School of Electrical and Electrical
Engineering Nanyang Technological
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If you are interested in the following listed
research topics and would like to join us as research staff or student, please
write to me directly.
Research Areas and Interests
Networked Control and Learning Based Control
· Quantized
· Data rate
· Learning
based control
· Cyber-security
Multi-agent Systems and Distributed Optimization
Cooperative control of multi-agent systems
Data rate and network topology for distributed
Distributed sensor fusion algorithms
Formation control
Distributed optimization
(c) Cooperative Localization and Control of
Unmanned Systems in GPS Denied Environment
· Cooperative
localization algorithms
· UWB based
cooperative localization
· Integrative
cooperative localization and control
· Fast SLAM
· UAVs and
UGVs for logistics and structure inspection
(d) Indoor Position and Human Activity
WiFi based
indoor positioning system
CSI based human activity recognition system
Machine learning
and Honors:
Best Student
Paper Award at the 3rd IFAC Workshop on Cyber-Physical Human Systems (CPHS
2020) for the paper "Human-Centered Design for
Safe Teleoperation of Connected Vehicles" (co-authored by F. Jiang, Y.
Gao, and K.H. Johansson).
- Best Paper Award at 2020 IEEE The
11th International Symposium on Power Electronics for
Distributed Generation Systems (PEDG2020) for the paper Distributed
Finite-time Power Management for Hybrid Energy Storage Systems in DC
Microgrids (co-authored with Q. Xu and T. Dragicevic).
- Guan Zhao Zhi Award at the 39th Chinese Control
Conference, Guangzhou, 27-29 July 2019, for the paper Distributed Output
Feedback Consensus of Uncertain Nonlinear Multi-Agent Systems With Limited Data Rate (co-authored with M. Ran).
- Finalist for Best Paper Award at 2018 IEEE
International Conference on Real-Time Computing and Robotics (IEEE RCAR
2018) for the paper Distributed Continuous-Time Constrained Convex
Optimization via Nonsmooth Analysis
(co-authored with X. Li and Y.G. Hong).
o Best Paper Award at 2017 IEEE International Conference
on Unmanned Systems (IEEE ICUS 2017), Beijing, Oct. 2017 for the paper
Infrastructure-free cooperative relative localization for mobile unmanned
aerial vehicles in GPS-denied environments (co-authored with K. Guo).
o Best Paper Award at the 18th International
Conference on Advanced Robotics (ICAR 2017), Hong Kong, July 2017 for the paper
Non-Iterative SLAM (co-authored with C. Wang and J. Yuan).
o My URECA student Hoang Minh Chung won the Overall
Winner Award of NTU URECA Poster Competition, March 2017.
o Highly Cited Researcher by Clarivate Analytics (
in 2017.
o Highly Cited Researcher by Academic Ranking of World
Universities (
and Thomson Reuters in 2016.
o Highly Cited Researcher by Academic Ranking of World
Universities (
and Thomson Reuters in 2015.
o Highly Cited Researcher by Academic Ranking of World
Universities (
and Thomson Reuters, 2014.
o Elected to Fellow of the Chinese Automation
Association, 2016.
o Microsoft Indoor Localization Competition Award, 3rd
Place (Infrastructure-free Approaches): WiFi-based
Indoor Localization System by Using Weighted Path Loss and Extreme Learning
Machine, The 13th ACM/IEEE Int. Conf. on Information Processing in
Sensor Networks (IPSN), Berlin, April 2014.
Elected to be an
IEEE Distinguished Lecturer in May 2012.
Prestigious IBM
Faculty Award, June 2011.
Elected to
Prestigious Fellow of IFAC for contribution to robust control and estimation
theory with their application to communications in May 2011.
Guan Zhao Zhi
Award at the 29th Chinese Control Conference for the paper Mean Square Stabilizability of Linear Systems with Limited Feedback
Data Rates and Markovian Packet Losses, (co-authored with K. You), July 2010.
Best Paper Award
for the paper Distributed consensus of multi-agent systems with finite-level
quantization (co-authored with T. Li, M. Fu and J. Zhang) at the 7th
Asia Control Conference,
Hong Kong, August 26-28, 2009.
Best Student
Paper Award for the paper Optimal Filtering for Continuous-time Linear Systems
with Time-varying Delay (by W. Wang, H. Zhang and L. Xie) at the 6th
Int. Conf. on Information, Communications, and Signal Processing, December
10-13, 2007, Singapore.
