Dr Chris Boothroyd: Publications

PhD thesis

Amorphous metal diffusion barriers for semiconductor contacts

University of Cambridge, 1986



TEM observations of metallic glass contacts on GaAs

CB Boothroyd, SB Newcomb and WM Stobbs

Electron Microscopy and Analysis 1983, ed P Doig, Inst. Phys. Conf. Ser. no. 68 (IOP, Bristol, 1983) p 441-444


Fresnel effects at grain boundary dislocations

CB Boothroyd and WM Stobbs

Phil Mag A 49 (1984) p L5-L8 (DOI: 10.1080/01418618408233438)


Specimen preparation methods for the examination of surfaces and interfaces in the transmission electron microscope

SB Newcomb, CB Boothroyd and WM Stobbs

J Microsc 140 (1985) p 195-207


Tantalum-iridium Schottky barrier contacts on gallium arsenide

CB Boothroyd, RE Somekh and WM Stobbs

Electron Microscopy and Analysis 1985, ed G J Tatlock, Inst. Phys. Conf. Ser. no. 78 (Adam Hilger, Bristol, 1985) p 407-410


The measurement of rigid body displacements using Fresnel-fringe intensity methods

CB Boothroyd, AP Crawley and WM Stobbs

Phil Mag A 54 (1986) p 663-677


The formation of amorphous interlayers by solid state interdiffusion between Pd-Er and Si

CB Boothroyd and WM Stobbs

Proc 44th EMSA, ed G W Bailey (San Francisco Press, San Francisco, 1986) p 806-807


Negative differential resistance at room temperature from resonant tunneling in GaInAs/InP double barrier heterostructures

M Razeghi, A Tardella, RA Davies, AP Long, MJ Kelly, E Britton, CB Boothroyd and WM Stobbs

Electronic letters 23 (1987) p 116-117


Formation of submicron epitaxial islands of Pd2Si on silicon

CB Boothroyd, WM Stobbs and KN Tu

Appl Phys Lett 50 (1987) p 577-579


Methods for the assessment of layer orientation, interface step structure and chemical composition in GaAs/(Al,Ga)As multilayers

CB Boothroyd, EG Britton, FM Ross, CS Baxter, KB Alexander and WM Stobbs

Microscopy of Semiconducting Materials 1987, ed AG Cullis, Inst. Phys. Conf. Ser. no. 87 (Adam Hilger, Bristol, 1987) p 195-200


The simultaneous retention of resolution and layer contrast in high resolution images of GaAs/(Al,Ga)As heterostructures

KB Alexander, CB Boothroyd, EG Britton, CS Baxter, FM Ross and WM Stobbs

Microscopy of Semiconducting Materials 1987, ed AG Cullis, Inst. Phys. Conf. Ser. no. 87 (Adam Hilger, Bristol, 1987) p 15-20


Ion and electron-beam induced reactions in microcrystalline Pd3Er

EJ Williams, CB Boothroyd and WM Stobbs

Scripta Met 21 (1987) p 1285-1288


The effects of contributions from energy loss electrons to "centre-stop" high resolution images of (Al,Ga)As/GaAs interfaces

CB Boothroyd and WM Stobbs

Electron Microscopy and Analysis 1987, ed LM Brown, Inst. Phys. Conf. Ser. no. 90 (Adam Hilger, Bristol, 1988) p 237-240


High quality GaAs/Ga.49In.51P superlattices grown on GaAs and silicon substrates by low-pressure metalorganic chemical vapor deposition

M Razeghi, PH Maurel, F Omnes, M Defour, C Boothroyd, WM Stobbs and M Kelly

J Appl Phys 63 no 9 (1 May 1988) p 4511-4514 (DOI: 10.1063/1.340147)


The contribution of inelastically scattered electrons to high resolution images of (Al,Ga)As/GaAs heterostructures

CB Boothroyd and WM Stobbs

Ultramicroscopy 26 (1988) p 361-376 (DOI: 10.1016/0304-3991(88)90235-5)


The promotion of silicide formation using a scanned silicon ion beam

EJ Williams, EG Bithell, CB Boothroyd, WM Stobbs, RJ Young and JA Cleaver

Presented at: MRS conference, Boston, December 1987

Published in: Fundamentals of beam-solid interactions and transient thermal processing, ed MJ Aziz, LE Rehn and B Stritzker, MRS symposium proceedings vol 100 (MRS, Pittsburgh, 1988) p ?


The determination of the structure and composition at interfaces to atomic resolution

CB Boothroyd, CS Baxter, EG Bithell, MJ Hÿtch, FM Ross, K Sato and WM Stobbs

Presented at: Frontiers of electron microscopy in materials science: surfaces and interfaces, Oak Brook, Illinois, USA, May 1988

Published in: Ultramicroscopy 29 (1989) p 18-30 (DOI: 10.1016/0304-3991(89)90227-1)


Developments in TEM techniques for the characterisation of semiconductor superlattices and heterostructures

WM Stobbs, CS Baxter, EG Bithell, CB Boothroyd, RF Broom, FM Ross and EJ Williams

Presented at: Microscopy of Semiconducting Materials, Oxford, 10-13 April 1989

Published in: Microscopy of Semiconducting Materials 1989, ed AG Cullis and JL Hutchinson, Inst. Phys. Conf. Ser. no. 100 (Institute of Physics, Bristol, 1989) p 271-280


The contribution of inelastically scattered electrons to [110] high resolution images of GaAs/AlAs heterostructures

