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Section 2.3 Staff

  1. Dr Liu Hexin,research fellow (LLM) (joned Oct 2023~)
  2. Dr Luong Hieu Thi,research fellow (Deepfake) (joined Jan 2024~Dec 2025)
  3. Ly Vu Thi,Full-stack and chatBot
  4. Ho Thi Nga, sentence unit detection and full-stack, backend. (May 2013~Jul 2024)
  5. Tanmay Surana, NLP and Depression classification (Jan 2024~)
  6. Lim Zhi Hao Speaker verification and DNN
  7. Kyaw Zin Tun (AISG-NTU), full-stack development
  8. Peng Yizhou (AISG-NUS), speech research, in NUS AISG lab (Jan 2023~)
  9. Nur Shahidah Binte Jamaludin, corpus development and linguistic support, (Sep 2021~)

Subsection 2.3.1 Past Staff

  1. Nabilah Ismail, Corpus Development (joined Oct 2020~Oct2023
  2. Dr Ge Meng,research fellow NUS AISG (Speech recognition) (Oct 2019~Apr 2020, then 2023~2024 for Prof Morning project)
  3. Dr Rajendra Prasad Sirigina, Research Fellow, Time series, 2019 Feb-> 2021 June
  4. Ma Duo (AISG-NUS) , LVCSR and classification, 2019-2021
  5. Dr Pham Van Tung, Research Fellow, Speech recognition, end-to-end, keyword spotting, Jan 2012-2021 May
  6. Dr Xu Haihua, Principal Research Fellow, Robust LVCSR, keyword spotting, Feb 2012-2021 March
  7. Mai Trung Duc, full-stack and mobile app development, Mar 2019-Dec2021
  8. Xu Chenglin, PhD (2020), Single Channel Multi-talker Speech Separation with Deep Learning
  9. Zeng Zhiping, LVCSR, March 2018- April 2020
  10. Ho Danyuan, corpus development and linguistic, May 2018-March 2020
  11. Tian XiaoHai, TTS and voice morphing, part-time PhD and Staff, 2013-2018. Now in NUS.
  12. Rao Wei, Speaker verification, 2015-2018, Now in NUS.
  13. XiaoXiong, PhD Student 2004-2008, Staff 2008-2017, Now in Microsoft, Redmond - since Apr 2017
  14. Benjamin Bigot, 2014-2016 - LVCSR for RR
  15. Huang Guangpu, 2012-2015 - Articulatory Phonetics Features
  16. Lyu Daucheng, 2009-2013 - Code switch LVCSR
  17. Zhao Shengkui,2009-2010 - Microphone array and beamforming.