About me
I am Manager
(Bibliometrics Analysis) in Talent
Recruitment And Career Support (TRACS) Office
at Nanyang Technological University.
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Talent Recruitment And Career Support (TRACS) Office and Bibliometrics
Nanyang Technological
76 Nanyang Drive, Block N2.1, B4-01, Singapore, 637331
Phone: (65) 65923248
Fax: (65) 67912397
Email: mlgyu@ntu.edu.sg
Call for
Special Thematic Issue for the journal:
Medicinal Chemistry
on: Malnutrition
and Coronavirus Infection
Dear All:
I am invited
by Current Medicinal Chemistry (Impact Factor: 4.530) to contribute a
thematic issue on “coronavirus”. The tentative Scope of the thematic
issue will be “Malnutrition
and Coronavirus Infections”. My purpose is to include as many eminent
researchers who have publications relating human microbiota, nutrition and metabolic disorder
to coronavirus infection to perform an integrated effort in combating this
COVID-19 pandemic.
If you are
willing to contribute your manuscript to this thematic issue, the
submission link is: https://bentham.manuscriptpoint.com/submit/Submission/submissionForm/3421/m
(please kindly
register first). The submission deadline for
manuscript is 31 March
2022. You may send your manuscript via the above link from now up until
the deadline.
Thank you
very much in advance for your kind support!