Elected to Fellow
of IEEE in Jan. 2007.
Best Theoretical
Paper Award for the paper Robust Kalman filtering for discrete-time
systems with measurement delay (co-authored with X. Lu, H. Zhang and W. Wang) at the 6PthP World Congress of Intelligent Control and Automation,
China, June 21-23, 2006.
Scholar award, Ministry of Education, P.R. China, 2006.
Elected to Fellow
of Institution of Engineers, Singapore in 2005.
Occupational Health Best
Practices Award (Excellence and Innovation), Ministry of Manpower, Republic of
Singapore, for the project Intelligent Monitoring and Control System for
Hazardous Chemical Waste Treatment, Oct. 2004.
Science and Technology Award,
second prize, by Ministry of Mechanical Industries, P.R. China,
Funded Research Projects
Medium Sized Centre for Advanced Robotics Technology Innovation (CARTIN), Lead
PI, $24,440,000, 30 March 2021-30 March 2026.
Flight Control for High Capacity VTOL UAV, PI,
$249,500, STE-NTU Corp Lab, April 2020 - March 2021.
Navigation for the Blind and Visually Impaired, PI, $783,000, Tote Board, July
2020 - June 2021.
and Precision Docking for AGVs in Dynamic Environments, PI, $555,000.00,
Delta-NTU Corp Lab, Jan. 2020 - 30 June 2021.
Distributed Online Optimization over Multi-agent Networks with Limited
Information Exchange, PI, $120,000, MoE Tier 1, Nov
2019 - Oct 2021.
Inspection System for Building Faηade, PI, $639,570, NRF, 18 Feb 2019-17 Nov
Localization and Safe Navigation around Container Cranes during Inspection, PI,
$774,000, NRF STE-NTU Corporate Lab, Sept. 2018 - June 2020.
Internet of Things - Control Network Security, ASTAR, $439,200, PI, 1 Sept.
2017 - 31 August 2020.
Multi-Robot Sensor Fusion, Localization, Navigation and Control, Joint WASP/NTU
Research Grant, $270,000, Co-PI (allocated amount of $135,000), 1 March 2018 -
28 Feb. 2021.
of Dynamic Reconfigurable Material Handling System, NRF-Delta, $1,794,100, PI,
1 July 2016 - 30 June 2021.
detection and avoidance in GPSless Environment, PI,
$145,000, NRF STE-NTU Corporate Lab, July 2016 to June 2018.
Corporate Lab for
Cyber-Physical Systems, NRF-Delta Electronics-NTU, 1 July 2016-30 June 2021,
$45,000,000, Director.
- Continuous Dictionary Compressed Sensing
with Applications, 2015-T1-001-198, AcRF Tier 1,
$169,600.00, PI, 2 Nov. 2105-1 Nov. 2017.
- GPSless Localization for Unmanned
Aerial Verhicles With Self-Organized Distributed
Coverage of 3D Structures, PI, $570,000, NRF STE-NTU Corporate Lab, July
2015 to June 2020.
- Compressed Sensing for Passive Radar,
MINDEF, TL-9014103349-01, PI, $375,000, April 2015 to Oct. 2016.
- Distributed Model Predictive Routing and
Scheduling for Minimizing Network-wise En-Route and Airport Arrival Delay
in Air Traffic Flow Management with an Eulerian-Lagrangian
Flow Dynamic Model, Co-PI, ATMRI, $588,500, April 2015 to April 2018.
- Cognitive team theoretic approach for
Dynamic Airspace Management (CDAM), Co-PI, ATMRI, $588,000, April 2015 to
April 2018.
- Cognitive team theoretic approach for
Dynamic Airspace Management (CDAM), Co-PI, $172,000, April 2015 to April
- Framwork Agreement for Multiple
Projects in the Area of Internet of Things, PI, $2,840,800, EEE-Delta
Joint Lab, Nov. 2014 to Nov. 2019.
- Hub-wide Grid Planning and Management
System for Industrial Hubs, Co-PI, EIRP, $2,710,500, June 2014 to June
- Integrated Fibre
Optic Sensor Based Monitoring System for LNG Terminals,
NRF2014EWT-EIRP003-014, Co-PI, $2,667,600.00, July 2015 to June 2018.
