Tianwei Zhang

Associate Professor
College of Computing and Data Science
Nanyang Technological University
Office: Blk N4, 02a-15, 50 Nanyang Ave, Singapore 639798
Tel: +65 67906277


I am an associate professor of College of Computing and Data Science at Nanyang Technological University. I received my Ph.D in Department of Electrical Engineering at Princeton University, and Bachelor's degree in Physics at Peking University.

I have a broad interest in building trustworthy, efficient and intelligent systems. I do research mainly for fun. I find great satisfactory in seeing interesting ideas take shape, being concretely implemented, validated, and well-documented—far more rewarding than simply getting them published.

I teach cyber security related courses for undergraduate students and master students at NTU. I am truly enjoying working with a team of brillient PhD students and research staffs, and exploring the unknown world together. I feel much happier seeing them achieve greater success than achieving it myself. In fact, they have indeed accomplished more than I have.

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