CB Boothroyd and WM Stobbs

Ultramicroscopy 31 (1989) p 259-274 (DOI: 10.1016/0304-3991(89)90049-1)


The appropriateness of current three dimensional refinements for multislice simulations

SH Stobbs, CB Boothroyd and WM Stobbs

Presented at: EMAG/MICRO, London, 12-15 September 1989

Published in: Electron Microscopy and Analysis 1989, ed PJ Goodhew and HY Elder, Inst. Phys. Conf. Ser. no. 98 (Institute of Physics, Bristol, 1989) p 387-390


Comments on the limitations of the chemical mapping of a III-V semiconductor interface using high resolution lattice imaging

MJ Hÿtch, CB Boothroyd, FM Ross, EG Bithell and WM Stobbs

Presented at: EMAG/MICRO, London, 12-15 September 1989

Published in: Electron Microscopy and Analysis 1989, ed PJ Goodhew and HY Elder, Inst. Phys. Conf. Ser. no. 98 (Institute of Physics, Bristol, 1989) p 345-348


The detection of 0.5at% boron in Ni3Al using parallel energy loss spectroscopy

CB Boothroyd, K Sato and K Yamada

Presented at: XIIth International Congress for Electron Microscopy, Seattle, Washington, USA, 12-18 Aug 1990

Published in: Proceedings of the XIIth international congress for electron microscopy, ed LD Peachey and DB Williams (San Francisco Press, San Francisco, 1990) p 80-81


Approaches for energy loss and energy filtered imaging in TEM in relation to the materials problems to be solved

WM Stobbs and CB Boothroyd

Presented at: Lake Tahoe Workshop on Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy, Tahoe City, California, USA, 17-22 Aug 1990

Published in: Microscopy, Microanalysis and Microstructures 2 no 2-3 (1991) p 333-350


Direct measurement of the temperature dependence of the unperturbed dimensions of a polymer

AT Boothroyd, AR Rennie and CB Boothroyd

Europhysics Letters 15 no 7 (1991) p 715-719


Electron beam damage in AlF3

GS Chen, CB Boothroyd and CJ Humphreys

Presented at: EMAG 91, Bristol, 11-13 September 1991

Published in: Electron microscopy and analysis 1991, ed FJ Humphreys, Inst of Phys Conf Ser no 119 (IOP, Bristol, 1991) p 325-328


Quantification of nitrogen in solution in stainless steels using parallel EELS

K Yamada, K Sato and CB Boothroyd

Materials Transactions, JIM 33 no 6 (June 1992) p 571-576


Direct measurement of the 3-body interaction amplitude in a dilute polymer solution

AT Boothroyd, AR Rennie, CB Boothroyd and LJ Fetters

Phys Rev Lett 69 no 3 (20 July 1992) p 426-429


Pattern fabrication and mechanisms of direct electron beam nanolithography in silicon dioxide

GS Chen, CB Boothroyd, SJ Bailey and CJ Humphreys

Presented at: EUREM 92, Granada, Spain, 7-11 September 1992

Published in: Electron microscopy 92, ed A Ríos, JM Arias, L Megías and A López-Galindo (Secretariado de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Granada, Granada, Spain, 1992) p ?


Novel fabrication method for nanometer-scale silicon dots and wires

GS Chen, CB Boothroyd and CJ Humphreys

Applied Physics Letters 62 no 16 (19 April 1993) p 1949-1951


Ultimate limits of lithography

Chris Morgan, Giin Shan Chen, Chris Boothroyd, Simon Bailey and Colin Humphreys

Physics World 5 no 11 (Nov 1992) p 28-32


Measuring the height of steps on MgO using Fresnel contrast in a scanning transmission electron microscope

CB Boothroyd and CJ Humphreys

Presented at: Aspects of electron microscopy, diffraction, crystallography and spectroscopy, Scottsdale, Arizona, USA, 5-8 January 1993

Published in: Ultramicroscopy 52 (1993) p 318-324


Direct electron beam fabrication of nanometre scale silicon columns

GS Chen, CB Boothroyd and CJ Humphreys

Presented at: Microscopy of Semiconducting Materials, Oxford, 5-8 April 1993

Published in: Microscopy of Semiconducting Materials 1993, ed AG Cullis, AE Staton-Bevan and JL Hutchison, Inst. Phys. Conf. Ser. no. 134 (Institute of Physics, Bristol, 1993) p 503-508


Microstructure of a γ-α2-β Ti-Al alloy containing iron and vanadium

BJ Inkson, CB Boothroyd and CJ Humphreys

Acta Met 41 no 10 (1993) p 2867-2876


Boron segregation in a (Fe,V,B)TiAl/Ti3Al alloy

BJ Inkson, CB Boothroyd and CJ Humphreys

Presented at: Euromat 93, 3rd European Conference on Advanced Materials and Processes, Paris, 8-10 June 1993

Published in: Journal de Physique IV 3 (Nov 1993) p 397-402


B2/Ti11Ni14 interface on R-phase transformation

Q Chen, XF Wu, T Ko, C Boothroyd and CJ Humphreys

Presented at: International union of materials research society - international conference in Asia, Wuhan, Chongqing, 6-10 September 1993

Published in: Proceedings of international union of materials research society - international conference in Asia, ed ?, p434-439


The orientation dependence of the Cu L loss as assessed by PEELS for YBa2Cu3O7-d

GA Botton, CB Boothroyd, A Ul Hamid, SB Newcomb and WM Stobbs

Presented at: EMAG 93, Liverpool, 14-17 September 1993

Published in: Electron microscopy and analysis 1993, ed AJ Craven, Inst of Phys Conf Ser no 138 (Insitute of Physics, Bristol, 1993) p 43-46


