Java Programming

Miscellaneous How-To

How to format a float/double into a String

The method printf() can be used to format a float/double to a output stream. However, it does not return a String. In JDK 1.5, a new static method format() is added to the String class, which is similar to printf(), but returns a String. For example,

String strDouble = String.format("%8.2f", 1.23456);

Alternatively, we could use the java.util.Formatter class.

// Allocate a Formatter on the StringBuilder
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
Formatter formatter = new Formatter(sb);  // Send all outputs to StringBuilder
// format() has the same syntax as printf()
formatter.format("%.2f", totalPrice);     // 2 decimal places

How to Clone an Object (Copy by Value)

The easiest way is to write a copy constructor, which takes the object to be cloned, construct a new object by copying all the variables (states). For example,

public class Circle {
   public double radius;
   public Circle(double radius) {
      this.radius = radius;
   public Circle() {
      this.radius = 0.0;
   // Copy Constructor
   public Circle(Circle another) {
      this.radius = another.radius;
   public void setRadius(double radius) {
      this.radius = radius;
   public double getRadius() {
      return radius;
   public static void main(String[] args) {
      Circle c1 = new Circle(1.1);
      System.out.println(c1.getRadius());  // 1.1
      Circle c2 = new Circle(c1); // Construct c2 by cloning c1
      System.out.println(c2.getRadius());  // 1.1
      System.out.println(c1.getRadius());  // 1.1
      System.out.println(c2.getRadius());  // 2.2
      Circle c3 = c1; // Assign the reference of c1 to c3
                      // c1 and c3 points to the same object
      System.out.println(c3.getRadius());  // 1.1
      System.out.println(c3.getRadius());  // 3.3

If the object contains object members, you need to do a deep copy, i.e., clone the object members as well.

Cloneable Interface and Object's clone() method

The java.lang.Cloneable interface defines a method called clone(). The java.lang.Object provides a method called clone() to create a clone copy. To use the Object's clone() method, the class shall implement the cloneable interface and invoke the inherited clone() method from Object. the For example,

public class Circle implements Cloneable { .... }

Circle c1 = new Circle(1.1);
Circle c2 = (Circle)c1.clone();
   // Invoke the inherited Object's clone() method.
   // clone() returns an Object, need to downcast to Circle

However, the Object's clone() method makes a shallow copy, i.e., it copies only the first level of variables and does not do a deep copy for object members. Classes implementing Cloneable interface is recommended to override the inherited Object's clone() method to perform deep copying. Avoid using Object's clone().

How to initialize a static array of objects

Suppose that we have a class called Book, as follows:

public class Book {
   private String title;
   private float price;
   public Book(String title, float price) {  // Constructor
      this.title = title;
      this.price = price;
   public String getTitle() { return title; }
   public float  getPrice() { return price; }

Suppose that we want to create a static array of Books for global access. We need to use the static initializer as follows:

 * Book Database
 * Contain a static array of Book, and static methods for operation.
 * The array index is used as the bookID.
public class BookDB {
   private static Book[] books;
   static {      // static initializer block
      books = new Book[2];
      books[0] = new Book("Java for Dummies", 19.99f);
      books[1] = new Book("More Java for Dummies", 29.99f);
   public static int size() {
      return books.length;
   public static String getTitle(int bookID) {
      return books[bookID].getTitle();
   public static float getPrice(int bookID) {
      return books[bookID].getPrice();
   // Testing
   public static void main(String[] args) {

Why Java Vector and Hashtable are considered obsolete or deprecated?

Vector and Hastable were introduced in ...


Use ArrayList to replace Vector, and HashMap for Hashtable.

Printing Newline with '\n'

Line delimiter (or new line) is platform dependent. Windows uses "\r\n" (\r for carriage return with ASCII code 0DH or decimal 13; \n for line feed with ASCII code 0AH or decimal 10); Unix and Mac OS X uses "\n" alone; Mac OS up to version 9 uses "\r".

The default line separator is kept in system property line.separator. You could print it as follows:

String str = System.getProperty("line.separator");
for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); ++i) {
   System.out.printf("%02X(hex) ", (int)str.charAt(i));  // %02X: Pad with 0, 2 spaces, in hex
0D(hex) 0A(hex)

Using '\n' in print(), println() and printf() methods to print a line feed (0AH) may result in non-portable codes.

It is recommended to use System.out.println() to print a system-specific new line, or printf() with format specifier "%n", instead of "\n" for system-specific new line.

