Welcome to Dr. Xue's Group


Our research interests focus on

1. Anisotropic metal nanostructures

Synthesis of nanoprism-based gold/silver nanostructures
Tuning surface plasmon resonance (SPR) by tailoring metal nanostructures
Coating metal nanocrystals with a dielectric layer(Silica) or a semiconductor layer
SPR-driven light-harvesting and photocatalytic reactions
SPR-based dielectric sensing


2. Metal-Semiconductor Hetero-nanostructures

Fabrication of hetero-nanoparticles of metal and metal oxide nanocrystals
Plasmon-drive charge transfer in metal-semiconductor heteronanostructures
Plasmon-enhanced photocatalytic water splitting
Multilayer hetero-junctions for photoelectrochemical water splitting


Dr. Xue Research Group    School of Materials Science and Engineering    Nanyang Technological University