Electron induced crystallisation in aluminium trifluoride

GS Chen, CB Boothroyd and CJ Humphreys

Presented at: EMAG 93, Liverpool, 14-17 September 1993

Published in: Electron microscopy and analysis 1993, ed AJ Craven, Inst of Phys Conf Ser no 138 (Insitute of Physics, Bristol, 1993) p 369-372


Interfacial composition at Ti3Ni4/matrix interfaces in a Ti-Ni SMA measured using EDXS in a STEM

CHEN Qing, CB Boothroyd, CJ Humphreys, Wu Xingfang and T Ko

Presented at: 5th Beijing conference and exhibition on instrumental analysis, Beijing, China, 9-12 October 1993

Published in: Proceedings of the international fifth Beijing conference and exhibition on instrumental analysis, ed Sun Dezhong (Peking University Press, Beijing, 1993) p A107-A108


Boride morphology in a (Fe, V, B) Ti-Al alloy containing β2-phase

BJ Inkson, CB Boothroyd and CJ Humphreys

Acta metall mater 43 no 4 (1995) 1429-1438


Interpretation of the {100} fringes in lattice images from the centre of carbon nanotubes

SL Cullen, CB Boothroyd and CJ Humphreys

Ultramicroscopy 56 (1994) 127-134


Electron beam damage of atomically flat {0001} a-alumina

CB Boothroyd and GA Botton

Presented at: ICEM 13, Paris, 17-22 July 1994

Published in: Electron Microscopy 1994, ed B Jouffrey and C Colliex (Les Editions de Physique, Les Ulis, 1994) p 1045-1046


The effect of thin crystal strain relaxation on high resolution images of Si/Si0.8Ge0.2 quantum wells

T Walther, CB Boothroyd, CJ Humphreys and AG Cullis

Presented at: ICEM 13, Paris, 17-22 July 1994

Published in: Electron Microscopy 1994, ed B Jouffrey and C Colliex (Les Editions de Physique, Les Ulis, 1994) p 365-366


An imaging filter for a 100kV dedicated STEM

OL Krivanek, DN Bui, DA Ray, CB Boothroyd and CJ Humphreys

Presented at: ICEM 13, Paris, 17-22 July 1994

Published in: Electron Microscopy 1994, ed B Jouffrey and C Colliex (Les Editions de Physique, Les Ulis, 1994) p 167-168


Momentum dependent energy loss near edge structures using a CTEM: the reliability of the methods available

GA Botton, CB Boothroyd and WM Stobbs

Presented at: EELSI 94, Leukerbad, Switzerland, 24-28 July 1994

Ultramicroscopy 59 no 1-4 (July 1995) 93-107


Measurement of TEM primary energy with an electron energy-loss spectrometer

OL Krivanek, CB Boothroyd and CE Mayer

Presented at: EELSI 94, Leukerbad, Switzerland, 24-28 July 1994

Ultramicroscopy 59 no 1-4 (July 1995) 283-285


Quantifying the effects of amorphous layers on image contrast using energy filtered transmission electron microscopy

CB Boothroyd, RE Dunin-Borkowski, WM Stobbs and CJ Humphreys

Presented at: MRS fall meeting, Boston, 28 Nov-2 Dec 1994

Published in: Beam-solid interactions for materials synthesis and characterization, ed Dale C Jacobson, David E Luzzi, Tony F Heinz and Masaya Iwaki, MRS Symposium Proceedings vol 354 (MRS, Pittsburgh, 1995) p 495-500


HREM lattice image simulations of circular cross-sectional multishell carbon nanotubes

SL Cullen, CJ Morgan, CB Boothroyd and CJ Humphreys

Presented at: MRS fall meeting, Boston, 28 Nov-2 Dec 1994

Published in: Science and technology of fullerene materials, ed P Bernier, T W Ebbesen, DS Bethune, RM Metzger, LY Chiang and JW Mintmire, MRS symposium proceedings vol 359 (MRS, Pittsburgh, 1995) p ?


Energy-filtered Fresnel contrast analysis of Fe/Cu multilayers

RE Dunin-Borkowski, CB Boothroyd, SJ Lloyd and WM Stobbs

Presented at: CMMP 94, Warwick, 19-21 Dec 1994

Published in: J Microsc 180 no 3 (Dec 1995) p 263-276


Strain relaxation induced local crystal tilts at Si/SiGe interfaces in cross-sectional transmission electron microscope specimens

T Walther, CB Boothroyd and CJ Humphreys

Presented at: Microscopy of Semiconducting Materials, Oxford, 20-23 March 1995

Published in: Microscopy of Semiconducting Materials 1995, ed AG Cullis and AE Staton-Bevan, Inst of Phys Conf Ser no. 146 (Institute of Physics, Bristol, 1995) p 11-16


The microstructure of MnSb grown on (001) GaAs by hot wall epitaxy

Y Xin, PD Brown, CB Boothroyd, CJ Humphreys, H Tatsuoka, H Kuwabara, M Oshita, T Nakamura, H Fujiyasu and Y Nakanishi

Journal of Crystal Growth 156 (1995) 155-162


The determination of absorption parameters in Si and GaAs using energy-filtered imaging

RE Dunin-Borkowski, RE Schäublin, T Walther, CB Boothroyd, AR Preston, and WM Stobbs