System Properties

Java maintains a set of system properties for its operations. Each system property is a key-value (String-String) pair such as "java.version"="1.7.0_09". You can retrieve all the system properties via System.getProperties(). You can also retrieve individual property via System.getProperty(key). For example,

import java.util.Properties;
public class PrintSystemProperties {
   public static void main(String[] a) {
      // List all System properties
      Properties pros = System.getProperties();
      // Get a particular System property given its key
      // Return the property value or null

The important system properties are:

  1. JRE related:
    • java.home: JRE home directory, e.g., "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_09\jre".
    • java.library.path: JRE library search path for search native libraries. It is usually but not necessarily taken from the environment variable PATH.
    • java.class.path: JRE CLASSPATH, e.g., . (for current working directory).
    • java.ext.dirs: JRE extension library path(s), e.g, "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_09\jre\lib\ext;C:\Windows\Sun\Java\lib\ext".
    • java.version: JRE version, e.g., 1.7.0_09.
    • java.runtime.version: JRE version, e.g. 1.7.0_09-b05.
  2. File related:
    • file.separator: symbol for file directory separator such as d:\test\ The default is \ for windows or / for Unix/Mac.
    • path.separator: symbol for separating path entries, e.g., in PATH or CLASSPATH. The default is ; for windows or : for Unix/Mac.
    • line.separator: symbol for end-of-line (or new line). The default is "\r\n" for windows or "\n" for Unix/Mac OS X.
  3. User related:
    • the user's name.
    • user.home: the user's home directory.
    • user.dir: the user's current working directory.
  4. OS related:
    • the OS's name, e.g., "Windows 7".
    • os.version: the OS's version, e.g., "6.1".
    • os.arch: the OS's architecture, e.g., "x86".

Access to system properties can be restricted by the Java security manager and policy file. By default, Java programs have unrestricted access to all the system properties.

Which JRE?

In system property java.home.


Where are the Java Extension Library Paths?

In system property java.ext.dirs. There could be more than one extension library paths.


Java Security Manager and Policy File


  1. Java Tutorial's "Quick Tour of Controlling Applications".
  2. Java Tutorial's Trail "Security Features in Java SE".
  3. Permissions in JDK 7 @

Security Manager

Java runtime does NOT automatically install a security manager when it runs Java application. As the result, the Java applications have unrestricted access to all the system. For example, the following Java program (a) read system property "user.home", (b) read from file "in.txt", (c) write to file "out.txt".

import java.util.*;
public class TestPermissions {
   public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
      // Read System Property
      // Read File
      Scanner in = new Scanner (new File("in.txt"));
      int num1 = in.nextInt();
      int num2 = in.nextInt();
      System.out.println("The 2 numbers are: " + num1 + ", " + num2);
      // Write File
      Formatter out = new Formatter(new File("out.txt"));
      int sum = num1 + num2;
      System.out.println("The sum is " + sum);
      out.format("%d", sum);

Create the input file "in.txt" with 2 number "1 2". Compile and run the program. Everything shall be fine as Java programs have unrestricted permissions, if security manager is not installed.

To explicitly install a Java security manager, run JRE with option

java TestPermissions

You shall receive a security exception:

Exception in thread "main" access denied ("java.util.PropertyPermission" "user.home" "read")

The security manager, by default, fetches the permissions from <JRE_HOME>\lib\security\java.policy. Take a look at this policy file, it grants read permission to many system properties, but NOT including "user.home".

If you commented out the System.getProperty() line and run the program with security manager, you will receive this error:

Exception in thread "main" access denied ("" "out.txt" "write")

You have not write access to "out.txt". However, you do have read access to "in.txt".

Granting Permissions

The security manager, by default, fetches the system policy file from <java.home>\lib\security\java.policy, where <java.home> is the Java system property "java.home", which defaults to JRE home directory.

Let's create a user policy file called "myjava.policy" to grant the permissions needed for the above program. Suppose that the program and the files are location at "d:\myproject".

grant codeBase "file:/D:/myproject/" {
   permission java.util.PropertyPermission "user.home", "read";
   permission "D:/myproject/out.txt", "write";

The codeBase indicates the base directory of the executing program, which shall be a URL beginning with a protocol such as file: for local programs (or http: for applets). A codeBase ends with "/" matches all class files (not JAR files) in the specified directory. A codeBase ends with "/*" matches all class files and JAR files. A codeBase ends with "/-" matches all class files and JAR files in the directory and its subdirectories.

In the above policy file, we grant read permission to system property "user.home", and write file permission to "out.txt".

