Current Doctoral Students
- Carol Mak: Nonparametric Involutive Markov Chain Monte Carlo, October 2017.
- Toby Cathcart Burn: Initial Limit Constrained Horn Clauses, October 2017. Co-supervised with Dr. Steven Ramsay, University of Bristol.
- Tom Mattinson: Automatic Density Compilation and Disintegration of Probabilistic Programs, October 2017.
- Dominik Wagner: Discontinuous Optimisation, Gradient Descent, and Differentiable Probabilistic Programming, October 2018. Co-supervised with Prof. Andrzej Murawski.
- Rolf Morel: Inductive Programming and Meta-interpretive Learning, October 2018. Co-supervised with Prof. Jeremy Gibbons and Dr. Andrew Cropper.
- Eddie Jones: Cyclic Equational Reasoning, October 2019. Co-supervised with Dr. Steven Ramsay, University of Bristol.
- Fabian Zaiser: Static Analysis, Quantisation and Approximate Bayesian Inference, October 2019.
- Andrew Kenyon-Roberts: Semantics of Probabilistic Lambda Calculus, October 2019.
- Diptarko Roy: Variance Reduction and Universal Probabilistic Programming, October 2020.
- Tim Reichelt: Variational Inference for Programs with Stochastic Support, October 2020. Co-supervised with Dr. Tom Rainforth.
- Guanyan Li: Verification of Probabilistic Computation, October 2020. Co-supervised with Prof. Andrzej Murawski.
- Oliver Goldstein: Topics in Probabilistic Programming, October 2021. Co-supervised with Prof. Jeremy Gibbons.
- Maria Craciun: Topics in Bayesian Statistical Probabilistic Programming, October 2021.
- Nathan Corbyn: Incremental Static Analysis
for Datalog-based Query Languages, October 2021. Co-supervised with Dr. Max Schaefer, GitHub; and Dr. Mario Alvarez Picallo, Huawei Research UK.
Doctoral Students Graduated
- Chih-Duo Hong: Symbolic Techniques for Parameterised Verification, University of Oxford DPhil 2022. Co-supervised with Prof. Anthony Lin. Examiners: Parosh Abdulla and Stefan Kiefer.
- Jennifer Jochems: Higher-order Constrained Horn Clauses for higher-order Program Verification, University of Oxford DPhil 2021. Examiners: Etaterina Komendantskaya and Andrzej Murawski.
- Mario Alvarez Picallo: Change Actions: from Incremental Computation to Discrete Derivatives, University of Oxford DPhil 2020.
Examiners: Sam Staton and Neel Krishnaswami.
Currently Software Engineer, Huawei Technologies R & D (UK).
- Marcelo de Sousa, Unfoldings and Partial Order Reductions, University of Oxford DPhil 2018. Co-supervised with Prof. Daniel Kroening.
- Lihao Liang, Verification of Interrupt-driven Software, University of Oxford DPhil 2018. Co-supervised with Prof. Daniel Kroening and Prof. Tom Melham.
Currently Software Engineeer, Google UK.
- Conrad Cotton-Barratt, Weak and Nested Class Memory Automata and Program Verification, University of Oxford DPhil 2017. Co-supervised with Dr. Andrzej Murawski.
Examiners: Prof. James Worrell and Dr. Nikos Tzevelekos.
Currently Quantitative Researcher, Jump Tradding LLC.
- David Landsberg, Measures and Methods in Statistical Fault Localisation, University of Oxford DPhil 2017. Co-supervised with Prof. Daniel Kroening.
- Egor Ianovski, Complexity of Computing Nash Equilibria of Boolean Games, University of Oxford DPhil, June 2016. Examiners: Prof. Jerome Lang and Prof. Michael Wooldridge.
Currently Associate Professor, St. Petersburg School of Economics and Management, Russia.
- Charles Grelois, Semantics of Linear Logic and Higher-Order Model Checking, March 2016. Université Paris Diderot PhD.
Co-supervised with Dr. Paul-Andre Mellies and Dr. Olivier Serre.
Currently Maître de Conférences at Université Aix-Marseille.
- Emanuele D'Osualdo, Automatic Verification of Actor-style Functional Concurrency, University of Oxford DPhil, August 2015. Examiners: Prof. Simon Gay and Prof. Hongseok Yang. \textbf{Winner, British Computer Society/CHCP Distinguished Dissertation Award 2016,
Currently Postdoctoral Researcher at Max Planck Institute for Software Systems.
- Martin Lester, Information Flow Analysis for a Dynamically Typed Language with Stage Metaprogramming, University of Oxford DPhil, July 2015. Examiners: Prof. Peter Thiemann and Prof. Michael Benedikt. Currently Lecturer in Computer Science, University of Reading.
- Jonathan Kochems, Decidable Models of Recursive Asynchronous Concurrency, University of Oxford DPhil, April 2015. Examiners: Prof. Rupak Majumdar and Prof. James Worrell.
Currently Quantitative Reseachers, J. P. Morgan.
