulation to match the
experimental image. The recent development of imaging filters coupled with
charge-coupled device (CCD) detectors for image recording has meant that images
can be filtered to separate the zero loss from the loss electrons for
comparison with image simulations (Krivanek et al, 1992). However, even for
filtered images, a full quantitative comparison of experimental images with
simulations is still not straightforward.
purpose of this paper is to show the extent to which images and diffraction
patterns can be analysed quantitatively with the aid of an imaging filter, and
to this end two contrasting examples are given. Firstly I will give a brief
summary of quantitative matching of high resolution images of (WO
Only the major results are presented here, for more details see Boothroyd et al
(1995). The second example shows how lens aberrations can be determined from
energy filtered coherent convergent beam patterns taken in a scanning
transmission electron microscope.
matching of high resolution images and simulations of (WO
high resolution images are acquired unfiltered and are compared qualitatively
with image simulations that have been calculated assuming only elastic
scattering. Such comparisons are often poor when the images are compared
quantitatively and good matches are generally only obtained because the imaging
parameters and crystal thickness are left as free parameters to be determined
during qualitative matching (Hÿtch and Stobbs, 1994). Boothroyd and Stobbs
(1988 and 1989) have shown that the effect of inelastic scattering on high
resolution images is significant. Comparisons of the effects of inelastic
scattering and carbon contamination on high resolution images of (WO
have also been made by Boothroyd et al (1995). Here, I will summarise the
major results concerning the matching of images and simulations of (WO
were obtained using a JEOL (Tokyo, Japan) 4000FX (C
= ~2 mm and C
= 1.4 mm) at 400 kV and a Gatan (Pleasanton, California, USA) imaging
filter. The area examined consisted of a clean wedge-shaped crystal overlapping
the edge of a carbon film, allowing the comparison of images of identical
thickness with and without a carbon overlayer to model the effects of carbon
contamination. All images were scaled so that the incident intensity when no
specimen was present was unity. The words intensity and contrast have been used
to mean different things in different papers. Here, to avoid confusion, I will
to mean the average value in an image,
to mean some measure of the local variation in intensity (such as the standard
deviation divided by the mean) and
to refer to the qualitative distribution of bright and dark dots in a lattice
of energy filtered (left) and unfiltered (right), experimental (top row) and
simulated (bottom row) lattice images of (WO
for a defocus of –74 nm. The images were printed such that black
corresponds to 0.5 and white to 1.4 on a scale where the incident intensity is
1. “Mean” is the average intensity in the image on this scale and
“contrast” is given by the image standard deviation divided by the
About 8 unit cells of similar thicknesses from near the crystal edge were
averaged to reduce noise from an elastic filtered image with no carbon and from
an unfiltered image with a carbon layer, and are shown at the top of figure 1
for a measured defocus of –74 nm. From these images, and similar
elastic filtered images with carbon and unfiltered images without carbon, it is
possible to deduce the fraction of the electrons inelastically scattered and
lost completely (“absorbed”) on passing through the thickness of (WO
and carbon examined here. These values are shown in table 1. The surprising
result is that, even for the very thin region (~10 nm) of crystal
examined, about 15% of the electrons have been inelastically scattered and when
a carbon layer is also present this rises to 28% (ie (1 – (1–0.15)
1: Percentages of the electrons lost from the incident beam for isolated (WO
and carbon layers of the thicknesses analysed here.
