(+65)6790 5599
Research Interests:
Apply sciences and economic theory to the design of customized and sustainable products, services and systems, strategic and multidisciplinary design optimization, advanced modeling and simulation, design for additive manufacturing/3D printing, embedded sensor design for 3D Printing, digital twins, and smart factory.
• Ph.D., Industrial Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, USA, May 2008
• M.S., Industrial Engineering, Hanyang University, South Korea, August
• B.S., Industrial Engineering, Hanyang University, South Korea, February 1992
• Associate Professor, The School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (9/2019 ~ Present)
• Assistant Professor, The School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (4/2011 ~ 8/2019)
• Executive Steering Committee, Abnormal Situation Management (ASM) Consortium (2/2012 ~ Present)
• SIMTech Associate, Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology (A*Star) (1/2013-12/2013)
• Postdoctoral Research Associate, The Department of Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering and The Department of Mechanical Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA (10/2009 ~ 3/2011)
• Postdoctoral Research Associate, The Department of Mechanical Engineering, The Texas A&M University, College Station, TX (7/2008 ~ 8/2009
• Research Assistant, Engineering Design & Optimization Group and the Laboratory of Intelligent Systems and Quality, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, Funded by NSF Grant No. IIS-0325402 (ITR Program)
(8/2003 ~ 5/2008)• Graduate Research Assistant, Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea (9/1993 ~ 6/1995)
Teaching Experience:
• M6401, Product Design and Development, NTU
• MA4823, Machine Intelligent, NTU
• MA4843, Strategic Management for Innovative Product Development, NTU
• MA2012, Creative Thinking and Design, NTU
• Teaching Assistant: ME 240 Product Dissection, the Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, Spring 2010, 2008.
• Lecturer: Computer language - Lotus 1-2-3, Hyundai Engineering and Construction Co. Ltd., Seoul, Korea (6/1994 ~ 8/1994).
Research Experience:
- Nanyang Technological University
• 3D Laser Additive Manufacturing for Customization and Sustainability
Objective: Develop a customized and sustainable design synthesis framework for light-weight materials, which engineers enable to perform the planning and development of customized products in 3D laser additive manufacturing environments.
• Design and Modeling of Fast Adaptable Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
Objective: Develop a fast adaptable UAV design technologies for agile, fuel efficient, and flexible structures that can be capable of adapting and operating in any environments.
• Service Design and Management for Plug-In-Hybrid Electric Vehicles in a Smart Grid
Objective: Develop a strategic demand response model to support energy efficient services for PHEVs in a smart grid.
- The Pennsylvania State University
• 3D Glasses Design and Development for 3D HDTV, LG Electronics USA funded (5/2010~12/2010)
Objective: Develop new 3D glasses for SG and PG types to utilize with their 3D HD Televisions
• EFFECTIVE: Exploring a Framework for Evaluating Coursers on Technology In Various Environments, National Science Foundation funded
Objective: Develop a framework for evaluating technological literacy courses and establish the foundation for a repository of technological literacy course materials based on the proposed framework.
• Global Product Architectures development and evaluation, Whirlpool Corporation
Objective: Develop a method and metrics to evaluate module-based product architectures using standardization index.
• An Information Management Infrastructure for Product Family Planning and Mass Customization, National Science Foundation funded
Objective: Investigate an information management infrastructure to support planning and development of families of engineered products and systems for mass customization including information technology challenges.
• Integration of Diagnostics into Ground Equipment, United States Marine Corps funded
Objective: Review available instrument, sensor and communications technologies to support USMC logistics transformation efforts, and suggest implementation strategies.
• Enabling Logistics with Portable and Wireless Technology, United States Marine Corps. funded
Objective: Evaluate portable wireless technology for efficiently enabling USMC logistic processes, resolve issues of bandwidth, wireless infrastructure and security in the supply and maintenance, optimize the data transmission between deployed USMC and USMC logistics, create IT implementation architecture for wireless, end-to-end USMC logistics.
- The Texas A&M University
• Knowledge and Methods for Universal Design
Objective: Develop fundamental knowledge and methods that enable better engineering design or products that satisfy the needs of people with limitations related to age or disabilities.
• Complex System Modeling and Evaluation
Objective: Develop a method for complex system modeling and evaluation based on functional models and systems dynamics
• Biomimetic Design Methods
Objective: Extend concepts from biological systems to engineering design and management by identifying natural phenomena for supporting product development and innovation.
- Hyundai Motor Company
• Drive-line and Structure Durability and Reliability Test Method for Commercial Vehicle
o Developed a new durability and reliability test method for drive-line and structural test using a field correlation method and customers’ driving patterns.
o Evaluated vehicle durability with DaimlerChrysler using acquired and analyzed data from vehicle Control Area Network and GPS.