- Topological Analysis & Control Design
for Heterogeneous Multi-agent Systems, Australian Research Council (ARC), A$355100,
2015-2017, Partner Investigator.
- GRUIDAE Multi-UAV Demonstration,
POD0001476, PI, $360,000, MINDEF-TL@NUS, Dec. 2014 to Dec. 2015.
- A Real-time Indoor Positioning and
Navigation System, NRF/NTUitive, $10,000, PI, Oct. 2014 to Apr. 2015.
- Development of Collaborative Localization
and Swarming Technologies for Micro UAVs, TL@NTU, $80,000, PI, Oct. 2014 -
Sep. 2015.
- Fruitdove Rendezvous, TL@NUS (Project
from MINDEF), $180,000, PI, Apr. 2014 to Mar. 2016.
- Adaptive Occupancy based Localized Cooling
Control of ACMV Systems, NRF2013EWT-EIRP004-012, $912,600, PI, 1 August
2014 - 31 July 2017.
- Wireless networked sensing for prognosis
in power electronics and electrical machines, Rolls-Royce@NTU
Corporate Lab, $623,405, PI, 1 August 2013 - 31 July 2018.
- CRANEV, MINDEF POD0713727, $3m, Co-PI, Feb
2014 to Jan. 2016.
- Fusion and Sense Making of Heterogeneous
Sensor Network and Other Sources, Co-PI, $195,925, Mar. 2013 to Sept.
- Model Predictive Based Control and
Navigation for Robots, CTRLWORKS Pte Ltd., $40,000, PI, March. 2103- Dec
- New Generation HVAC Systems - Total Energy
Efficiency Solutions, National Research Foundation, Competitive Research
Programme, $9.95m , one of the six Project PIs, August 2012-July 2017.
- Networked Control Systems in Industrial
Automation, EDB IPP-Pteris Global Pte Ltd, $360,000, PI, Feb. 2012 - Jan.
- Singapore Berkeley Smart Buildings:
Building Efficiency and Sustainability in the Tropics (SinBerBEST),
Lead PI of Multi-level Control Thrust (with total funding of over $10m),
Feb. 2012-Jan. 2017.
- Distributed Cooperative Estimation over Complex Temporal and Spatial Networks, NSFC, 61120106011,
RMB 2.6m, 1 Jan. 2012 - 31 Dec. 2016, Co-PI.
- Geolocation and Tracking with Networked
Multi-Sensor Platforms, DIRP, POD0713727, $365,297.50, PI, June 2011-May
- Automated Assessment System for Physical
Rehabilitation, Innovative Fund, Ministry of Education, MOE2010-IF-1-005,
$518,265, Co-PI, April 2011 - March. 2014.
- Dynamic Road Pricing for Traffic
Congestion Control, Singapore-MIT Centre for Research and Technology, 5
years program (Sept. 2010-Aug. 2015), $141,600 for year 1, PI.
- Integrative Approach for Controller Design
for Optimal Performance?A*STAR
SERC 092 156 0126, Mar. 2010 - Feb.
2013, PI, $362,530.33.
- Distributed-Cooperative Information
Processing and Control, POD0914267, Temasek Labs, PI, August 2009 to Feb
2013, $482,150.00 (Cash $215,050.00).
- Novel Roof-mounted Solar Energy Assisted
Double Cycle Refrigeration for Energy Efficient Building Air-conditioning
Systems, NRF2008EWT-CERP02-010, Co-PI, May 2009 - April 2012, S$
- Investigation of Network-constrained
Estimation Algorithms for Network-Centric Environments, MINDEF-NTU,
POD0613315, PI, July 2009-June 2010, $50,000.
- Intelligent Fiber-Bragg Grating Sensor
Network for Aircraft Structural Health Monitoring and Diagnosis, A*Star
SERC Aerospace Consortium Project 2, Collaborator, Feb 2009 - Jan 2012,
- Real-time Secure RFID-based Track and
Trace in Aerospace MRO Supply Chain, A*Star SERC Aerospace Consortium Project
3, Collaborator, Feb 2009 - Jan 2011, $523,745.
- Cooperative Estimation and Control Theory
with Application in Wireless Sensor
Networks, NSFC, China, 60828006, PI, Jan. 2009-Dec. 2010, RMB200,000.
- A Dynamical System Approach to the
Analysis of Scattered Pulse-Tissue Interactions in Medical Ultrasound, MoE Tier 2, PI, May 2008 - April 2011, $643,770.