To include the user policy file (in addition to the system policy files), use command-line option

D:\myproject> java TestPermissions

The program shall now complete its execution.

If you use double equal == in assigning policy file, the system policy files will be ignore. That is, only the specified policy file will be used.

D:\myproject> java TestPermissions

Including User Policy Files

By default, the security manager fetches these policy files, as specified in its property file located at <JRE_HOME>\lib\security\


where "java.home" and "user.home" are Java system properties.

To include user policy file(s), you could either:

  1. Include it in JRE's command-line option as in the above example.
  2. Include it in the security properties file <JRE_HOME>\lib\security\, as follows:

Types of Permission

Each permission has a type (e.g.,, java.util.PropertyPermission), a target name (e.g., property name or filename) and a comma-separated list of one or more actions (e.g., read, write).

Permissions can be granted to programs under a codeBase.

The commonly-used permission types are:

  1. All the permissions. For example, the default system policy file grants AllPermission to all the classes and JAR files in the Java extension paths:
    grant codeBase "file:${{java.ext.dirs}}/*" {
    Granting AllPermission practically disables security manager and shall be done with great care.
  2. grant permission to file and directory.
    A pathname ends with "/*" indicates all files in that directory; "/-" indicates all file in that directory and subdirectories; "*" indicates all file in the current working directory; "-" indicates all files in the current working directory and its subdirectories; <<ALL FILES>> indicates any file.
    The actions (comma-separated) include: read, write, delete, and execute (allow Runtime.exec()).
  3. permit access to a network via socket.
    The target name consists of hostname:port. A port specification of "n-" indicate port number n and above; "-n" all port number n and below.
    The actions include: accept, connect, listen and resolve (DNS lookup). When use with localhost, listen is the only meaningful action.
    For example, the default system policy file grant listen permission to localhost of port 1024 and above (un-privilege port).
    permission "localhost:1024-", "listen";
  4. java.util.PropertyPermission: The target name is a property name. The actions include: read and write.
  5. java.lang.RuntimePermission: Only target name without action, e.g., the target "stopThread" permits stopping of threads via calls to the Thread's stop() method.
  6. java.sql.SQLPermission: [TODO]

Signing Code and Granting Permission


Run External Process from Java

You could use either Runtime.getRuntime.exec() or a ProcessBuilder.

exec() method

The API doc for exec() of java.lang.Runtime is:

public Process exec(String command) throws IOException
// Executes the specified string command in a separate process.
// It returns a java.lang.Process object.

The Process object provides a waitFor() method, which "causes the current thread to wait, if necessary, until the process represented by this Process object has terminated." waitFor() returns the exit value of the subprocess (with 0 for normal termination).

public class TestExec {
   public static void main(String[] a) {
      // Invoke external command via exec(), which returns a Process
      Process p = null;
      try {
         p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("javac");  // Compile
      } catch ( ex) {}
      // Wait for the process to complete
      try {
         int exitValue = p.waitFor();
         System.out.println("Process Completed with exit value of " + exitValue);
      } catch (InterruptedException ex) {}

You can optionally specifies an environment (a set of name=value pairs) and an initial working directory.

The Add2Numbers reads 2 integer from and prints their sum to System.out, as follows:

import java.util.Scanner;
public class Add2Numbers {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
      Scanner in = new Scanner(;
      int num1 = in.nextInt();
      int num2 = in.nextInt();
      System.out.println(num1 + num2);
With Input/Output for the Subprocess

By default, the subprocess' standard input, output and error will be piped from/to the parent process. You can access the standard input via stream obtained from subprocess' getOutputStream() (output stream of the parent process is piped into the subprocess' standard input). Similarly, you can obtain the standard output stream of the subprocess via getInputStream() (input to parent process); and standard error via getErrorStream(). For example,

public class TestExecRedirect {
   public static void main(String[] a) {
      try {
         Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("java Add2Numbers");  // Execute with input/output
         // Write into the standard input of the subprocess
         PrintStream pin = new PrintStream(new BufferedOutputStream(p.getOutputStream()));
         // Read from the standard output of the subprocess
         BufferedReader pout = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(p.getInputStream()));
         // Pump in input
         pin.print("1 2");
         // Save the output in a StringBuffer for further processing
         StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
         int ch;
         while ((ch = != -1) {
         int exitValue = p.waitFor();
         System.out.println("Process Completed with exit value of " + exitValue);
      } catch (IOException ex) {
      } catch (InterruptedException ex) {}