• An Information Management System and a Computer-Aided Test System
o Developed a web-based information integration system for vehicle evaluation and analysis
o Developed a data acquisition and analysis system for drive-line durability test
• Field Correlation Test Method for Supporting the Proving Ground Test
o Developed field correlation test method for commercial vehicles
o Inter-corporate technical liason with nCode Ltd. (England) to correlate customers’ patterns to proving ground context.
- Hanyang University
o The optimal logistic schedules in a distribution center, LG funded.
o Reference manuals of simulation software Factor AIM.
• 2020 ASME Computers and Information in Engineering TC Leadership Award in Technical Areas of Advanced Modeling & Simulation in Discipline of Computer and Information in Engineering, Presented at ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Virtual Conference, August 17-19 2020.
• URECA Undergraduate Research Excellence Award 2020, URECA Programme, Nanyang Technological University, October 8, 2020 (supervision of Awardee, Mr Chen Lequn, undergraduate student).
• Most Cited Article Award 2019, International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing – Green Technology, Chua, Z.Y., Ahn, I.H. and Moon, S.K., 4(2), pp. 235-245, 2017.
• Outstanding Presenter Award, International Symposium on Precision Engineering and Sustainable Manufacturing (PRESM), Da Nang, Vietnam, July 10-13, 2019, Chua, P.C, Moon, S.K., and Joo, B.J., “Design of Production Systems for Scheduling in Smart Factory.”
• Best Paper for the Fourth Gaheon Academic Award 2018 for Journal of Computational Design and Engineering, Yao, X., Moon, S.K., and Bi, G., 4(2), 2017
• John Cheung Social Media Award 2018, ‘For the use of Wikis to enhance students’ capabilities for communication and collaboration,’ Nanyang Technological University, October 4, 2018.
• Best Paper Award on Design and CAE/ Automation Session, The 7th International Conference of Manufacturing Technology Engineers (ICMTE 2018), Seoul, Korea, 2-5 October 2018.
• Outstanding Presenter Award, International Symposium on Precision Engineering and Sustainable Manufacturing (PRESM), Da Nang, Vietnam, July 10-13, 2019, Chua, P.C, Moon, S.K., and Joo, B.J., “Design of Production Systems for Scheduling in Smart Factory.”
• Best Paper for the Fourth Gaheon Academic Award 2018 for Journal of Computational Design and Engineering, Yao, X., Moon, S.K., and Bi, G., 4(2), 2017
• John Cheung Social Media Award 2018, ‘For the use of Wikis to enhance students’ capabilities for communication and collaboration,’ Nanyang Technological University, October 4, 2018.
• Best Paper Award on Design and CAE/ Automation Session, The 7th International Conference of Manufacturing Technology Engineers (ICMTE 2018), Seoul, Korea, 2-5 October 2018.
• Outstanding World Researcher Award, The Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies (KOFST), November, 16, 2017.
• Outstanding Service and Contribution as Speaker at the inaugural Singapore Rail Technology Conference 2016, Singapore, November 18, 2016.
• Selected ASME Journal of Mechanical Design Featured Articles, Yao, X., Moon, S. K., and Bi, G, 138(4), 2016.
• Most Downloaded Article Award, International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing – Green Technology (Q1), November 2015.
• Reviewers’ Favourite Award, International Conference on Engineering Design, Milan, Italy, July 27-30, 2015.
• Outstanding World Researcher 2014, International Association of Multidisciplinary Research, May 2014.
• Short-listed for the Outstanding Paper Award, IEEE Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Bangkok, Thailand, December, 10-13, 2013.
• 6th Annual IIE Doctoral Student Colloquium, Nashville, TN, May 2007
• Best Rookie Award, Hyundai Motor Company, 1995
• Departmental scholarship, Hanyang University, 1990
• 9 Registered Patents (United States – 1, Korea – 8)
Research Activity:
• Member of ASME, IEEE, and Design Society.
• IEEE, Technology and Engineering Management Chapter, Singapore, Executive Committee (SP/2013 - Present)
- Chair (Jan., 2017 – Dec., 2018)
- Secretary (Jan., 2015 – Dec., 2016)
• ASME CIE Advanced Modeling and Simulation (AMS) Technical Committee (SU/2012 - Present)
- Chair (SU/2016 – Present)
- Vice Chair (SU/2014 – SU/2016)
- Secretary (SU/2013 - SU/2014)
- Session organizer and paper reviewer coordinator for Advanced Modeling and Simulation
- Session organizer and paper reviewer coordinator for Design, Simulation, Optimization for Additive Manufacturing
• ASME, IDETC, Design Automation Conference Committee (SU/2009 – Present)
- Session organizer and paper reviewer coordinator for Product-Service Systems Design and Optimization.
- Session review co-coordinator, Product Family and Platform Design
• Program Co-Chair, 2017 ISPE International Conference on Transdisciplinary Engineering (TE2017), Singapore, July 10-13, 2017.
