Editorial Role
- Associate editor, IEEE Transactions on
Signal Processing (2001-2006)
- Associate editor, Multidimensional Systems
and Signal Processing (Springer) (2009-present)
- Guest associate editor, IEICE Transactions
(special secion on recent topics in signal
processing) (2009-2010)
- Guest editor, Journal of Indian Institute
of Science (special issue on DSP Comm), 79(2)
(Mar-Apr 1999)
- Guest editor, Journal of Indian Institute
of Science (special issue on DSP Comm), 79(3)
(May-Jun 1999)
- Guest editor, Sadhana
(Indian Academy of Science Proceedings in Engg Sc) (special issue), 21(1) (Feb 1996)
- Editor, Signal Processing and
Communications, Viva Books: New Delhi (1999)
- Editor, Signal Processing and
Communications, Tata McGraw-Hill: New Delhi (1995)
Journal Review
- IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing
- IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I
- IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II
- IEEE Transactions on Image Processing
- IEEE Transactions on Communications
- IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for
Video Technology
- IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and
- IEEE Transactions on Multimedia
- IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering
- IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology
- IEEE Signal Processing Letters
- IEEE Communications Letters
- Signal Processing (Elsevier)
- Signal Processing Image Communication (Elsevier)
- Speech Communication (Elsevier)
- Journal of Systems and Software (Elsevier)
- Pattern Recognition Journal (Elsevier)
- International Journal of Electronics and Communications
- Journal of Visual Communication and Image
Representation (Elsevier)
- Journal of Franklin Institute (Elsevier)
- International Journal for Light and
Electron Optics (Elsevier)
- IET Signal Processing
- IET Proceedings Vision Image Signal Processing
- IET Proceedings Circuits Devices and Systems
- IET Computers and Digital Techniques
- IET Electronics Letters
- ACM Multimedia Systems Journal (Springer)
- Signal, Image and Video Processing (Springer)
- Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing (Springer)
- EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing
- EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing
- SPIE Journal of Electronic Imaging
- SPIE Optical Engineering
- International Journal of Systems Science
- Journal of Visual Communication and Image
- International Journal of Distributed
Sensor Networks (hindawi)
- Journal of Electrical and Computer
Engineering (hindawi)
- Mathematical Problems in Engineering (hindawi)
- Sampling Theory in Signal and Image
- International Journal of Signal and Imaging
Systems Engineering (Inderscience)
- The Open Electrical & Electronic
Engineering Journal (Bentham Open)
- IEICE Transactions on Communications
- IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals (Japan)
- Electronics and Telecommunications Research
Institute (ETRI) Journal (Korea)
- Sadhana (Indian Academy of Science
Proceedings in Engineering Sciences)
- Journal of Indian Institute of Science
- Journal of Institution of Electronics and
Telecommunication Engineers (IETE) (India)
- Institution of Electronics and
Telecommunication Engineers (IETE) Student’s Journal (India)
- Journal of the Institution of Engineers
- Journal of Spacecraft Technology (India)
Regularly reviews papers for a large
number of conferences, including IEEE flagship conferences such as most
ICASSPs, about half ISCASs and SSPs, and few ICME/ISITs. Also reviewed several
books, research grant proposals, faculty promotions, and research theses from 4 universities.