- Chang Yan, A Computational Game-Theoretic Study of Reputation, University of Oxford DPhil Thesis, Trinity Term 2014. Co-supervised with Prof. John Quah. Examiners: Prof. Angel Sanchez and Prof. Michael Wooldridge.
- Robin Neatherway, Higher-Order Model Checking with Traversals, University of Oxford DPhil Thesis, Trinity Term 2014. Examiners: Dr. Dan Ghica and Prof. Daniel Kroening. First appointment: EPSRC-funded postdoctoral researcher, University of Oxford.
Currently Staff Software Engineer, Github.
- Steven Ramsay, Intersection Types and Higher-Order Model Checking, University of Oxford DPhil Thesis, Hilary Term 2014. Examiners: Prof. Martin Hofmann and Dr. Hongseok Yang.
Currently Lecturer in Computer Science, University of Bristol.
- Michael Vanden Boom, Weak Cost Automata over Infinite Trees, University of Oxford DPhil Thesis, 2012. Examiners: Prof. Mikolaj Bojanczyk and Prof. Michael Benedikt.
Currently Research Fellow, Department of Computer Science, University of Oxford.
- David Hopkins, Game Semantics Based Equivalence Checking of Higher-Order Functions, University of Oxford DPhil Thesis, 2012. Examiners: Prof. Guy McCusker and Dr. Hongseok Yang. Currently Software Engineer, Cisco, London.
- Christopher Broadbent, On Collapsible Pushdown Automata, their Graphs and the Power of Links, University of Oxford DPhil Thesis, 2011. Examiners: Prof. Colin Stirling and Prof. Joel Ouaknine.
First employment: Research Fellow, Foundation Sciences Mathématiques de Paris; currently Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Research Fellow, Technical University of Munich.
- Yong Xie, Game Composition, an Adjustable Commitment Folk Theorem, and Peer-to-peer Systems, University of Oxford DPhil Thesis, 2010. Examiners: Prof. Michael Wooldridge and Dr. Alexandru Baltag.
First employment: Quantitative Analyst, Wadhwani Asset Management, London.
- Matthew Hague, Saturation Methods for Global Model-Checking Pushdown Systems, University of Oxford DPhil Thesis, Hilary Term 2009. Examiners: Prof. Javier Esparza and Prof. James Worrell.
Currently Professor of Computer Science, Royal Holloway University of London.
- Sam Sanjabi, A Semantics for Aspects by Compositional Translation, University of Oxford DPhil Thesis, 2009. Examiners: Prof. Chris Hankin and Prof. Oege de Moor.
Currently Advisory Software Engineer, Toronto, Canada.
- William Blum, The Safe Lambda Calculus, University of Oxford DPhil Thesis, Michaelmas Term 2008. Examiners: Prof. Guy McCusker and Prof. Samson Abramsky.
Currently Senior Engineering Manager, Microsoft, Seattle USA.
- Jolie G. de Miranda, Structures Generated by Higher-Order Grammars and the Safety Constraint, University of Oxford DPhil Thesis, Trinity Term 2006. Examiners: Prof. Colin Stirling and Prof. Joel Ouaknine. First employment: Quantitative Analyst, Foreign Exchange, Royal Bank of Scotland.
- William Greenland, Game Semantics and Region Analysis, University of Oxford DPhil Thesis, Trinity Term 2005.
Currently Director of Instructional Analysis, University of Chicago.
- Andrzej S. Murawski: On Type-theoretic and Semantic Aspects of
Polynomial-time Computability, University of Oxford DPhil Thesis, Michaelmas Term 2001. Examiners: Prof. Martin Hyland and Prof. Samson Abramsky.
Currently Associate Professor of Computer Science, University of Oxford.
- Andrew D. Ker: Innocent Game Models of Untyped Lambda Calculus, University of Oxford DPhil Thesis, Hilary Term 2001. Currently Associate Professor of Computer Science, University of Oxford.
- Corin S. Pitcher: Functional Programming and Erratic Nondeterminism, University of Oxford DPhil Thesis, Trinity Term 2001. C
urrently Associate Professor, De Paul University, Chicago.
- Sula Ma, An Object-based Algebraic Specification Environment, University of Oxford DPhil Thesis, Trinity Term 2001.
- Corina Cirstea: Algebras and Co-algebras for Objects,
(Co-supervised with Dr. Grant Malcolm) University of Oxford DPhil Thesis, 2000.
Currently Lecturer in Computer Science, University of
- Dominic Hughes: Game Models of Polymorphism and Parametricity, University of Oxford DPhil Thesis, 2000. First employment: Research Fellow, Stanford University, USA.
- Charles A. Stewart: On the Formula-as-Type Correspondence of Classical Proofs, University of Oxford DPhil Thesis, 2000. First employment: Research Fellow, Artificial Intelligence Institute, Technical University of Dresden.
- Thong-Wei Koh: Internal Languages for *-Autonomous Categories, University of Oxford DPhil Thesis, 1998. Currently Founding Partner, Kinetic Laboratory, Chicago.