• Special session organizer and chair for Modeling, Simulation, and Optimization for 3D Printing, The 18th International Conference on Industrial Engineering (IJIE 2016), Seoul, Korea, October 10-12, 2016.
• International Technical Program Committees, International Conference on 3D Materials Science and Technology (3DMST 2016), Singapore, August 18-20, 2016.
• Subcommittee and session chair, 2nd International Conference on Progress in Additive Manufacturing (Pro-AM), Singapore, May 17-19, 2016.
• International Program Committee, 3rd International Conference on Sustainable Design and Manufacturing, Chania, Crete, Greece, April 4-6, 2016
• Technical Committee, International Conference on Design Engineering and Science (ICDES), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, February 27-29 2016.
• Program committee, The 2015 Asia 6 Universities Joint Design Workshop, Supported and Sponsored by Hitachi, Japan, June 29 – July 3, 2015, Singapore
• Local Arrangement Chair, Organizing Committee, 3rd Asia-Korea Conference on Science and Technology, Singapore, November 21-23, 2013.
• Program committee, CU-NCKU-NTU Joint Design Workshop, Supported and Sponsored by Toshiba Corporation, Japan, July 15-19, 2013, Singapore
• Asian Liaison Committee, International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED), Seoul Korea, August 19-22, 2013.
• Program Committee, Engineering Design Workshop, Seoul and Daejeon Korea, June 25-27, 2012.
• Session review coordinator, Product Architecture Design Method, International Conference on Design Theory and Methodology, ASME, 2009.
• Session review coordinator, Widely Application Techniques for Improving Design Practice in Industry, International Conference on Design Theory and Methodology, ASME, 2009
• Editorial Board Membership:
- Editorial Board, Journal of Computational Design and Engineering (2015 - Present)
- Editorial Board, Journal of the Society of Korea Industrial and Systems Engineering (2015 - Present)
• Reviewer (Journals and Conferences):
- Advanced Engineering Informatics
- Artificial intelligent for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing
- ASME Transactions, Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering
- ASME Transactions, Journal of Mechanical Design
- Computer-Aided Design
- Decision Support Systems
- Engineering Optimization
- IEEE Access
- IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management
- IIE Transactions
- International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing
- International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing – Green Technology
- International Journal of Product Development
- International Journal of Production Research
- Journal of Engineering Design
- Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing
- Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology
- Materials and Design
- Research in Engineering Design
- Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing
- Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization
- Sustainability
- Systems Engineering
- Virtual and Physical Prototyping
1. Bae, K.H, Bae, S.J., Jung, T.S., Her, J.Y., Moon, S.K., Song, S.H., and Lee, S.S., ‘Smart Factory Management,’ Ministry of SMEs and Startups, South Korea, April, 2018 (Korean language version)
2. Oh, H.Y., Yoo, J., Moon, S.K., and Kang, K., Service Engineering: Design and Management of Service Processes (Korean version), Hankungsa, Seoul, Korea, 2012
Book Chapters:
1. Moon, S.K. and Simpson, T.W., “Platform Valuation for Product Family Design,” Advances in Product Family and Product Platform Design, 2nd Editions, edited by, Simpson, T.W., Jiao, J,, Siddique, Z., and Hölttä-Otto, K., Springer, London, UK, 2014.
2. Moon, S.K., Simpson, T.W., Shu, J. and Kumara, S.R.T., “A Platform Identification Method for Service Family Design using a Process Model and a Clustering Method,” Mass Customization-Engineering and Managing Global Operations, edited by Flavio S. Fogliatto and Giovani J. C. da Silbeira, Springer, London, UK, pp. 151-170, 2011.
3. Moon, S.K., Simpson, T.W., and Kumara, S.R.T., “A Multi-Agent System for Recommending Customized Families of Products,” Mass Customization for Personalized Communication Environments: Integrating Human Factors, edited by Constantinos Mourlas and Panagiotis Germanakos, IGI Global, Hershey, PA, pp. 35-48, 2010
4. Moon, S.K., Chang, X., Terpenny. J., Simpson, T.W., and Kumara, S.R.T., “Toward a Knowledge Support System for Product Family Design,” Handbook of Research on Mass Customization and Personalization, Volume 1, edited by Frank T. Piller & Mitchell M. Tseng, World Scientific Press, Hackensack, NJ, pp. 297-318, 2009.
5. Moon, S.K., Simpson, T.W., and Kumara, S.R.T., “Market-based Strategic Platform Design for a Product Family Using a Bayesian Game,” Handbook of Research on Mass Customization and Personalization, Volume 1, edited by Frank T. Piller & Mitchell M. Tseng, World Scientific Press, Hackensack, NJ, pp. 338-356, 2009.
6. Moon, S.K., Simpson, T.W., and Kumara, S.R.T., “A Data Mining Methodology in Product Family Design,” Encyclopedia of Data Warehousing and Mining, 2nd Edition, Idea Group Reference, Hershey, PA, pp. 497-505, 2008.