

Ph.D., Computational Engineering Design Center, School of Engineering Science, University of Southampton, United Kingdom, Completed in 2002

M.Eng., Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, 1999

B.Eng.(1st Class Honours), Electrical & Electronics Eng., Nanyang Technological University, 1998


Chief Artificial Intelligence (CAS) Scientist of A*Star, From 1 May 2019

President's Chair Professor in Computer Science, Nanyang Technological University, From 1 April 2019

International Advisor, Australian Artificial Intelligence Institute (AAII), University of Technology Sydney, Australia, From August 2020

Member of the BP plc Technology Advisory Council, London UK, 2019-2022

Visiting Professor, Imperial College London, UK, 2019-2022

Visiting Professorial Fellow, University of New South Wales, Australia, 2017-2020

Director, Singtel-NTU Cognitive & Artificial Intelligence Joint Lab, 2018-Present

Director, Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Research Center, 2016-Present

Director, A*Star SIMTECH-NTU Joint Lab on Complex Systems, August 2013-Present

Chair, School of Computer Science and Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Jan 2016 - Aug 2018

Programme Principal Investigator, Rolls-Royce@NTU Corporate Lab on Data Analytics & Complex Systems, August 2013-2016

Director, Centre for Computational Intelligence, 1 July 2008-Jan 2015

Professor, Nanyang Technological University, Since September 2015

Associate Professor, Nanyang Technological University, April 2008 - August 2015

Deputy Director, Emerging Research Laboratory, 2005 - June 2008

Assistant Professor, Nanyang Technological University, 2003 - 2008

Temporary Assistant Professor, Nanyang Technological University, 2002

Visiting Professorship, School of Computer Sciences Jubilee Campus, University of Nottingham, United Kingdom, Dec  2006

Visiting Professor/Scientist, Honda Research Institute Europe, Offenbach, Germany, May - July 2005

Visiting Professor, CERCIA, School of Computer Science, University of Birmingham, United Kingdom, Dec 2003 - Jan 2004

Research Scholar, School of Engineering Sciences, University of Southampton, Sponsored by the British Aerospace Engineering-Rolls Royce University Technology Partnership, United Kingdom, 1999-2002

Software Engineer, Systems and Computer Organisation, Defense Science Technology Agency, Singapore, 1999-2000

Engineering Assistant, General Motors, Singapore, 1995-1996


IEEE Computational Intelligence Fellow Chair, 2024-2025

IEEE Computational Intelligence Society Distinguished Lecturer, 2024-2026

IEEE Transaction on Evolutionary Computation Outstanding Paper Award, 2024

Global MOOC and Online Education Alliance Awards (GMAA) co-organized by UNESCO, 2023

IEEE Transaction on Evolutionary Computation Outstanding Paper Award, 2023

AI fellow, A*Star, 2022

National Day Honours, The Public Administration Medal (Silver), 2019

IEEE Transaction on Evolutionary Computation Outstanding Paper Award, 2019

Fellow of IEEE, 2018

Founding Editor-In-Chief of the IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence, 2017-Present

Web of Science Highly Cited Researcher, 2016

Thomson Reuters Highly Cited Researcher, 2016

World's Most Influential Scientific Minds, 2015

Thomson Reuters Highly Cited Researcher, 2015

Nanyang Education Excellence Award (University), 2016

IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine Outstanding Paper Award, 2015

Research Commercialization Award, NTUitive, 2015

Nanyang Education Excellence Award (College of Engineering), 2015.

Featured in Nanyang Chronicle Issue: Vol. 20 No. 8 in Feb 2014 as a new wave of pedagogical in teaching and for innovative use of technology to improve Teaching.

IEEE Transaction on Evolutionary Computation Outstanding Paper Award, 2012

Fellow of Renaissance Engineering Programme, College of Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, 2011-, 2017-

Nanyang Award for Service (Team Work), 2010

International Conference on Computational Problem-Solving Best Student Paper Award, 2010

Most Popular Lecturer Award, Year 4, 2009

Featured in Bright Minds Magazine: ‘Turning Stones into Diamonds’ , 2009

Nanyang Award for Teaching Excellence, 2008

Tan Chin Tuan Exchange Fellowship in Engineering, MIT Visiting Professor, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, 2007.

Collaboration Development Award - Grid Computing/e-Science, British High Commission, 2006

Visiting Professorship, Honda Research Institute Europe, Germany, 2005

Grid Innovation Award & Applications Competition, Grid Application Kit (GAD Kit), Singapore 2004

Outbound Attachment Award, Agency for Science, Technology and Research, Singapore, 2003

University Technology Partnership Scholarship, EPSRC, British Aerospace Engineering & Rolls-Royce, United Kingdom, 2000-2003

National Science and Technology Board PTI Scheme Award, Singapore, 1998

Philip's Prize Award for Outstanding Academic Performance, Singapore, 1992

Awards & Achievements of Students and Mentees

"NTU Kumar Sustainability & Innovation Prize" 2023, 2nd runner up, Team comprising of Lokeshh Sampath, Amelia Choong Rui Lin, Param Srinivasan, Tong Ying and Ashish Chugh.

