Dr Richard D. WEBSTER
Division of Chemistry and Biological Chemistry
School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
21 Nanyang Link, SPMS-CBC-04-06
Nanyang Technological University
E-mail: webster@ntu.edu.sg
Tel: (+65) 6316 8793
Fax: (+65) 6791 1961
Educational and Professional Qualifications
PhD Chemistry, La Trobe University, Australia
B.Sc(Honours) Chemistry, La Trobe University, Australia
B.Sc Chemistry and Geology, University of Auckland, New Zealand
Professional Memberships and Positions
Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC)
Member of the International Society of Electrochemistry
Australian Research Council QEII Fellow (ANU)
Ramsay Memorial Postdoctoral Fellow (Oxford)
1993 - 1996
1987 - 1990
2014 - Present
2011 - Present
2001 - 2006
1996 - 1998

Molecular Electrochemistry
Many organic and inorganic compounds can be reduced or oxidised at electrode surfaces. The electron transfer reactions are often coupled with homogeneous chemical steps (such as proton transfers). We are interested in determining the exact order that the electron transfer and chemical steps occur, and calculating the kinetic parameters associated with the transformations (particularly for biological molecules such as vitamins and coenzymes). Sometimes the species produced during the electron transfer reactions are short-lived (such as radical anions and cations); therefore, in situ spectroscopic methods are utilised in order to identify reactive intermediates. We are also very interested in determining the effect of trace water on voltammetric mechanisms, because electrochemical experiments are often carried out in non-aqueous solvents that contain low levels of water.
Environmental Chemistry
The quality of the air that we breathe is critical to our health and well-being. Therefore, it is essential that the chemical composition of the atmosphere is known as closely as possible. Singapore, like many modern cities, suffers air quality problems due to extensive industry and motor vehicle traffic. South East Asia also has problems due to atmospheric haze brought about by slash-and-burn practices of farmers. We are interested in monitoring the air quality in Singapore to determine the levels of atmospheric chemicals (natural and anthropogenic). From an environmental perspective, we are also interested in using electrochemistry such as in electrolysis methods for water purification and carbon dioxide reduction, developing electrochemically charged membranes for separations, and new molecular systems for redox flow batteries.

Book Chapters
Webster, R.D.
Electrochemical Modeling of Biological Processes.
Hammerich, O.; Speiser, B. Eds.
Organic Electrochemistry, 5th Edition, 2015, CRC Press, Chapter 40, pp 1543-1567.
ISBN 9781420084016

Edited Journals
Webster, R.D.
Editorial Overview: Electrochemistry for the Environment - New Developments and Roadblocks to Progress.
Compton, R. G.: Kim, H. Eds.
Current Opinion in Electrochemistry, 2020, 22, A1-A2.
Journal Publications
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