- Modeling, control and optimization for
complex sensor and control networks (U0735003), NSF of China,
collaborator, Jan. 2008-Dec. 2010, RMB1.4m.
- Integrative Serviceability Management and
Supervisory Control of Networked Manufacturing Systems for Virtual
Enterprises (P0520104), Co-PI, April 2006 - March 2009, $982,190.
- Markov Jump System Theory for
Collaborative Signal and Information Processing in Wireless Sensor
Networks, A*STAR (SERC Grant no. 052 101 0037), PI, Jan. 2006-Dec. 2008,
- Soft Intelligent Sensors and Its
Applications in Magnetic Data Storage Systems, A*STAR (SERC Grant no. 052
101 0036), Co-PI, Jan. 2006 - Dec. 2008, $527,840.
- Collaborative Signal Processing and
Control in Wireless Sensor Networks, AcRF
(RG12/05), PI, Dec. 2005 - Nov 2008, $85,043.20.
- Distributed Information Processing for
Wireless Sensor Network, RGM 19/05, Feb. 2006, Aug. 2009, PI, $80,000.
- Soft-Sensing Technologies with Application
to Chemical Waste Treatment, EDB/Purechem Pte
Ltd/NTU, PI, 2004 -2007, $498,000.
- Analysis and synthesis of two-dimensional
systems for signal processing and control Australian Research Council
(Partner Chief Investigator), 2001-2004, A$163,000.
- Robust Control Systems for Smart
Structures, 2001-2204, PI, $149,177.
- Development of Optimization Technology for
Building HVAC Systems, A*STAR/Matrix Control Pte Ltd/NTU (Collaborator),
Nov. 2000 - Oct. 2002, $800,000.
- Development of Intelligent Monitoring and
Control Systems for Hazardous Waste Chemical Treatment, NSTB/Purechem/NTU (Collaborator), 1999-2001, $1.04m.
- A Robust and Adaptive Filtering Approach
to Active Control of Noise in a Cleanroom, PI, 1998-2000, $71,228.
- Advanced Digital Control Design for
Industrial Processes, PI, 1993-1996, $29,700.
Past Postdoctoral
- Dr. Zhang Huanshui, Full Professor, Shandong
- Dr. Sun Shuli, Full Professor, Heilongjiang
- Dr. Hu Qinglei, Full
Professor, Beihang University
- Dr. Li Tao, Full Professor, Outstanding Youth Award
recipient, East China Normal University
- Dr. Li Zhongkui, Young
Changjiang Talent Award recipient, Peking University
- Dr. Xie Li, Professor, North China Electric Power
- Dr. Yu Mei, Associate Professor, North China
Electric Power University
- Dr. Guo Yuqian, Full
Professor, Central South University
- Dr. Jiang Hao, Associate Professor, Fuzhou
- Dr. Li Huaqing, Full
Professor, Southwest University
- Dr. Zhao Yanlong, Full Professor,
Outstanding Youth Award recipient, Institute of System Sciences, Chinese
Academy of Sciences
- Dr. Zhao Dongya, Full
Professor, China Petroleum University
- Dr. Zhang Kuize, Associate Professor, Harbin
Engineering University
- Dr. Khoo Suiyang, Senior
Lecturer, Sweeburne University
- Dr. Li Wuquan, Professor, Ludong University
- Dr. Li Haitao, Associate
Professor, Jinan University
- Dr. Ma Cuiqin, Associate
Professor, Qufu Normal University
- Dr. Zhu Bing, Associate Professor, Beihang University
- Dr. Lan Xiaoyu, Associate
- Dr. Xu Juanjuan, Qiru Scholar, Outstanding Youth, Full Professor,
Shandong University
- Dr. Wan Liangtian,
Associate Professor, Dalian University of Technology
- Dr. Meng Xiangyu, Assistant Professor, Louisiana State
- Dr. Li Xianwei, Young Thousand Talent, Assistant
Professor, Shanghai Jiaotong University
- Dr. Zhu Shanying,
Assistant Professor, Shanghai Jiaotong
- Dr. Weng Yang, Professor, Sichuan University
- Dr. Qu Xiaomei, Associate
Professor, Southwestern Minority University
- Dr. Huang Baoqi, Full
Professor, Inter-Mongolian University
- Dr. Ding Baocang, Full
Professor, Xian Jiaotong University
- Dr. Li Fangfei, Associate
Professor, East China University of Science and Technology
- Dr. Han Duo