| oxide | carbon |
inelastically scattered | 15% | 15% |
lost completely | 11% | 2% |
order to produce simulated images all the necessary experimental parameters
(defocus, energy spread, beam divergence, etc) were measured immediately after
image acquisition, except for the crystal thickness which had to be estimated
by comparison with simulations for different thicknesses. Although the
thickness is a possible source of error, it was found that only a thickness of
10 nm provided a good match to the
of the image. The method of simulating inelastic images is as described
previously (Boothroyd et al 1995, Boothroyd and Stobbs 1988, 1989). For the
simulations of the unfiltered image with a carbon layer, the proportion of
inelastic electrons included was that measured from the images and shown in
table 1, and their energy distribution was obtained from an energy loss
spectrum acquired after the images from a similar area. The resulting
simulations are shown at the bottom of figure 1. The mean image intensity and
its contrast, measured as the standard deviation divided by its mean is shown
beneath each image. No attempt has been made to calculate from first principles
the fraction of inelastic electrons for 10 nm of oxide. This fraction has
been measured from the experimental images and hence the mean intensities for
the simulations in figure 1 agree with the experimental images. However, there
is no agreement for the image contrast. In both cases, the contrast in the
experimental images is about 1/3 of that in the simulated images. A factor of 3
is a large disagreement and as I will show there is no way of reducing it
significantly. The beam divergence was measured from a selected area
diffraction pattern. A specimen vibration amplitude of 0.05 nm was used in
the simulations and it was found that larger values for the vibration, required
to reduce the contrast to match the experimental images, removed too much high
frequency detail before the contrast was reduced to the experimental level (the
same would also apply to specimen drift). The focal spread, whose source is in
the voltage and lens instabilities has, to first order, a similar effect on the
image as vibration and thus could not be much larger than the value used, while
an upper limit for the voltage spread was in any case derived from the width of
the zero loss peak in an energy loss spectrum. In this work, the effect of the
point spread function of the detector was not included, but subsequent work has
shown that under the conditions used here the contrast in the experimental
images will have been reduced to no lower than 0.8 of its real value by the
detector point spread function. Given that all these parameters have been
measured accurately and none can be adjusted to reduce the contrast any more it
is depressing that there is such a large discrepancy in the image contrast
levels, especially given that intensities in diffraction patterns appear to
have been calculated to greater accuracy (eg Saunders et al 1995).
end this section on a more optimistic note, recent images of the same oxide
have been obtained on a Philips CM200 FEG at 200kV (courtesy of Dr CJD
Hetherington and the National Centre for Electron Microscopy, LBNL, Berkeley,
California, USA) to assess the degree to which plasmon loss electrons do
contribute contrast to a lattice image. Figure 2 shows unfiltered, zero loss
filtered, first and second plasmon loss images of (WO
The first plasmon loss image defocus was close to Scherzer defocus with the
zero loss image being underfocus and the second plasmon loss image overfocus.
The presence of lattice fringes in both the first and second plasmon loss
images is clear and it will be interesting to determine whether the specimen
thickness that most closely fits the plasmon loss images will be the same as
that fitting the same area of the zero loss image. Figure 2 demonstrates that
the methods used to include plasmon scattering in high resolution calculations
are realistic.
resolution images of (WO
(a) unfiltered, (b) zero loss filtered, (c) plasmon loss filtered and (d)
second plasmon loss filtered, taken using a Philips CM200 FEG at 200kV. The
intensities in (c) have been multiplied by 20 and (d) by 40 times.
of microscope lens parameters from coherent convergent beam patterns
quantification of lattice images requires the fitting of image intensities to
simulations and the last section has shown that this can be difficult. In this
section I will give a preliminary description of how information can be
obtained from energy filtered coherent convergent beam diffraction patterns. I
will concentrate on the fringe positions, although the amplitude of the fringes
depends on the spot size and coherence and in principle could provide a means
of measuring these parameters (James, McCallum and Rodenburg 1995).