Presented at: EMAG 95, Birmingham, 12-15 September 1995

Published in: Electron microscopy and analysis 1995, ed D Cherns, Inst Phys conf ser no 147 (IOPP, Bristol, 1995) p 179-182


The role of plasmon scattering in the quantitative contrast analysis of high-resolution lattice images of GaAs

T Walther, RE Schäublin, RE Dunin-Borkowski, CB Boothroyd, CJ Humphreys and WM Stobbs

Presented at: EMAG 95, Birmingham, 12-15 September 1995

Published in: Electron microscopy and analysis 1995, ed D Cherns, Inst Phys conf ser no 147 (IOPP, Bristol, 1995) p 195-198


Electron beam nanolithography of FeF3 using a scanning transmission electron microscope

MSM Saifullah, CB Boothroyd, CJ Morgan and CJ Humphreys

Presented at: EMAG 95, Birmingham, 12-15 September 1995

Published in: Electron microscopy and analysis 1995, ed D Cherns, Inst Phys conf ser no 147 (IOPP, Bristol, 1995) p 325-328


A comparative study of electron beam damage in crystalline and amorphous aluminium oxide

CJ Morgan, CB Boothroyd and CJ Humphreys

Presented at: EMAG 95, Birmingham, 12-15 September 1995

Published in: Electron microscopy and analysis 1995, ed D Cherns, Inst Phys conf ser no 147 (IOPP, Bristol, 1995) p 567-570


Artefacts within ion beam milled semiconductors

PD Brown, YY Loginov, CB Boothroyd and CJ Humphreys

Presented at: EMAG 95, Birmingham, 12-15 September 1995

Published in: Electron microscopy and analysis 1995, ed D Cherns, Inst Phys conf ser no 147 (IOPP, Bristol, 1995) p 393-396


The B2->α2 transformation in an industrial γ+α2+B2 TiAl alloy

BJ Inkson and CB Boothroyd

Presented at: EMAG 95, Birmingham, 12-15 September 1995

Published in: Electron microscopy and analysis 1995, ed D Cherns, Inst Phys conf ser no 147 (IOPP, Bristol, 1995) p 543-546


Electron beam induced crystallisation in iron (III) fluoride

MSM Saifullah, CB Boothroyd, GA Botton and CJ Humphreys

Presented at: MRS fall meeting, Boston, 27 Nov-1 Dec 1995

Published in: Thermodynamics and kinetics of phase transformations, ed JS Im, B Park, AL Greer and GB Stephenson, MRS symposium proceedings vol 398 (MRS, Pittsburgh, 1996) p 195-200


Fresnel contrast analysis of composition changes and space charge at grain boundaries in Mullite

Ferhat Kara, Rafal E Dunin-Borkowski, Christopher B Boothroyd, John A Little and W Michael Stobbs

Ultramicroscopy 66 no 1-2 (Nov 1996) 59-71


Quantification of energy filtered lattice images and coherent convergent beam patterns

CB Boothroyd

Presented at: Fifteenth Pfefferkorn conference on electron image and signal processing, Silver Bay, New York, 18-22 May 1996

Scanning microscopy 11 (1997) 31-42


Transition metal impurities, compositional fluctuations and electrical activity within MBE grown Si/SiGe/Si(001)

PD Brown, CB Boothroyd and CJ Humphreys

Presented at: XI European Congress on Microscopy, Dublin, 26-30 August 1996

Published in: Electron Microscopy 96, vol 2, ed Committee of European Societies of Microscopy (Committee of European Societies of Microscopy, Brussels, 1998) p 258-259


The dependence of the growth rate of LPCVD grown SiGe quantum wells on the Ge composition and the layer thickness

T Walther, CB Boothroyd and CJ Humphreys

Presented at: XI European Congress on Microscopy, Dublin, 26-30 August 1996

Published in: Electron Microscopy 96, vol 1, ed Committee of European Societies of Microscopy (Committee of European Societies of Microscopy, Brussels, 1998) p 317-318


Electron energy loss spectroscopy of silicon nanostructures fabricated in a scanning transmission electron microscope

MSM Saifullah, CB Boothroyd, GA Botton and CJ Humphreys

Presented at: XI European Congress on Microscopy, Dublin, 26-30 August 1996

Published in: Electron Microscopy 96, vol 2, ed Committee of European Societies of Microscopy (Committee of European Societies of Microscopy, Brussels, 1998) p 123-124


Modelling EELS detection limits

MKH Natusch, CB Boothroyd, GA Botton, CJ Humphreys and OL Krivanek

Presented at: XI European Congress on Microscopy, Dublin, 26-30 August 1996

Published in: Electron Microscopy 96, vol 1, ed Committee of European Societies of Microscopy (Committee of European Societies of Microscopy, Brussels, 1998) p 295-296


The effect of Ti3Ni4 precipitates in TiNi alloys

Qing Chen, XF Wu, CB Boothroyd and CJ Humphreys

Presented at: 6th Asia Pacific conference on electron microscopy, Hong Kong, 1-5 July 1996

Published in: Proceedings of the sixth Asia-Pacific conference on electron microscopy, ed D Barber, PY Chan, EC Chew, JS Dixon and JUL Lai (Chineteu Promotion Services, Hong Kong, 1996) p 279-280


Electron-beam induced crystallization transition in self-developing amorphous AlF3 resists

