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Zhiping (Penn) LIN received the B.Eng. degree in control engineering from South China Institute of Technology, Canton, China in 1982 and the Ph.D. degree in information engineering from the University of Cambridge, England in 1987. He was with the University of Calgary, Canada for 1987-1988, with Shantou University, China for 1988-1993, and with DSO National Laboratories, Singapore for 1993-1999. Since 1999, he has been with Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore. He is a Program Director at Centre for Bio Devices and Signal Analysis, NTU. Dr. Lin was the Editor-in-Chief of Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing for 2011 – 2015, after being in its editorial board since 1993. He was an Associate Editor of Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing for 2000-2007 and an Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems - II for 2010-2011. He was a reviewer for Mathematical Reviews for 2011-2013. He is currently a Subject Editor and a Guest Editor of the Journal of the Franklin Institute and an editorial board member of Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing. His research interests include multidimensional systems and signal processing, statistical and biomedical signal processing, and machine learning. He is the co-author of the 2007 Young Author Best Paper Award from the IEEE Signal Processing Society, Distinguished Lecturer of the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society for 2007-2008, and received the Best Paper Awards at ELM 2015 and ELM 2017.

For the full CV, please down it from the link below:



Professional Memberships

Senior Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) (2000 – Present)

Member, IEEE Circuits and Systems Society

Member, IEEE Signal Processing Society





(a)  2011 - 2015: Editor-in-Chief,  Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing

(b)  2015 - present: Subject Editor (Multidimensional Signal Processing and Machine Learning), Journal of The Franklin Institute

(c)  2016 - 2018: Guest Editor, Special Issue on “Advances in Machine Learning for Signal Analysis and Processing,” in Journal of The Franklin Institute

(d)  2014 - 2015: Associate Editor, Journal of The Franklin Institute

(e)  2016 – present: Editorial Board Member,  Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing

(f)    2014 - 2015: Lead Guest Editor, Special Issue on “Extreme Learning Machine on High Dimension and Large Data Applications,” in Mathematical Problems in Engineering

(g)  2005 - 2010: Co-Editor,  Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing

(h)  2010 -2011: Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II

(i)    1993 – 2004: Editorial Board Member,  Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing

(j)    2000 - 2007: Associate Editor, Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing

(k)  2001: Guest Editor, Special Issue on “Applications of Grobner Bases to Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing”, in Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing




 2007-2008                    Serve as Distinguished Lecturer, Circuits and Systems Society, IEEE

 2003                             Outstanding Reviewer, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I

 2000                               Listed in the Marquis Who’s Who in Science and Engineering

 1999                              Listed in the Marquis Who’s Who in the World

1998                             Plenary address at the First International Workshop on Multidimensional Systems, Poland

2011                             Plenary address at the Seventh International Workshop on Multidimensional Systems, France





(a)     Total number of citations: 1925, H-index: 21 (by SCI);


(b)    Total number of citations: 5670, H-index: 39 (by Google Scholar)





(a)   1983-1987: Received a scholarship for studying overseas towards a PhD degree from the Chinese Government (this award was given to those who won a nationwide competition in 1982).



(b)   1983-1986: Received an Overseas Research Student award from the Committee of Vice Chancellors and Principals of the U.K. (this award was given to outstanding overseas PhD students studying in a U.K. university).



(c)   2007 IEEE Signal Processing Society Young Author Best Paper Award (to Qiyue Zou, a former Master student) for the paper co-authored by Q. Zou, Z. Lin and R.J. Ober, “The Cramer Rao lower bound for bilinear systems,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, USA, vol. 54, pp. 1666-1680, May, 2006.


(d)   2011-2020: The patent of “Method of predicting acute cardiopulmonary events and survivability of a patient” was awarded a license by ZOLL Medical Corporation, USA (to Marcus Ong Eng Hock (SGH), Lin Zhiping, Ser Wee, Huang Guangbin).


(e)   2015: Best paper award at the International Conf. on Extreme Learning Machines 2015 (ELM 2015), Hangzhou, China, 15 – 17, Dec. 2015, for the paper co-authored by Beom-Seok Oh, Lei Sun, Chung Soo Ahn, Yong Kiang Yeo, Yan Yang, Liu Nan and Zhiping Lin, entitled “Extreme Learning Machine based Mutual Information Estimation with Application to Time-Series Change-points Detection”.


(a)   2016: Meritorious Paper Award (Ranked 22nd in 1200 Submissions) for the paper co-authored by Tianchi Liu, Zhiping Lin, Marcus Eng Hock Ong, Zhi Xiong Koh, Pin Pin Pek, Yong Kiang Yeo, Beom-Seok Oh, Andrew Fu Wah Ho and Nan Liu, “Manifold Ranking Based Scoring System with Its Application to Cardiac Arrest Prediction: A Retrospective Study in Emergency Department Patients,” Computers in Biology and Medicine, vol. 67, pp. 74-82, 2015. 2015.