is well known in convergent beam electron diffraction that if the incident
convergence angle is made larger than the Bragg angle for the diffraction
maxima then the discs will overlap and interference may occur (eg Vincent,
Midgley and Spellward 1993). The criterion for interference fringes to be
visible in the overlap region is that the spot size has to be small enough so
that the image of the incoherent source when projected on the crystal is
smaller than the plane spacing of the corresponding overlapping discs in the
diffraction pattern. The spacing of the fringes produced depends on the probe
defocus and can be thought of as a shadow image of the lattice planes. The
fringes are straight for small incident convergence, but as the convergence is
increased the spherical aberration of the probe forming lens becomes
significant and the fringes are distorted into shapes that are dependent on the
lens defocus. An example of the fringes formed as a function of defocus for a
111 GaAs systematic row collected using a Gatan imaging filter attached to a VG
HB501 scanning transmission microscope (VG microscopes, East Grinstead, UK) are
shown in figure 3. If the probe is overfocus (ie focused on a plane between the
electron source and the specimen) then the fringes curve inwards at their ends
(figure 3a), if the probe is well underfocus then the fringes curve outwards
(figure 3d), and if the probe is only a little underfocus then more complicated
patterns result (figures 3b and c). Given that these patterns consist mainly of
bent fringes perpendicular to the
vector one might expect that the amplitude of their Fourier transform would
contain a pair of fuzzy satellite spots whose distance from the centre depended
on the inverse of the fringe spacing. It is thus amusing that the patterns
shown in figure 4 for different probe defoci were discovered entirely by
accident. Although the shape of the fringe patterns in the convergent beam
pattern images changes considerably with defocus, their Fourier transforms
always consist of two comet-shaped satellite spots whose position relative to
the origin changes with defocus but whose shape, which resembles that of a spot
affected by coma, remains constant.
convergent beam patterns from a 111 systematic row in GaAs with defocus
changing from overfocus in (a) to underfocus in (d).
of the Fourier transform of the convergent beam patterns in figure 3. (a) to
(d) correspond to figure 3a to d whilst (e) and (f) are further underfocus.
coherent convergent beam patterns
a first start towards understanding the origin of the fringes and the reason
for the constant shape in the Fourier transforms, simulations of the patterns
are required. A full simulation would involve calculating the phase shifts
produced by the objective lens in the incident cone of electrons for the
defocus required, and thus the shape of the probe on the specimen entrance
surface, then propagating this electron distribution through the GaAs crystal
using a multislice calculation. However, for thin specimens, as used here, it
can be assumed that the diffracted beams are simply copies of the unscattered
beam tilted by an angle corresponding to
The diffracted beams have a different amplitude and are phase shifted by the
crystal by an arbitrary constant amount with respect to the unscattered beam,
but the change in amplitude only alters the amplitude of the resulting fringes
and the crystal phase shift simply alters the phase of the fringes, leaving
their spacings unchanged. Thus, a simple way of calculating the fringe
positions in coherent convergent beam patterns is to calculate the effect of
the objective lens on the unscattered beam as a complex wave, then add copies
of this with the same amplitude at angles corresponding to
and –
and calculate the modulus squared to get the intensity. The result of such a
calculation for the conditions corresponding to figure 3a, ie GaAs 111 with a
defocus of 350 nm overfocus and a C
of 3.1 mm, is shown in figure 5a and its Fourier transform in figure 5b.
The fringe pattern of figure 5a resembles closely that of figure 3a and the
comet-shaped satellite peaks of the Fourier transform are reproduced in figure
5b. The first pair of comet-shaped peaks in figure 5b away from the origin
arises from the primary set of fringes in figure 5a formed as a result of
interference of the unscattered beam with the g and –g beams. These two
peaks are crossed by fine straight fringes perpendicular to
caused by the presence of the two identical sets of fringes in figure 5a. These
fine fringes are also visible experimentally in figure 4. The pair of
comet-shaped peaks furthest from the origin in figure 5b arises from the
interference fringes formed in the single small region of figure 5a where the g
and –g beams overlap and are thus not crossed by fine fringes. This
second set of peaks is not seen in the Fourier transform of the experimental
images (figure 4), indicating that the microscope stability was not good enough
for coherent interference between
and –
Coherent convergent beam simulation for a defocus of 350 nm, C
of 3.1 mm and 100kV corresponding to figure 3a. (b) Fourier transform of (a).