"Winner of the Graduate College Innovation and Entrepreneurship Award" 2023-2024, Lin FanFan.

"Singapore Amazing Flying Machine Competition", 3rd position in the Category D1 competition 2022, Team comprising of Chan Ming Han, Chan Shawn Keng Kiat, Wong Yu Fei, Lim Sui Kiat and Wayne Tan Jing Heng.

"2020 Competition on Constrained Multi-objective Optimization Winner", 2020 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, Team comprising of Jiawei Yuan, Hai-Lin Liu, Yew-Soon Ong, Yaqi Pang, Zhaoshui He.

"Winners of Best of Show Award and Visitors’ Choice Award", IMDA's Youth Innovation Showcase and Awards 2019, Team Whizz comprising of Fong Kuo Xin Anthony, Foo Mawqing Melvin, Ho Li Ting Valerie, Victor Gwee De Ming and Vivienne Chong Yu Jing.

"Winner of the 2015 Shell Ideas360 Compeitition", Alex, May and Nitya of Team Renaissance have been officially recognised as some of the brightest young minds in innovation!.

"MHA SAFE Gold Award 2015", Ng Ang Hui, Joyce Ng Hui Shuen, Yong Wei Siong, May Lim Mei Ling, Ho Jun Yi, Hillary Yap Lok Lee.

"First Prize Winner of Samsung Mobile Games Challenge", 2014, Hou YaQing.

"An Evolutionary Model for Constructing Robust Trust Networks", Nominated for Best Paper Award in The Twelfth International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS2013), 2013, Jiang SiWei.

"Second Prize in ACM-ICPC Asia Hatyai Regional Programming Contest", Proceeding to World Final, Prince of Songkla University (PSU), Hatyai, Songkla, Thailand, 2013, Coach Zhai Yiteng.

DragonVenture, Inc., United States Scholarship Award, 2013, Zhai Yiteng.

"ICDM2012 NSF Student Travel Award, ICDM 2012 conference in Brussels, Belgium, Seah Chun Wei.

"An Improved CUDA-Based Implementation of Differential Evolution on GPU", Nominated for ACM Genetic and Evolutionary Computations Best Paper Award in DETA/PES/BIO Track, 2012, Qin kai.

IEEE Transaction on Evolutionary Computation Outstanding Paper Award, 2012, Nguyen Quang Huy.

International Conference on Machine Learning Student Travel Scholarship Awards, 2012, Zhai YiTeng.

IEEE computational intelligence society CIS student Travel grants for the IEEE WCCI conference, 2012, Feng Liang.

IEEE computational intelligence society CIS student Travel grants for the IEEE WCCI conference, 2012, Daniel Huang.

"An Evolutionary Search Paradigm that Learns with Past Experiences", Nominated for IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation Best Student Paper Award conference, 2012, Feng Liang.

"Autonomous Flocks Applied To Non-Photo Realistic Rendering", Nominated for IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation Best Student Paper Award conference, 2012, Daniel Huang.

International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagents Systems Student Travel Grant, 2012, Jiang Siwei.

DragonVenture, Inc., United States Scholarship Award, 2012, Jiang Siwei.

Research-Enabled Game Dark-Dots beat popular apps and games such as Facebook, What’s App, Angry Birds and Bejeweled!, 2011, Ho CHoon Sing. It was the top action game in 48 countries including USA, China and Singapore; downloaded by well over 448,000 players worldwide, with 27% of its players from China and 17% from the USA. Presently covered by Straits Times's Digital Life section on the research technologies used.

Machine Learning Summer School Student Scholarship, NUS, Singapore, 2011, Zhai Yiteng.

IEEE computational intelligence society Walter Karplus Summer Research Grant, 2011, Mostafa Mostafa Hashim Ellabaan, Visiting Boston University.

Best Student Paper Award, International Conference on Computational Problem-Solving, 2010, Doan, V.K.

Singapore Computer Society Information Technology Youth Award, 2010, Pan Zhengxiang.

Champion at the Youth Research Program’s 5th Anniversary Challenge 2009, Pan Zhengxiang.

First Youth's innovation (IT) for Singapore Asian Youth Games accepted by SAYGOC committee, 2009, Pan Zhengxiang.

Best paper Award Nomination, "Adaptation for parallel memetic algorithm based on population entropy", Proceedings of the 8th annual conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation, 2006, Tang Jing.

Publication Award Student Category, "A hybrid Ant Colony Optimization for Path Planning", The Institute of Engineers, Singapore, 2004, Lim Kwee Kim.