JDK 1.5 introduces a new ProcessBuilder class in java.lang, which manages command, environment, initial working directory, as well as standard input, output and error of a process. To use the ProcessBuilder, construct an instance and invoke its start() method. start() returns a Process object.

public class TestProcessBuilder {
   public static void main(String[] a) {
      try {
         // Allocate a ProcessBuilder for the command
         ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder("javac", "");  // Compile (no standard input)
         // Start the process
         Process p = pb.start();
         // Wait for the process to complete
         int exitValue = p.waitFor();
         System.out.println("Process Completed with exit value of " + exitValue);
      } catch ( ex) {
      } catch (InterruptedException ex) {}
Redirecting Input/Output of the Subprocess to Files

Same as exec(), by default, subprocess reads input from a pipe and write output and error to a pipe of the parent process. In ProcessBuilder, you can conveniently redirect the subprocess' input, output and error to a file (as of JDK 1.7), as follows:

public class TestProcessBuilderRedirect {
   public static void main(String[] a) {
      try {
         ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder("java", "Add2Numbers");  // Execute (with standard input and output)
         File log = new File("error.log");
//         pb.redirectErrorStream(true);  // merge output and error streams
         pb.redirectInput(ProcessBuilder.Redirect.from(new File("in.txt")));
         pb.redirectOutput( File("out.txt")));
         pb.redirectError(ProcessBuilder.Redirect.appendTo(new File("error.log")));
         Process p = pb.start();
         int exitValue = p.waitFor();
         System.out.println("Process Completed with exit value of " + exitValue);
      } catch ( ex) {
      } catch (InterruptedException ex) {}

However, the redirect methods work only for files. For other IO streams, you need to access via Process' getOutputStream() and getInputStream() (as in the exec() section's example).

How to Redirect Standard Input, Output and Error Streams

You can re-direct the standard input (, standard output (System.out) and standard error (System.err) to another IO stream (such as file or network socket) via static methods System.setIn(), System.setOut() and System.setErr(). The signature of the methods are:

public static void setIn(InputStream in)
public static void setOut(PrintStream out)
public static void setErr(PrintStream err)

For example,

import java.util.*;
public class TestRedirect {
   public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
      PrintStream sysout =
         new PrintStream(
            new BufferedOutputStream(
               new FileOutputStream("out.txt", true))); // append outputs to file
      InputStream sysin =
         new BufferedInputStream(
            new FileInputStream("in.txt"));
      // Redirect to file
      System.setErr(sysout);  // merge error and output streams
      // Test inputting/outputting
      Scanner in = new Scanner(;
      System.err.println("Let's begin...");
      System.out.print("Enter two integers: ");
      int num1 = in.nextInt();
      int num2 = in.nextInt();
      int sum = num1 + num2;
      System.out.println("The sum is " + sum);

[TODO] Check on FileWriter and FileReader, instead of FileInputStream and FileOutputStream.

How to Append to a File

Use these constructors of the FileOutputStream and FileWriter, which take a second boolean argument to indicate append:

FileWriter(File file, boolean append)
FileWriter(String fileName, boolean append)
FileOutputStream(File file, boolean append)
FileOutputStream(String name, boolean append)

See "How to Redirect Standard Input, Output and Error Streams" for example.

Array Miscellaneous

The java.util.Arrays Class

The java.util.Arrays contains various methods for manipulating arrays (such as sorting and searching). It also contains a static factory that allows arrays to be viewed as lists.

It contains static methods:

  • Arrays.toString(anArray): to print the given array. It is overloaded to support all primitive-element array like int[], double[], etc.
  • Arrays.copyOf(srcArray, length): Return a copy of the srcArray truncate/pad to the given length. [You can also use anArray.clone() to create a copy of an array.]

Assign an Array to Another

For example,

int[] a1 = {1, 2, 3};
int[] a2 = a1;   // assign a2 to the same reference as a1
System.out.println(Arrays.toString(a2));   // [1, 2, 3]

In Java, arrays are reference object.

Compound Assignment (e.g., +=) has an implicit cast

For example,

int n = 1;
n = n + 1.5; // error: incompatible types: possible lossy conversion from double to int
n += 1.5;    // no error!

The compound assignment does not produce a compilation error because a implicit cast is added, as follows:

int n = 1;
n += 1.5;  // same as n = (int)(n + 1.5)

Hence, x += y is not really x = x + y, but x = (typeOfX)(x + y).

What is =+?

a =+ b is actually a = (+b). a =- b is a = (-b). a =*b produces an error.


  1. [TODO]