GS Chen, CB Boothroyd and CJ Humphreys

Applied Physics Letters 69 no 2 (8 July 1996) 170-172


TEM and PL characterisation of MBE-grown epitaxial GaN/GaAs

Yan Xin, PD Brown, CB Boothroyd, AR Preston, CJ Humphreys, TS Cheng, CT Foxton, AV Andrianov and JW Orton

Presented at: MRS spring meeting, San Francisco

Published in: III-nitride, SiC and diamond materials for electronic devices, ed DK Gaskill, CD Brandt and RJ Nemanich, MRS symposium proceedings vol 423 (MRS, Pittsburgh, 1996) p311-316


The scattering distribution from doped and undoped semiconductors as a function of angle and energy loss in the electron microscope

CB Boothroyd, RE Dunin-Borkowski and T Walther

Presented at: MRS fall meeting, Boston, 2-6 Dec 1996

Published in: Atomic resolution microscopy of surfaces and interfaces, ed DJ Smith and RJ Hamers, MRS symposium proceedings vol 466 (MRS, Pittsburgh, 1997) p113-118


Electrostatic potentials at θ=24° [001] tilt boundaries in undoped and doped strontium titanate bicrystals

Z Mao, RE Dunin-Borkowski, CB Boothroyd and KM Knowles

Presented at: MRS fall meeting, Boston, 2-6 Dec 1996

Published in: Interfacial engineering for optimized properties, ed CL Briant, CB Carter and EL Hall, MRS symposium proceedings vol 458 (MRS, Pittsburgh, 1997) p 109-114


Characterization of ultrathin doping layers in semiconductors

CP Liu, RE Dunin-Borkowski, CB Boothroyd, PD Brown and CJ Humphreys

Presented at: Atomic Structure and Chemistry of Interfaces Workshop, Tempe, Arizona, 8-11 January 1997

Published in: Microscopy and Microanalysis 3 no 4 (1997) 352-363


Probing the effect of defects on band structure in GaN

DM Tricker, MKH Natusch, CB Boothroyd, Y Xin, PD Brown, TS Cheng, CT Foxton and CJ Humphreys

abstract to: Microscopy of semiconducting materials X, Oxford, 7-10 April 1997

Published in: Microscopy of semiconducting materials, ed AG Cullis and JL Hutchinson, Inst Phys conf ser no 157 (IOPP, Bristol, 1997) p 217-220


The characterisation of ultrathin doping layers in semiconductors using high-angle annular dark-field imaging

CP Liu, CB Boothroyd, PD Brown and CJ Humphreys

abstract to: Microscopy of semiconducting materials X, Oxford, 7-10 April 1997

Published in: Microscopy of semiconducting materials, ed AG Cullis and JL Hutchinson, Inst Phys conf ser no 157 (IOPP, Bristol, 1997) p 67-70


The effects of surface relaxation and ion thinning on [delta]-doped semiconductor cross-sections

CP Liu, PD Brown, CB Boothroyd and CJ Humphreys

Presented at: Microscopy of semiconducting materials X, Oxford, 7-10 April 1997

Published in: Microscopy of semiconducting materials, ed AG Cullis and JL Hutchinson, Inst Phys conf ser no 157 (IOPP, Bristol, 1997) p 483-486


A grain boundary study of the aluminium oxide formed on MA956 of different yttria contents

SB Newcomb, RE Dunin-Borkowski, CB Boothroyd, A Czyrska-Filemonowicz, D Clemens and WJ Quadakkers

Presented at: Microscopy of oxidation 3, Cambridge, 16-18 September 1996

Published in: Microscopy of oxidation 3, proceedings of the third international conference on the microscopy of oxidation, ed SB Newcomb and JA Little, (Institute of Materials, London, 1997) p 166-176


Why don't high resolution simulations and images match?

CB Boothroyd

Presented at: Image analysis methods in quantitative electron microscopy, Schloß Ringberg, Rottach-Egern, Germany, 9-14 March 1997

Published in: J Microscopy 190 pt 1/2 (April/May 1998) 99-108 (DOI: 10.1046/j.1365-2818.1998.2910843.x)


Direct measurement and interpretation of electrostatic potentials at 24° [001] tilt boundaries in undoped and niobium-doped strontium titanate bicrystals

Zhigang Mao, Rafal E Dunin-Borkowski, Christopher B Boothroyd and Kevin M Knowles

Published in: J American Ceramics Society 81 no 11 (1998) 2917-2926


The determination of the ionicity of sapphire using energy-filtered high resolution electron microscopy

SJ Lloyd, RE Dunin-Borkowski and CB Boothroyd

Presented at: EMAG 97, Cambridge, 2-5 September 1997

Published in: Electron microscopy and analysis 1997, ed JM Rodenburg, Inst Phys conf ser no 153 (IOPP, Bristol, 1997) p 113-116


An investigation of the 'omega-phase' in Ni-rich Ni-Al

Y Zheng and CB Boothroyd

Presented at: EMAG 97, Cambridge, 2-5 September 1997

Published in: Electron microscopy and analysis 1997, ed JM Rodenburg, Inst Phys conf ser no 153 (IOPP, Bristol, 1997) p 577-580


Grain-boundary segregation of Ho in BaTiO3

A Woonbumroong, PD Brown and CB Boothroyd

Presented at: EMAG 97, Cambridge, 2-5 September 1997

Published in: Electron microscopy and analysis 1997, ed JM Rodenburg, Inst Phys conf ser no 153 (IOPP, Bristol, 1997) p 507-510


