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Section 2.1 Speech and Language laboratory

The speech and language research group in SCSE was founded in 2007 by Chng Eng Siong and Prof Li Haizhou (now in CUHK-Shenzen, China). The group is now situated within HESL Lab - N4-B2b-05 in SCSE. We also founded the AISG Speech Lab funded by NRF since 2018~current.

Subsection 2.1.1 Research Focus

Our research interest is primarily speech and language processing, classifications using ML:

  1. ASR and LLM
    1. Using LLM to improve ASR by generative error correction: see Hyporadise
    2. Code-switch multi-lingual speech recognition: see Audio to Byte
    3. Robust Large vocabulary continuous speech recognition: joint end-to-end ASR with speech enhancement module, wave2vec2, speaker extraction
    4. Speech enhancement: speaker extraction, denoising, feature enhancement, overlapping speech extraction
    5. Faster decoding with end-to-end and real time android based decoders
    6. Tranfer Learning: from large trained acoustic model (16KHz) to 8KHz models via transfer learning
  2. Classification
    1. Noisy Audio event and scene classifications, Audio captioning DCase
    2. Speaker identification and speaker diarization: diarization, VAD, and speaker extraction issues, see Microsoft diarization approach
    3. Deep Fake Detection (and generation)Link
  3. Towards Speech Understanding - some aspects of NLP such as topic detection, name entity recognition, text normalization. See a demo of our ASR for ATC speech with NER highlighting. ATC with NER

Examples of relevant papers to the research area include: sequence to sequence model which has been widely studied in machine translation. The problems we are keen on include

Subsection 2.1.2 Demos

Some of our previous works:

  1. Youtube recordings: Our code-switch speech recognition in action:

    1. Recognizing English/Mandarin code-switch speech using our LVCSR system (2018 June).
    2. Comparing our system against Google, Siri (2018 Sep).
  2. Source separation - Separating Hillary Clinton and Trump voice from Youtube recording, from Chenglin's Demo slide (Oct 2018)

  3. Speech indexing using our MAGOR system (Code-switch English/Mandarin and Malay system)

  4. See a demo of our ASR for ATC speech with NER highlighting. ATC with NER

Subsection 2.1.3 Our recent demos using our speech engine

2020 FYPs demo:

  1. Deploying Speech Recognition System using high availability and scalability kubernetes cluster Youtube

  2. Chatbot framework using Dialog flow and various Q and A modules (2020 Demo) Youtube and a live demoDemo

Subsection 2.1.4 Some of our recent works in git

  1. PhD Student Hou Nana's work in NTU (2018~2021), single channel speech enhancement, github

  2. PhD Student Xu Chenglin's work in NTU (2015~2020), single channel speech separation/extration,github

  3. Intern GeMeng's work (intern from Tianjin 2020~2021), tutorial speech separation, github

  4. Intern Shangeths work (intern from BITS) (2020 Aug- 2021 June), Accent, Age, Height classificationPdf link

  5. MSAI student Samuel Samsudin (2020~2021), emotion detection, github depository, kaggle iEmoCap

  6. Language Identification by EEE's PhD student Liu Hexin (2021) github link

  7. Intern Shashank Shirol's work (2020 Jan-June), using GAN to create noisy speech, github depository