- Dr. Zhao Yan
- Dr. Zheng Zhewei, Associate
Professor, Behang University
- Dr. Wang Hongxia,
Associate Professor, Shandong University of Science and Technology
- Dr. Zheng Jianying, Associate Professor, Beihang University
- Dr. Han Zhimin, Associate
Professor, Hangzhou Dianzhi University
- Dr. Li Xian, Associate Professor, Qingdao University
- Dr. Chen Zhenghua, Institute of Info-Comm Research,
- Dr. Qi Qingyuan, Associate Professor, Qingdao
- Dr. Li Xiuxian, Professor, Tongji University
- Dr. Xu Qianwen, Assistant Professor, Royal Institute
of Sweden (KTH)
Current Research Staff Members
Dr. Ran Maopeng, learning based control and
Dr. Ding Kemi, graph signal processing and secure
Dr. Chen Chun-Lin, sensing and perception for
robotic systems
Dr. Li Maoxun, robot platform design and control
Dr. Zhang Sheng, precision docking for AGVs
Dr. Xu Xinping, occupancy detection
Mr. Cao Muqing, control design for UAVs
Mr. Ji Tete, vision based
Mr. Wang Han, Lidar based SLAM
10. Dr. Yuan
Shenghai, sensor fusion for UAVs
11. Dr. Lyu
Yang, sensor fusion for UAVs
12. Dr. Hanif
Zaini, UAV control
13. Dr. Nguyen
Thien Minh, Wallenberg-NTU Presidential Postdoctoral
Fellow, localization for unmanned systems
14. Mr. Cao
Kun, multi-agent systems
15. Dr. Chen
Ci, Wallenberg-NTU Presidential Postdoctoral Fellow, learning based control
16. Dr. Yang
Jianfei, NTU Presidential Postdoctoral Fellow, machine learning
Graduated Ph.D.
- Xie Shoulie,
1997-1999, Ph.D. (Research
Scientist, I2R, A*Star, Singapore
Thesis title: Robust and nonlinear control of
interconnected systems.
- Du Chunling, 1997-1999, Ph.D. (Research Scientist, Advanced
Remanufacturing Center, A*Star, Singapore)
Thesis title: H-infinity filtering and control
of two-dimensional systems.
- Li Luowen,
1997-1999, Ph.D. (Senior Engineer,
ST Engineering)
Thesis title: Optimal model reduction and
reduced order filtering.
- Zhou Huan, 2000 - 2003, Ph.D. (Research Scientist, I2R, A*Star,
Thesis title: H2 and H-infinity optimal design
of multirate filter bank systems.
- Lu Lilei,
2000- 2004, Ph.D.
Thesis title: Issues in Robust and Networked
Control Systems.
- Zhang Sen, 2002-2005, Ph.D. (Professor, Beijing University of
Science and Technology)
Thesis title: Simultaneous Localization and Map
Building for Outdoor Mobile Robot Navigation.
- Xu Jun,
2003- 2006, Ph.D. (Senior
Vice-President, Data Scientist, HSBC)
Thesis title: Control and Estimation of
Piecewise Affine Systems.
- Cao Chengtao,
2003- 2007, PhD
Thesis title: A Polynomial Approach to Robust
Estimation with Applications in DS-CDMA Systems.
- Lin Jun,
2002- 2007, Ph.D.
Thesis title: Robust Deconvolution and Control
of Uncertain and Time Delay Systems with Applications.
- Teoh Jul Nee, 2003-2007,
Thesis title: High precision servo control in
disk drives.
- Lin Jianyong,
2005-2010, Ph.D.
Thesis title: Energy Efficient Sensor
Scheduling and Filtering Algorithms for Target Tracking in Wireless Sensor
- You Keyou., 2007-2011, Ph.D. (Associate Professor, Young Thousand
Talent, Outstanding Youth, 青千,优青, Tsinghua University)
Thesis title: Control and Estimation with
Limited Data Rate and Packet Loss)
- Xiao Nan, 2007-2011, Ph.D. (Alibaba,
Thesis title: Filtering and Control of Networked
Systems over Unreliable Channels
- Liu Shuai, 2007-2011, Ph.D. (Professor, Young Thousand Talent, 青千, Shandong
Thesis title: Control of Single and Multiple
Agent Systems with Input and Communication Delays
- Hu Jinwei,
2008-2012, Ph.D. (Associate
Professor, Northwestern Polytechnic University)
Thesis Title: Information Fusion and
Cooperative Control for Target Search and Localization in Multi-Agent Sensor
- Gao Tingting,
2008-2012, Ph.D.
