function [varargout]=glags(n,alp) % x=glags(n,alp) returns n generalized Laguerre-Gauss points % [x,w]= glags(n,alp) returns n Generalized Laguerre-Gauss points and weights % [x,w,wf]=glagsrd(n,alp) also returns the weights (in wf) associated with generalized Laguerre % function approach (see (7.34) of the book). % Eigenmethod is used for computing nodes. % Use: glapoly( ); glafun(); % Last modified on Decemeber 21, 2011 J=diag(2*[0:n-1]+alp+1)+diag(-sqrt([1:n-1].*([1:n-1]+alp)),1)+diag(-sqrt([1:n-1].*([1:n-1]+alp)),-1); % (7.38) of the book r = sort(eig(sparse(J))); % Compute eigenvalues varargout{1}=r; if nargout==1, return; end; % Compute the weights (7.27) of the book y=glapoly(n-1,alp,r); gm=gammaln(n+alp)-log(n+alp)-gammaln(n+1);gm=exp(gm); varargout{2}=gm*r./(y.^2); if nargout==2, return; end; z=glafun(n-1,alp,r); varargout{3}=gm*r./(z.^2); % output weights related to Laguerre function approach. return