Electron beam damage in titanium dioxide films

MSM Saifullah, CB Boothroyd, GA Botton and CJ Humphreys

Presented at: EMAG 97, Cambridge, 2-5 September 1997

Published in: Electron microscopy and analysis 1997, ed JM Rodenburg, Inst Phys conf ser no 153 (IOPP, Bristol, 1997) p 167-170


The compton scattering distribution from InP by electron spectroscopic diffraction

CP Liu, CB Boothroyd and CJ Humphreys

Presented at: International centennial symposium on the electron, Cambridge, 15-17 September 1997

Published in: The electron, ed Angus Kirkland and Paul D Brown, (IOM Communications Ltd, London, 1998) p 456-463


Irradiation damage of inorganic resists on a silicon substrate

MSM Saifullah, CB Boothroyd, GA Botton and CJ Humphreys

Presented at: International centennial symposium on the electron, Cambridge, 15-17 September 1997

Published in: The electron, ed Angus Kirkland and Paul D Brown, (IOM Communications Ltd, London, 1998) p 531-537


Energy-filtered transmission electron microscopy of multilayers in semiconductors

CP Liu, CB Boothroyd and CJ Humphreys

Presented at: MRS Spring Meeting, San Francisco, 13-17 April 1998

Published in: Electron microscopy of semiconducting materials and ULSI devices, ed C Hayzelden, FM Ross and CJD Hetherington, MRS symposium proceedings vol 523 (MRS, Pittsburgh, 1998) p 159-164


Electron-beam-induced damage in amorphous SiO2 and the direct fabrication of silicon nanostructures

GS Chen, CB Boothroyd and CJ Humphreys

Phil Mag A 78 no 2 (August 1998) 491-506


Quantitative analysis of ultrathin doping layers in semiconductors using high angle annular dark field images

CP Liu, AR Preston, CB Boothroyd and CJ Humphreys

Presented at: Frontiers of electron microscopy in materials science 1998, quantitative methods in transmission electron microscopy, Kloster Irsee, Germany, 19-24 April 1998

Published in: J Microscopy 194 pt 1 (April 1999) 171-182


Energy-filtered transmission electron microscopy of multilayers in semiconductors

CP Liu, CB Boothroyd and CJ Humphreys

Presented at: Frontiers of electron microscopy in materials science 1998, quantitative methods in transmission electron microscopy, Kloster Irsee, Germany, 19-24 April 1998

Published in: J Microscopy 194 pt 1 (April 1999) 58-70


Measurement of grain boundary potential in undoped and Ho-doped BaTiO3

A Woonbumroong and CB Boothroyd

Submitted to: 14th International Congress on Electron Microscopy, Cancun, Mexico, 31 August to 4 September 1998

Published in: Electron microscopy 1998 vol 2, ed Héctor A Calderón Benavides and Miguel José Yacamán (Institute of Physics, Bristol, 1998) p 663-664


Electron energy loss spectroscopy studies of the amorphous to crystalline transition in FeF3

MSM Saifullah, GA Botton, CB Boothroyd and CJ Humphreys

J Appl Phys 86 no 5 (1 September 1999) 2499-2504 (DOI: 10.1063/1.371083)


TEM observation of CMOS devices of titanium self aligned silicide (SALICIDE) technology with Nitrogen (N+) implantation process

YM Jia, CW Lim, AJ Bourdillon and C Boothroyd

Journal of Materials Science Letters 18 no 5 (1999) 385-388


Grain refinement by Al-Ti-B alloys in aluminium melts: a study of the mechanisms of poisoning by zirconium

AM Bunn, P Schumacher, MA Kearns, CB Boothroyd and AL Greer

Materials Science & Technology 15 no 10 (Oct 1999) 1115-1123


Morphological and structural characteristics of homoepitaxial GaN grown by MOCVD

JL Weyher, PD Brown, ARA Zauner, S Müller, CB Boothroyd, DT Foord, PR Hageman, CJ Humphreys, PK Larsen, I Grzegory and S Porowski

J Crystal Growth 204 no 4 (1999) 419-428


Quantification of high resolution electron microscope images of amorphous carbon

CB Boothroyd

Ultramicroscopy 83 no 3-4 (2000) 159-168


Inversion domain nucleation in homoepitaxial GaN

PD Brown, J Weyher, CB Boothroyd, DT Foord, ARA Zauner, PR Hageman, PK Larsen, M Bockowski and CJ Humphreys

Presented at: Microscopy of semiconducting materials XI, Oxford, 22-25 March 1999

Published in: Microscopy of semiconducting materials, ed A Cullis and R Beanland, Inst Phys conf ser no 164 (IOPP, Bristol, 1999) p 381-384


The direct determination of magnetic induction maps from Lorentz images

CB Boothroyd and RE Dunin-Borkowski

Presented at: EMAG 99, Sheffield, 25-27 August 1999

Published in: Electron microscopy and analysis 1999, ed CJ Kiely, Inst Phys conf ser no 161 (IOPP, Bristol, 1999) p 283-286


Composition of grain boundaries and interfaces: a comparison of modern analytical techniques using a 300 kV FEGTEM

VJ Keast, PA Midgley, SJ Lloyd, PJ Thomas, M Weyland, CB Boothroyd and CJ Humphreys

Presented at: EMAG 99, Sheffield, 25-27 August 1999

Published in: Electron microscopy and analysis 1999, ed CJ Kiely, Inst Phys conf ser no 161 (IOPP, Bristol, 1999) p 35-38


Can energy filtered Fresnel imaging be used to determine the width of magnetic domain walls?