(c) to (n) As for (a) and (b) except (c) and (d) no objective aperture, (e) and
(f) C
= 10 mm, (g) and (h) astigmatism = 200 nm parallel to
(i) and (j) astigmatism = 200 nm at 45˚ to
(k) and (l) three-fold astigmatism = 2000 nm parallel to
(m) and (n) three-fold astigmatism = 200 nm at 30˚ to
have shown earlier how the Fourier transforms are affected by a change in the
microscope defocus (figure 4) and it can be seen that the shape of the
comet-shaped peaks remains unchanged and the comet’s tail angle is always
60˚. Next, I will discuss the effect of other microscope parameters on the
coherent convergent beam fringes and their Fourier transforms. If no limiting
objective aperture is used (figures 5c and d), then the comet-shaped peaks
extend to much higher frequencies and ‘wrap around’ due to the
undersampling of figure 5c. If the spherical aberration is reduced to zero,
then not surprisingly the fringes become straight and the comet-shaped peaks
lose their tails and are reduced to spots. For a larger C
(figures 5e and f) the comet shape is again unchanged with the same 60˚
angle, but the comet’s tail extends to higher frequencies. Figures 5g to
j show the effect of 200 nm of astigmatism applied parallel to
(figures 5g and h) and at 45˚ to
(figures 5i and j). When the astigmatism is parallel to
(figures 5g and h), the effect is the same as if the defocus had been reduced
by 200nm, ie the fringe spacing is increased and the comet separation is
decreased. For astigmatism applied at 45˚ to
(figures 5i and j) the fringes become ‘S’ shaped (including the
central fringe in each pair of overlapping discs), and the comet-shaped peaks
are displaced perpendicular to
but again there is no change in the comet’s shape. It can be seen that
there is a little astigmatism present in the experimental Fourier transforms
because of the asymmetry of the central fringe in figure 3b and particularly in
figure 3c. Finally, if three-fold astigmatism is applied parallel to
(figures 5k and l), the fringes become more bent on one side of the central
fringe in each pair of overlapping discs than the other and each peak splits
into two comet-shaped peaks with different tail angles. For three-fold
astigmatism applied at 30˚ to
(figures 5m and n), the fringes distort into an ‘S’ shape just as
for two-fold astigmatism (figure 5i) but the central fringe in each pair of
overlapping discs remains straight, and surprisingly there is very little
change in the Fourier transform (figure 5n). Interestingly, the tails of the
peaks in the experimental Fourier transforms in figure 4 are split slightly
into two tails with different angles, suggesting that three-fold astigmatism is
present. This is especially noticeable in the underfocus images (figures 4i and
coherent convergent beam fringe spacings
shown in the last section and by Lin and Cowley (1986), the fringe positions
contain information about the lens aberrations, although it is probably not
possible to derive all of the lens parameters from just one pair of overlapping
discs. In this section, I will attempt to show how the fringe positions can be
measured from experimental convergent beam patterns and thus derive
quantitative values for some lens parameters.
fringes in a coherent convergent beam pattern can be treated like the fringes
in a hologram in order to extract their amplitude and phase. The convergent
beam pattern is Fourier transformed, a circular mask is drawn round one of the
comet-shaped peaks and everywhere outside this mask is set to zero, then
inverse Fourier transformed to give a complex image. The amplitude and phase of
the complex image derived from figure 3a are shown in figures 6a and b. Moving
the head of the comet-shaped peak to the centre of the Fourier transform before
inverse transforming simply removes a constant phase ramp and makes the phase
look like that which would be obtained near zero defocus. This method will only
work for large overfoci, and even larger underfoci, when the comet-shaped peaks
in the Fourier transform are separated from the origin sufficiently to allow
masking of one peak without including the origin or any part of the tail of the
other peak.