Thesis Title: Integrated Plant/Controller Design
and Implementation for High Track Density HDD Servo Systems
- Meng Wei, 2009-2013, Ph.D. (Professor, Young Thousand Talen,青年珠江学者,Guangdong
University of Technology)
Thesis Title: Distributed Source Localization
in Wireless Sensor Networks
- Yang Zai, 2009-2013, Ph.D. (Professor, Outstanding Youth, Xian Jiaotong University)
Thesis Title: Analysis, Algorithms and
Applications of Compressed Sensing
- Yu Chengpu,
2009-2013, Ph.D. (Professor, Young
Thousand Talent, 青千, Beijing Institute of Technology)
Thesis Title: Blind System Identification with
Application to Medical Imaging
- Wang Xuehe,
Aug. 2011-2015, Ph.D. (Assistant
Professor, Singapore University of Technology)
Thesis Title: Existence, Convergence and
Efficiency Analysis of Nash Equilibrium and Its Applications
- Zou Han, 2012 - 2016, Ph.D. (Scientist, IBM)
Thesis Title: Robust and Accurate Localization
Algorithms for Indoor Positioning and Navigation
- Long Yushen, 2012- 2016, Ph.D. (Research
Scientist, Institute for Info-Comm Research)
Thesis Title: Distributed and Cooperative
Control with Applications to Building HVAC Systems
- Qiu Zhirong, 2013-2017, Ph.D. (Research
Fellow, NTU)
Thesis Title: Distributed Multi-agent Consensus
under Constraints
- Xu Liang, 2013-2017, Ph.D. (Postdoctoral
Fellow, EPFL, Switzerland)
Thesis Title: Control over Networks with Fading
Communication Channels
- Niu Junpeng, Jan 2014 -Jan. 2018, PhD.
(Senior Engineer, Grab)
Thesis Title: Hybrid System Analysis and Design
for Scale-out Storage Environments
26. Sampath Kumar Padmanabhan, 2014-Aug.
2018, PhD. (Research Engineer, Delta Electronics)
Thesis title: Conditioning Monitoring of Brushless Synchronous
Generators Using Wireless Sensors
27. Guo Kexin, Aug. 2014-Aug. 2018, PhD.
(Beihang University)
Thesis title: Ultra-wideband-based Navigation for Unmanned Aerial
28. Wang Chen, 2014-2018, Ph.D.
(Postdoctoral Fellow, Robotics Institute@CMU)
Thesis Title: Kernel Learning for Visual Perception
29. Wu Xuepei,
2012-2018, Ph.D. CContinental)
Thesis Title: Study on Real-time
Industrial Control Networks
30. Nguyen Pham Nhat
Thien Minh, 2015-2019, Ph.D. (NTU Presidential
Postdoctoral Fellow)
Thesis Title: Ranging-Based Adaptive Navigation for Autonomous Micro
Aerial Vehicles
31. Abdul Hanif Bin Zaini, 2015-2019, Ph.D.
(Research Fellow, NTU)
Thesis Title: UAV Swarming with Collision Avoidance and Communication
32. Cao Kun, 2016 - 2020, PhD. (Research
Fellow, NTU)
Thesis title: Distributed Formation Shape Control of Multi-Robot Systems
33. Yang Jianfei, Aug. 2016 - 2020, PhD.
(NTU Presidential Postdoctoral Fellow)
Thesis Title: Towards Robust Sensing and Recognition: From Statistical
Learning to Transfer Learning
34. Gao Yulong, 2016 2020 (KTH-NTU
joint PhD programme), Ph.D.
Thesis title: Safe Autonomy under Uncertainty: Computation, Control and
35. Wang Han, Jan. 2017-Jan. 2021, PhD
Thesis title: Robust and light-weight Simultaneous Localization and
Mapping for Autonomous Vehicles.
36. Fang Xu, Jan. 2017 Jan. 2021, PhD
Thesis title: Cooperative Localization and Control of Networked Systems.
