(+65)9222 1350
Research Interests:
Decision support system for product family design, product development process optimization and additive manufacturing
1. Lei, N. R. , Moon, S. K, Bi, GJ (2013) ‘Additive Manufacturing and Topology Optimization to Support Product Family Design’ in Advanced Research in Virtual and Rapid Prototyping, Leiria, Portugal, pp. accepted.
2. Lei, N. R. , Moon, S. K, Bi, GJ (2013) ‘An Additive Manufacturing Resource Process Model for Product Family Design’ in Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, IEEE International Conference, Bangkok, Thailand, pp. accepted, short-listed for the Outstanding Paper Award.
3. Lei, N. R. and Moon, S. K. (2013) ‘A decision support system for market segment driven product design’in International Conference on Engineering Design, ICED13, Seoul, South Korea.
4. Lei, N. R. and Moon, S. K. (2012) ‘Objective product family design analysis using self-organization map’ in Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, IEEE International Conference, Hong Kong, China, pp. Ahead of print.