Text Box: Be bold, be bold, everywhere be bold, but be not too bold!


Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: David_LOU  David LOU XW  (楼雄文)


    Email: xwlou@ntu.edu.sg 

    Professor (since September 2015)

    Cheng Tsang Man Chair Professor in Energy (January 2019 – December 2021)

    Associate Professor (9/2013 – 8/2015)

    Assistant Professor (5/2008 – 8/2013)


   School of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering

   Nanyang Technological University, Singapore





Ph.D in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering:  May 2008        

Minor in Chemistry



M. Eng in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering: July 2004      

B. Eng (1st Class Honours) in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering: July 2002        




·    Elected Fellow of Singapore National Academy of Science                                                                             August  2022 

·    Elected Fellow of Academy of Engineering, Singapore                                                                                    June 2022

·    High cited researcher (in Chemistry, Materials Science & Environment) by Clarivate Analytics    November 2022

·    Highly cited researcher (in Chemistry, Materials Science & Physics) by Clarivate Analytics         November 16, 2021

·    Highly cited researcher (in Chemistry & Materials Science) by Clarivate Analytics                        November 18, 2020

·    Highly cited researcher (in Chemistry & Materials Science) by Clarivate Analytics                        November 2019

·    Highly cited researcher (in Chemistry & Materials Science) by Clarivate Analytics                        November 2018

·    Energy & Environmental Science Readers’ Choice Lectureship Award 2017                                 December 2017                                            

·    Highly cited researcher (in Chemistry & Materials Science) by Clarivate Analytics (Previously Thomson Reuters)     16 November 2017

·    Fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC)                                                                                              2017 March

·    Highly cited researcher (in Chemistry, Materials Science, & Environment) by Thomson Reuters               2016 November

·    Singapore National Research Foundation (NRF) Investigatorship                                          2015

·    Highly cited researcher (in Chemistry & Materials Science) by Thomson Reuters               2015

·    Highly cited researcher (in Materials Science) by Thomson Reuters                                      2014

·    IUPAC- Prof. Jiang Novel Materials Youth Prize                                                                         October 2013

·    World Cultural Council (WCC) special recognition award                                                         October 2013

·    Asian Rising Star                                                  15th Asian Chemical Congress                       August 2013

·    Nanyang Award 2012 for research excellence                  NTU, Singapore                                     March 2013

·    Young Scientist Award 2012                                  Singapore National Academy of Science     October 2012

·    TR35@Singapore 2012                                           MIT Technology Review & Cyber Media Singapore   2012

·    Liu Memorial Award                                          CORNELL UNIVERSITY            2008

·    Austin Hooey Prize                                            CORNELL UNIVERSITY            2008

·    Publication Awards (Merit)                                   IES, Singapore                               2002         

·    Participation in 52nd Lindau Meeting of Nobel Laureates  Supported by A*STAR        July 2002                                     

·    ESSO Gold Medal                                                  NUS, Singapore                      2001

·    Chemical Engineering Class of ’87 Prize               NUS, Singapore                                   2001

·    TATE & LYLE Sugar Refineries Book Prize            NUS, Singapore                      2001

·    Dean’s List                                                            NUS, Singapore                        1999 – 2001





     Google Scholar: http://scholar.google.com.sg/citations?user=udR2CyAAAAAJ   The publication list in Google Scholar is verified.


David Lou will move to the City University of Hong Kong in 2023.

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