SJ Lloyd, CB Boothroyd and PA Midgley

Presented at: EMAG 99, Sheffield, 25-27 August 1999

Published in: Electron microscopy and analysis 1999, ed CJ Kiely, Inst Phys conf ser no 161 (IOPP, Bristol, 1999) p 275-278


EELS of Bloch waves in wedge-shaped crystals

CJD Hetherington, M Saunders and CB Boothroyd

Presented at: EMAG 99, Sheffield, 25-27 August 1999

Published in: Electron microscopy and analysis 1999, ed CJ Kiely, Inst Phys conf ser no 161 (IOPP, Bristol, 1999) p 137-140


Evaluation of silicon nitride and silicon carbide as efficient polysilicon grain-growth inhibitors

CL Cha, EF Chor, YM Jia, AJ Bourdillon, H Gong, JS Pan, AQ Zhang, SK Tang, CB Boothroyd

Journal of Materials Science Letters 18 no 17 (1999) 1427-1432


A critical condition in Fresnel diffraction used for ultra-high resolution lithographic printing

AJ Bourdillon, CB Boothroyd, JR Kong and Y Vladimirsky

J Phys D 33 pt 17 (7 September 2000) 2133-2141


Morphology, structure and growth mechanism of WS2 nanotubes

YQ Zhu, WK Hsu, H Terrones, N Grobert, BH Chang, M Terrones, BQ Wei, HK Kroto, DRM Walton, CB Boothroyd, I Kinloch, GZ Chen, AH Windle and DJ Fray

Journal of Materials Chemistry 10 pt 11 (June 2000) 2570-2577 (DOI: 10.1039/b004433o)


Mixed phase WxMoyCzS2 nanotubes

WK Hsu, YQ Zhu, CB Boothroyd, I Kinloch, S Trasobares, H Terrones, N Grobert, M Terrones, R Escudero, GZ Chen, C Colliex, AH Windle, DJ Fray, HW Kroto and DRM Walton

Chem Mater 12 (2000) 3541-3546


Quantification of lattice images: the contribution from diffuse scattering

CB Boothroyd

Presented at: FEMMS 2000, Matsue, Japan, 14-17 Nov 2000

Published in: Journal of Electron Microscopy 51 (supplement) (Feb 2002) S279-S287


Tungsten disulphide sheathed carbon nanotubes

Raymond LD Whitby, Wen Kuang Hsu, Chris B Boothroyd, Peter K Fearon, Harold W Kroto and David RM Walton

Chem Phys Chem 2 no 10 (15 Oct 2001) 620-623


WS2 nanotubes containing single-walled carbon nanotube bundles

RLD Whitby, WK Hsu, PCP Watts, HW Kroto, DRM Walton and CB Boothroyd

Applied Physics Letters 79 no 27 (31 Dec 2001) 4574-4576


On the high resolution content of elemental maps

CJD Hetherington, CB Boothroyd, RE Dunin-Borkowski and JL Hutchison

Presented at: EMAG 2001, Dundee, 5-7 September 2001

Published in: Electron microscopy and analysis 2001, ed M Aindow and CJ Kiely, Inst Phys Conf Ser 168 (IOPP, Bristol, 2001) p 55-58


Transmission electron microscopy of silicon-Pyrex electrostatic bonds

ATJ van Helvoort, KM Knowles, CB Boothroyd and JA Fernie

Presented at: EMAG 2001, Dundee, 5-7 September 2001

Published in: Electron microscopy and analysis 2001, ed M Aindow and CJ Kiely, Inst Phys Conf Ser 168 (IOPP, Bristol, 2001) p 341-344


Proximity correction simulations in ultra-high resolution X-ray lithography

AJ Bourdillon and CB Boothroyd

J Phys D 34 no 22 (21 November 2001) 3209-3213


Complex WS2 nanostructures

RLD Whitby, WK Hsu, TH Lee, CB Boothroyd, HW Kroto and DRM Walton

Chemical Physics Letters 359 no 1-2 (13 June 2002) 68-76


Multi-walled carbon nanotubes coated with tungsten disulfide

Raymond LD Whitby, Wen Kuang Hsu, Peter K Fearon, Norman C Billingham, Isabelle Maurin, Harold W Kroto, David RM Walton, Christopher B Boothroyd, Stephen Firth, Robin JH Clark and David Collison

Chem Mater 14 (2002) 2209-2217


Tungsten disulphide coated multi-walled carbon nanotubes

RLD Whitby, WK Hsu, CB Boothroyd, HW Kroto and DRM Walton

Chemical Physics Letters 359 no 1-2 (13 June 2002) 121-126


Crystallization transformations in vacuum-deposited amorphous aluminum fluoride self-developing thin-film resists induced by electron-beam irradiation

GS Chen, PY Lee, CB Boothroyd, and CJ Humphreys

J Vacuum Science and Technology A 20 no 3 (May/June 2002) 986-990


Synthesis and characterization of carbon nanofibers produced by the floating catalyst method

Charanjeet Singh, Tom Quested, Chris Boothroyd, Paul Thomas, Ian Kinloch, Ahmed Abou-Kandil and Alan H Windle

Journal of Phys Chem B 106 (Nov 2002) 10915-10922


The phonon contribution to high-resolution electron microscope images

CB Boothroyd and M Yeadon

Presented at: SALSA 2002, Guadeloupe, French West Indies, France, 5-9 May 2002

Ultramicroscopy 96 no 3-4 (September 2003) 361-365 (DOI: 10.1016/S0304-3991(03)00101-3)


Nitride mediated epitaxy of CoSi2 on Si(001)

