News and Announcement

- July 2024, Yi Zhehan passed the Qualifying Exam.Congrat!

- 1 July 2024, Yang Jinlin passed the PhD Oral Defense.Congrat!

- 20 Jun 2024, Dr. Li Hong joined our group as Research Fellow. Welcome!

- 12 Jun 2024, Cai Daqian passed the Qualifying Exam. Congrats!

- 21 Apr 2024, Dr. Chen Hao joined our group as Research Fellow. Welcome!

- 11 Apr 2024, Dr. Zhang Tao's paper is accepted by Chem. Well done!

- 22 Mar 2024, Yang Jinlin's Perspective article is accepted by Matter. Well done!

- 25 Mar 2024, Dr. Zhang Xinyuan joined our group as Research Fellow. Welcome!

- 31 Jan 2024, Dr Zhang Bao left our group for a faculty position in China. We wish you all the best.

- 10 Jan 2024, Xiao Tao passed his QE defense. Congrats

- 17 Nov 2020, Hu Yuzhong passed his PhD oral defense. Congratulation!

- 12 Nov 2020, Hu Yuzhong's paper is accepted by Nature Materials. Congratulation!

- 28 Aug 2019, Dr. Fan is promoted to full professor. Congratulation!

- June 2019, Dr. Fan becomes Associate Editor of the journal, Materials Today Energy.

- 1 Apr 2019, Dr. Wang Zhe joined in our group as postdoc. Welcome!

- 25 Sep 2018, Zhang Yongqi passed his PhD oral defense.Congrats!

- 16 Apr 2017, Zhang Yongqi won the 2016 Chinese Goverment Award for Outstanding Self-financed Students Abroad by China Scholarship Council. Congrats!

- 20 Oct 2016, Zhu Changrong passed her oral defence. Congrats!

- May 2016, Zhu Changrong won the 2016 Chinese Goverment Award for Outstanding Self-financed Students Abroad by China Scholarship Council. Congrats!

- Mar 2016, Zhu Changrong won the SIMTech Best Student Award 2016 Congrats!

- Feb 2016, Dr. Fan won the IPS Nanotechnology Physics Award 2015 Congrats!

- Sep 2015, Mr. Yu Dongliang joined in our group for one year exchange.Welcome!

-July 2015, Mr. Jia Guichong jioned us as a new PhD student.Welcome!

- May 2015, Dr. Xia Xinhui left for a faculty position in Zhejiang University. Thank you for your contribution.

- May 2015, Zhu Changrong and Chao Dongliang had their wedding ceromony.Congrats!

- Apr 2015, Dr. Xu Jing joined in our group as postdoc fellow.Welcome!

- July 2014, Dr. Shen He and Dr. Ku Zhiliang joined in our group as postdoc fellows. Welcome!

- 17 Apr 2014, Luo Jingshan passed PhD oral defence.  Congrats!

- 1 Mar 2014, Dr. Fan was promoted to Associated Professor with tenure. Thank all group members for your contribution!

- Luo Jingshan won the 2013 Chinese Goverment Award for Outstanding Self-financed Students Abroad by China Scholarship Council.

- 13 Dec 2013, Li Xianglin passed PhD oral defence and becomes a new Doctor.

- 05 Dec 2013, Zhu Changrong passed QE.

- Many many bad news about papers, proposals. Silent for 10 min...

- Aug 2013, Xia Xinhui's paper published in Nano Letters.

- Luo Jingshan won the2013 E-MRS Graduate Student Award. Congrats!

- Guan Cao won the 2012 Chinese Goverment Award for Outstanding Self-financed Students Abroad by China Scholarship Council.

- Jan 2013, Dr. Yang Yang, from Freiburg Univeristy, visited our group.

- 22 - 28 June 12, Jingshan, Guan Cao and Hongjin visited University of Lyon 1.

- 12 June 2012, our paper published by Scientific Report (a new NPG journal).

- Two papers by Luo Jinshan and Guan Cao are both accepted by
Advanced Materials. Congrats!

- 12 April 2012, Dr. Xia Xinhui joined in our group. 

- 20 June 2011, Liu Jinping's Adv Mater paper is highlighted on Nature Asia Materials.  See link here.

- June 2011, Dr. Cheng Chuanwei left for a professor position in Tongji Univ. Thank you for your contribution and keep contact.

- 13 Apr 2011. Liu Jinping attend the 1st RSC conference on Clean Energy and won the Best Poster Award. Congrats!

- Li Hongxin's work appears on the cover of Chem. Mater.)Congrats!

- Liu Jinping's paper was accepted by Adv. Mater. And Zhou Weiwei's paper was accepted by Adv. Funct. Mater. Congrats to both!

- Wang Yang left for a postdoc position in UC Los Angelas. Good luck and thank you for your contribution!

- 30 Aug 2010, Liu Jinping and Li Hongxin jioned our group as research fellows. WELCOME!

- 23 Aug 2010. Mr. Guan Cao, from Wuhan university, joined our group as PhD student.WELCOME!

- 16 Aug 10. Prof. Z. L. Wang visited our school and lab.

- Nacho, who came from Madrid, and had stayed with us for two months, returned to Spain. GOODBYE!

- Dr.Tao Junchao who has stayed with us for 2.5 months returned to Shanghai. GOODBYE!