37. Li Juncheng,
August 2017 July 2021, PhD
Thesis Title: Motion Planning for Non-Holonomic Mobile Robots in
Obstacle-Rich Environments
38. Liu Hanxiao, August 2017 Jan 2021,
Thesis Title: Analysis, Detection, and Mitigation of Attacks in
Cyber-physical Systems
On-going Ph.D. students:
1. Ji Tete, Jan. 2017- (Part-Time)
Visual-Inertial Navigation for MAV
2. Nguyen Hoang Thien,
Aug. 2018 -
Visual-Inertia Odometry
3. Cao Muqing, Aug. 2018 (Part-Time)
Control of Unmanned Systems
4. Wang Dazhuo,
Aug. 2018
5. Huang He, Aug. 2020 -
Precision Docking of Robots
6. Qian Hanjie, Aug. 2019 -
Machine Learning for Defect Detection
MEng. Students
- Su Weizhou, 1995 - 1996, MEng., Robust
control of cascaded uncertain nonlinear systems, Professor, South China University of Technology
- Xie Shoulie, 1995 - 1996, MEng,
Dissipative control of uncertain dynamical systems, Research Scientist, Institute of Info-Comm Research.
- Chen Chang, 1995 - 1996, MEng, Robust and
optimal control of helicopter systems, Defense Science Organization, Singapore.
- Yang Xiao Hua, 1997 - 1999, MEng, Multi-channel active
noise control
- Tian Hui, 1997 - 1998, M.E. Nonlinear
composite control of hard disk drive
- Bayu Jayawardhana, 2001-2002, MEng, Active
Noise Control, Professor,
University of Groningen, Netherland.
- Toh Yue Khing,
2007-2009, MEng, Development of A Wireless Sensor Network Target Tracking
System, Institute of Info-Comm Research.
- Saba Salehi, 2007-2009, MEng, Networked
Control for Pressure Loop of HVAC System, National University of
- Yu Zhong, 2007-2010, MEng, Cooperative
Control of Multi-robot Systems.
- Ni Wei, 2007-2010, MEng, Process Control,
Institute of Info-Comm Research.
- Eric Toh, 2010-present MEng, Development
of a multi-agent cooperation system.
12. Lu Xiaoxuan,
Aug. 2013-July 2015, MEng, Development of Localization Algorithms for a WiFI Based Indoor Positioning System with Machine Learning
13. Wei Dong, Aug. 2014-, MEng,
Formation flight control of Multiple UAV
14. Zhang Songyuan, Aug. 2014-, MEng,
Vision based Navigation and Control of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles.
MSc. Students
- Tay Huck Sun, 1995 - 1996, MSc, Precision
headload control of high capacity disk drive.
- Tham Poi Kwan, 1995 - 1997, MSc, Head
positioning control of hard disk drive
- Gao Wei, 1996 - 1998, MSc, H-infinity
iterative control of ball and plate systems
- Zaw Naing Oo,
1995 - 1999, MSc, Robust control of simplified helicopter model
- Zheng Hong, 1998-2000, MSc, Active Noise
- Huang Fu Zhong, Master of Science,
1997-2000, Identification and control of a distillation column
- Gao Ronghua,
2002-2003, MSc, Robust estimation with applications in signal dectection
- Li Hui, 2002-2003, MSc, System
identification and active vibration control of a hexpod
- Sai Sai,
2002-2003, MSc, Active vibration control
- Zhang Ling, 2002-2003, Energy optimization
of air distribution and chilled water systems
- Low Cher Wee, 2002-2003, Active noise
control for air handling unit
- Myo Thant Aung, Master of Science,
2002-2003, Modeling and control of a Stewart platform
- Tan Toa You, Master of Science, 2003-2004,
Multirate digital notch filter and resonance
screening for hard disk drive
- Maung Aung Khant,
Master of Science, 2004, Control of Stewart platform An adaptive
filtering approach
- Du Zhe, MSc., 2005-2006, Control of
Stewart Platform
- Leng Mei, MSc., 2006-2007, Multi-hop
Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks
- Huang Kang, MSc., 2006-2007, Development
of A Body Sensor Network System
- Liu Jiandong,
MSc., 2007, Quantized Filtering with Application in Wireless Sensor
Network Based Target Tracking System
- Tian Wei, Msc.,
2009-2010, Development of A Multi-Robot Cooperative Tracking System.