Qu FENG    

Associate Professor of Economics

Head of Economics Division

School of Social Sciences

Nanyang Technological University, Singapore


SHHK-04-84, 48 Nanyang Avenue, Singapore 639818

Phone: +65 65921543;  Email: qfeng@ntu.edu.sg


Curriculum Vitae    

Research Interests:

Editorial Service

Journal Publications:     

1.      Nonstationary Panels with Multiple Structural Changes, with B. Baltagi, Wei Wang, forthcoming in Econometric Reviews

2.      A Narrative on Overseas Listings by Chinese Firms, with Shang-Jin Wei, G.L. Wu, Mengying Yuan, Singapore Economic Review, September 2024, Vol 69, Issue 05, 1811-1844.

3.      Trade Policy Review of Singapore, with S. Zhou, The World Economy, Vol 46, Issue 12, December 2023, pp. 3472-3481.

4.      Save Lives or Save Livelihoods? A Cross-country Analysis of COVID-19 Pandemic and Economic Growth, with Guiying Laura Wu, Mengying Yuan and Shihao Zhou, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 197, May 2022, pp. 221-256.

Appendix: Pandemic Containment Effectiveness (PCE) score for 100 countries

i) How to compare countries since the outbreak of pandemic (1 for the most effective, 100 for the worst)

ii) Biweekly PCE score (1.00 for the most effective, 0.00 for the worst)

5.      Energy Market Liberalization and Efficiency: Evidence from Singapore, with Shihao Zhou, Singapore Economic Review, June 2023, Vol 68, Issue 03, 651-669 (lead article).

6.      A Structural Estimation on the Return to Public Infrastructure Investment in China, with Guiying Laura Wu, Zhifeng Wang, Journal of Development Economics, 152, September 2021, 102672.

7.      Comparing Econometric Analyses with Machine Learning Approaches: A Study on Singapore Private Property Market, with Tingbin Bian, Jin Chen, Jingyi Li, Singapore Economic Review, December 2022, 67 (6), 1787-1810 (lead article).

8.      Wrong Skewness and Finite Sample Correction in the Normal-Half Normal Stochastic Frontier Model, with Jun Cai, WC Horrace and Guiying Laura Wu, Empirical Economics, June 2021, 60, pp. 2837-2866. 

9.      Do We Need Ramsey Taxation? Our Existing Taxes Are Largely Corrective, with Eric Yan and Yew-Kwang Ng, Economic Modelling, 94, January 2021, pp. 526-538.

10.  Productivity of Core Infrastructure Investment in China: An Input-Output Approach, with Zhifeng Wang, Guiying Laura Wu, the World Economy, December 2020, Vol 43, Issue 12, pp. 3384-3406.   

11.  Common Factors and Common Breaks in Panels: An Empirical Investigation, Economics Letters, February 2020, Vol.187, 108897.

12.  Structural Changes in Heterogeneous Panels with Endogenous Regressors, with B. Baltagi, Chihwa Kao, Journal of Applied Econometrics, October 2019, 34, pp. 883-892.

13.  Productivity Dynamics of Chinese Manufacturing Firms, with Guiying Laura Wu, Zhifeng Wang, Singapore Economic Review, September 2019, 64, pp. 899-919.

14.  On the Reverse Causality between Output and Infrastructure: the Case of China, with Guiying Laura Wu, Economic Modelling, August 2018, 74, pp. 97-104.

15.  Estimation of Heterogeneous Panels with Structural Breaks, with B. Baltagi, Chihwa Kao, Journal of Econometrics, March 2016, 191, pp.176-195.

16.  Bubble or Riddle? An Asset-Pricing Approach Evaluation on China's Housing Market, with Guiying Laura Wu, Economic Modelling, April 2015, 46, pp. 376-383.

17.  Does Local Governments’ Budget Deficit Push Up Housing Prices in China? with Guiying Laura Wu and Pei Li, China Economic Review, September 2015, 35, pp. 183-196.

18.  Estimating Technical Efficiency in Micro Panels, with WC Horrace, Economics Letters, Dec 2012, 117, pp. 730-733.

19.  A Lagrange Multiplier Test for Cross-sectional Dependence in a Fixed Effects Panel Data Model, with B. Baltagi, Chihwa Kao, Journal of Econometrics, Sept 2012, 170, pp. 164-177.

20.   Alternative Technical Efficiency Measures: Skew, Bias and Scale, with WC Horrace, Journal of Applied Econometrics, March 2012, 27, pp.253-268.

21.  Structural Changes and Regional Disparity in China's Inflation, with Terence T. Chong, Ning Zhang, Economics Bulletin, Feb 2011, Vol. 31 no.1 pp. 572-583.

22.  Testing for Sphericity in a Fixed Effects Panel Data Model , with B. Baltagi, Chihwa Kao, Econometrics Journal, Feb 2011, 14, pp. 25-47.

23.  Fixed-effect Estimation of Technical Efficiency with Time-invariant Dummies, with WC Horrace, Economics Letters, May 2007, 95, pp. 247-252.


            Large-Dimensional Panel Data Econometrics, with Chihwa Kao, World Scientific, September 2020.  

Working Papers:

1.      Robust Testing in High Dimensional Linear Models, with Sombut Jaidee, Guangming Pan, Wenjun Zhu

2.      Estimating Panel Data Models with Common Factors, with Wei Wang, Wenjie Wang, Mengying Yuan

3.      The Cost of Capital Market Distortions: Evidence from Chinese Overseas IPOs, with Shang-Jin Wei, Mengying Yuan, Guiying Laura Wu

4.      Digital Infrastructure and Productivity: Is China Catching Up with the US? with Zhifeng Wang, Guiying Laura Wu

5.      Efficiency Gains by Modified GMM Estimation in Linear Models under Heteroskedasticity, with Jan F. Kiviet





Zoom meeting:  https://ntu-sg.zoom.us/j/7983657608