(b)   2017: Best paper award at the International Conf. on Extreme Learning Machines 2017 (ELM 2017), Yantai, China, 4 – 7, Oct. 2017, for the paper co-authored by Kun Qin, Lei Sun, Shengmin Zhou, Badong Chen, Beom-Seok Oh and Zhiping Lin, entitled “A Normalized Mutual Information Estimator Compensating Variance Fluctuations for Motion Detection”.



1997     Z. Lin, “Automatic meter reading systems,” U.K. Patent No. 2,284,961, Sep., 1997

 2010     E. H. Ong, Z. Lin, W. Ser and G.-B. Huang, “Method of predicting acute cardiopulmonary events and survivability of a patient,” US patent No. 8,932,220


2017     Zhiping Lin, Yong Kiang Yeo, Jianmin Zhang, Wee Ser, and Yenpo Tai, “System and method for health condition monitoring,” Singapore patent (filed on 30 October, 2017).






(a)     2013: General Chair of the Ninth International Conference on Information, Communications and Signal Processing (ICICS), Tainan, Taiwan


(b)    2001: Program Co-Chair of the Third International Conference on Information, Communications and Signal Processing (ICICS), Singapore

(b)   2003: General Vice-Chair of the Fourth ICICS, Singapore

(c)    2006: Finance Chair of IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems (APCCAS), Singapore

(d) 2008: Tutorial speaker of IEEE APCCAS, Macao, China

(e)   Session Chair for IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS) 2001, 2003-2007, 2009 - 2018 and several other international conferences

(f)    Special Session Organizer for IEEE ISCAS’s 2001, 2003, 2005, 2015; ICIP 2004, ICARCV 2000

(g)    Program Committee Member for IEEE ISCAS’s 2001 – 2005, 2008 - 2018 and several other international conferences


      (a)    Member of DSP Technical Committee, Circuits and Systems Society, IEEE, 2001 – present

(b)   Member of Life Science and Systems Applications Technical Committee, Circuits and Systems Society, IEEE, 2005 – present

(c)    Vice Chair of Singapore Chapter of Circuits and Systems, IEEE,  2006

      (d)    Chair of Singapore Chapter of Circuits and   Systems, IEEE, 2007 – 2008

Invited presentations at CONFERENCES


IEEE ISCAS’s 1999, 2001, 2003, 2005, 2015; IEEE ICIP 2004; MTNS’s 2000, 2006, Telethealth 2007, IEEE APCCAS 2008 and several other international conferences




(a)  IEEE Circuits and Systems Society Distinguished Lecture:

(1)    Carlton University, Ottawa, Canada, June, 2007;

(2)    Concordia University, Montreal, Canada, June, 2007;

(3)    National University of Singapore, Singapore, October, 2007;

(4)    National Sun Yat-Sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, December, 2007;

(5)    National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan, December, 2007;

(6)    Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China, June, 2008;

(7)    Ajou University, Seoul, Korea, September, 2008;

(8)    Macao University, Macao, China, December, 2008.


(b)  Other invited seminars:

(1)    Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan, May, 2005;

(2)    University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, Texas, USA, May, 2005;

(3)    University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China, May, 2005;

(4)    Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing, China, June, 2008.

(5)    National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, May, 2009;

(6)    Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong, China, September, 2010;

(7)    Zhejiang University of Technology, Hangzhou, China, November, 2011;

(8)    Hangzhou Dianzi University, Hangzhou, China, November, 2011;

(9)    Shanghai University, Shanghai, China, November, 2011;

(10)                        Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing, China, June, 2012.

(11)                        Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Beijing, China, November, 2013;

(12)                        South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China, June, 2014;

(13)                        Hangzhou Dianzi University, Hangzhou, China, November, 2015;

(14)                        Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Beijing, China, October, 2016;

(15)                        Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing, China, October, 2016

(16)                        Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, China, June, 2017;

(17)                        Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen, China, October, 2017;

(18)                        Shenzhen University, Shenzhen, China, October, 2017




(a)    The Israel Science Foundation

(b)    IEEE Transactions on Acoustic, Speech and Signal Processing

(c)    IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing

(d)    IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems (I, II)

(e)    IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control

(f)     IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems

(g)    IEEE Transactions on Antenna and Propagation

(h)    IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging

(i)     IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks

(j)     IEEE Signal Processing Letters

(k)    IEE Proceedings of Vision, Image and Signal Processing

(l)     IEE Proc. Radar, Sonar & Navigation

(m)  IEE Proceedings of Control Theory & Applications

(n)    IEE Electronics Letters

(o)    IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals

(p)    Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing

(q)    Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing

(r)     Image and Vision Computing

(s)     Digital Signal Processing: A Review Journal

(t)     Journal of Magnetic Resonance

(u)    International Journal of Control

(v)    Journal of the Franklin Institute

(w)  Automatica

(x)    EURASIP Journal of Applied Signal Processing

(y)    Mathematics of Control, Systems and Signals

(z)    International Journal of Systems Science

(aa) International Journal of Robust & Nonlinear Control

(bb)                        Neurocomputing

(cc) Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part I, J. of Systems and Control Engg.