order to quantify the phase, I will consider a line through the unscattered 000
beam towards the g beam in a convergent beam pattern. The amplitude in the 000
disc will be constant up to the edge of the aperture then drop to zero, while
the phase,
will be given by
is the electron wavelength, C
the spherical aberration, d the defocus and k the reciprocal distance from the
centre of 000 towards g. The diffracted beam, g, will suffer a similar phase
centred around k = g, plus the phase change introduced by the crystal,
The resulting phase difference
between the two beams will be
Δφ =
+ 6g
– 4g
+ g
(–2gk + g
principle it should be possible to fit the phase from figure 6b to the above
equation and so derive C
d and
However, this is a messy process due to discontinuities in the phase. Fitting
the differential of the phase was found to be a better way, viz:

+ 3
– d)
depends only on C
and d, and does not suffer from phase discontinuities.
for the experimental images should be calculated directly from the complex
image to avoid phase discontinuities and is shown in figure 6c. It is now
possible to extract a strip from figure 6c along the line joining 000 and g and
derive C
and d by least squares fitting to the equation for d
to give the values shown in table 2. The values of C
are all generally lower than the manufacturer’s value of 3.1mm for the
lens and there is a large spread in the measurements. The figures from the
underfocus values closest to focus are the least reliable, as a small part of
the tail of the peak in the Fourier transform is cut off in the masking process
because it lies too close to the origin. Nevertheless, it is exceptional that
it is possible to measure any value for C
and it must be remembered that only a small fraction of the available data are
being used here. To make use of the full area of the disc overlaps in figure 6c
requires d
in 2 dimensions and as a function of astigmatism and three-fold astigmatism.
conclusion, coherent convergent beam patterns provide a useful means of
quantifying a microscope’s spherical aberrations coefficient and defocus,
while energy filtering is essential for the fine fringes to be visible.
Amplitude and (b) phase of the fringes derived from figure 3a by masking one
comet-shaped peak in the Fourier transform. (c) Phase differentiated along
2: Values of spherical aberration coefficient, C
and defocus, d (underfocus negative), derived from d
on the central line through 000 and g of the convergent beam patterns
d (nm) | Cs(mm) |
360 | 2.5 |
90 | 2.5 |
–890 | 3.3 |
–1090 | 3.6 |
–1290 | 2.6 |
have shown how the intensity and contrast in energy filtered lattice images can
now be compared quantitatively with image simulations. Unfortunately, such
comparisons have shown that the experimental lattice image contrast is still
about 3 times lower than that from the best fitting simulated images. This
discrepancy needs to be understood before it is possible to match image
patterns quantitatively. I have also shown that energy filtered coherent
convergent beam patterns provide a way of measuring the defocus, spherical
aberration and astigmatism of the probe forming lens from their fringe
positions. It is anticipated that their fringe intensities will enable the
probe size and coherence to be measured.
am grateful to Dr WO Saxton, Dr JM Rodenburg (who independently noticed the
comet-shaped peaks), Dr RE Dunin-Borkowski and Dr WM Stobbs for useful
Boothroyd and WM Stobbs 1988, The contribution of inelastically scattered
electrons to high resolution images of (Al,Ga)As/GaAs heterostructures,
Boothroyd and WM Stobbs 1989, The contribution of inelastically scattered
electrons to [110] high resolution images of GaAs/AlAs heterostructures,
Boothroyd, RE Dunin-Borkowski, WM Stobbs and CJ Humphreys 1995, Quantifying the
effects of amorphous layers on image contrast using energy filtered
transmission electron microscopy, in: MRS symposium proceedings. DC Jacobson,
DE Luzzi, TF Heinz and M Iwaki (MRS, Pittsburg)
Hÿtch and WM Stobbs 1994, Quantitative comparison of high-resolution TEM
images with image simulations, Ultramicroscopy
James, BC McCallum and JM Rodenburg 1995, Measurement and improvement of the
effective source coherence in STEM, in: IOP conference series vol 147 (IOP,
Bristol) 277–280
Krivanek, AJ Gubbens, N Dellby and CE Meyer (1992), Design and first
applications of a post-column imaging filter, Microscopy, Microanalysis and
Lin and JM Cowley 1986, Calibration of the operating parameters for an HB5 STEM
instrument, Ultramicroscopy
(1986) 31–42
Saunders, DM Bird, NJ Zaluzec, WG Burgess, AR Preston and CJ Humphreys 1995,
Measurement of low-order structure factors for silicon from zone-axis CBED
patterns, Ultramicroscopy
Vincent, PA Midgley and P Spellward 1993, Advances in coherernt electron
diffraction, in: Electron Microscopy and Analysis 1993, IOP conference series
vol 138 (IOP, Bristol) 119–124
with Reviewers
Saunders: Your results indicate that similar problems in matching the
experimental and calculated contrast are observed in both unfiltered and
filtered images indicating that the problem is still present after the
inclusion of the majority of inelastic scattering events. One conclusion that
could be drawn from this result is that the problem relates to phonon
scattering which would still be present in the filtered image. How possible is
it that errors in the modelling of phonon scattering give rise to these
contrast problems?
inelastic scattering included in the calculations is only that due to plasmon
and secondary electron losses. Phonon scattering is normally treated in low
resolution images by the use of imaginary parts of the potential which to a
first approximation reduce the beam intensities as the specimen thickness
increases, distributing this intensity between the diffracted beams where it is
stopped by the objective aperture, thus reducing only the image intensity and
not the contrast. For high resolution, account has to be taken of the
contribution this scattered intensity makes to the image as it is now not
prevented from reaching the image by the objective aperture. Given these
difficulties phonon scattering was ignored in these calculations, and I would
expect it to be partially (but not wholly) responsible for the contrast
problems observed.
D Nellist:
Would the author like to speculate on the origin of the discrepency between the
contrast in the simulated and experimental images? Does it not really indicate
that the model of inelastic scattering used in the simulations is not accurate
It is quite possible that the inelastic scattering model used is not accurate
enough, but at least for plasmon scattering it seems to account for the
additional loss of contrast between filtered and unfiltered images. I believe
the origin of the discrepency is not simple, but is a combination of many
factors that are not taken into account in simulations. More work is needed to
determine what the discrepency is.
The fact that the comet-like features in the Fourier Transform of the
interference patterns described in the second half of the paper always have
edges at 60 degrees is interesting. I presume it must be the result of a simple
geometric constraint. The Fourier Transform of the shadow image is the
auto-correlation of, as a first approximation, the product of the probe and
specimen functions. Presumably spherical aberration (and, I believe, higher
order aberrations) induces rings of equal phase in the probe, such that the
integral of the autocorrelation goes to zero outside the comet-like features.
Does the author have any understanding why this necessarily results in the
comet shape? - or is there a better way of formulating the problem?
I have thought about this problem a lot, but have not yet come up with a simple
explanation for the comet shape.
D. Nellist:
Measurements of the coefficient of spherical aberration using coherent
convergent beam diffraction patterns has already been performed by Lin and
Cowley (Ultramicroscopy 19 (1986) 31-42). How does the method of the author
compare to their method, particularly with respect to their quoted accuracy
The method of Lin and Cowley requires a coherent convergent beam pattern where
the objective aperture is large enough and the crystal aligned well enough so
that the two diffracted beams are of the same intensity and all three beams
overlap and interfere. This means that the lattice spacing of the crystal must
be large enough (they used Beryl, lattice spacing 0.8 nm) to permit
interference of the two diffracted beams with each other so that the ellipses
that his method depends on are visible. For the material used here (GaAs 111,
spacing 0.33 nm) this was not the case, and no ellipses are visible on
figure 3 although they are visible in the simulations of figure 5. My method as
described is less accurate than that of Lin and Cowley for determining C
but it does work for the GaAs 111 discs shown and it’s accuracy could be
improved greatly by comparing the whole pattern rather than just the central row.