RKK Chong, M Yeadon, WK Choi, EA Stach, CB Boothroyd

Applied Physics Letters 82 no 12 (24 March 2003) 1833-1835 (DOI: 10.1063/1.1555708)


Electrolytic, TEM and Raman studies on the production of carbon nanotubes in molten NaCl

Ian A Kinloch, George Z Chen, Joanne Howes, Chris Boothroyd, Charanjeet Singh, Derek J Fray and Alan H Windle

Carbon 41 no 6 (2003) 1127-1141 (DOI: 10.1016/S0008-6223(03)00020-4)


WS2 layer formation on multi-walled carbon nanotubes

RLD Whitby, WK Hsu, CB Boothroyd, KS Brigatti, HW Kroto and DRM Walton

Appl Phys A 76 no 4 (10 Mar 2003) 527-532 (DOI: 10.1007/s00339-002-1539-9)


WS2/C nanocomposites reviewed

RLD Whitby, WK Hsu, CB Boothroyd, HW Kroto and DRM Walton

New diamond and frontier carbon technology 13 no 1 (2003) 7-18


The contribution of phonon scattering to high-resolution images measured by off-axis electron holography

CB Boothroyd and RE Dunin-Borkowski

Ultramicroscopy 98 no 2-4 (Jan 2004) 115-133 (DOI: 10.1016/j.ultramic.2003.08.005)


Direct observations of the nucleation and growth of NiSi2 on Si (001)

M Yeadon, R Nath, CB Boothroyd and DZ Chi

Presented at: Microscopy of semiconducting materials XIII, Cambridge, 31 March-3 April 2003

Submitted to: Microscopy of semiconducting materials, ed A Cullis and PA Midgley, Inst Phys conf ser no 180 (IOPP, Bristol, 2004) p 463-466


Mesoscale simulation and cryo-TEM of nanoscale drug delivery systems

Yeng-Ming Lam, Gerhard Goldbeck-Wood and Chris Boothroyd

Molecular Simulation 30 no 4 (15 April 2004) 239-247


Direct observation of boron nitride nanocage growth by the molecular beam nitridation and liquid-like motion of Fe-B nanoparticles

M Yeadon, M Lin, KP Loh, CB Boothroyd, J Fu and Z Hu

Journal of Materials Chemistry 13 no 10 (23 Sept 2003) 2573-2576 (DOI: 10.1039/b306406a)


Near field x-ray lithography simulations for printing fine bridges

Antony J Bourdillon, Chris B Boothroyd, Gwyn P Williams and Yuli Vladimirsky

J Phys D 36 no 20 (21 Oct 2003) 2471-2482 (DOI: 10.1088/0022-3727/36/20/008)


Growth of Boron Nitride nanotubes and Iron nanowires from the liquid flow of Fe-B nanoparticles

Kian Ping Loh, Ming Lin, M Yeadon, Chris Boothroyd and Z Hu

Chemical Physics Letters 387 no 1-3 (21 March 2004) 40-46 (DOI: 10.1016/j.cplett.2004.01.093)


22 nm lithography using near field X-rays

Antony J Bourdillon, Gwyn P Williams, Yuli Vladimirsky and Chris B Boothroyd

Presented at: SPIE Microlithography 2003, Santa Clara, 23-28 February 2003

Published in: Emerging lithographic technologies VII, Ed Roxann L Engelstad, Proceedings of the SPIE vol 5037 pt 2 (June 2003) p 622-633


Near field X-ray lithography to 15 nm

Antony J Bourdillon, Gwyn P Williams, Yuli Vladimirsky and Chris B Boothroyd

Presented at: SPIE Microlithography 2004, Santa Clara, 22-27 February 2004

Published in: Emerging lithographic technologies VIII, Ed R Scott Mackay, Proceedings of the SPIE vol 5374 (2004) p 546-557


Hollowing mechanism of zinc sulfide nanowires in vacuum induced by an atomic oxygen beam

Ming Lin, Jia Zhang, Chris Boothroyd, Yong Lim Foo, Mark Yeadon, Kian Ping Loh

J Phys Chem B 108 no 28 (15 July 2004) 9631-9637 (DOI: 10.1021/jp0485284)


Characterization of field-emission grown tungsten nanowires by transmission electron microscopy

Siong Hee Khong, Mark Yeadon, Chris Boothroyd and John Thiam Leong Thong

Presented at: 8th Asia-Pacific conference on electron microscopy (8APEM), Kanazawa, Japan, 7-11 June 2004

Published in: 8th Asia-Pacific conference on electron microscopy, ed N Tanaka, Y Takano, H Mori, H Seguchi, S Iseki, H Shimada and E Simamura (8APEM Publication Committee, Uchinada, Ishikawa, 2004) p 364-365


Direct observation of boron nitride nanocage growth by the molecular beam nitridation and liquid-like motion of Fe-B nanoparticles

Mark Yeadon, M Lin, KP Loh, CB Boothroyd, G Fu and Z Hu

Presented at: 8th Asia-Pacific conference on electron microscopy (8APEM), Kanazawa, Japan, 7-11 June 2004

Published in: 8th Asia-Pacific conference on electron microscopy, ed N Tanaka, Y Takano, H Mori, H Seguchi, S Iseki, H Shimada and E Simamura (8APEM Publication Committee, Uchinada, Ishikawa, 2004) p 628-629


Interface properties of iron oxide films

S Jain, AO Adeyeye, SY Chan and CB Boothroyd

Journal of Physics D 37 no 19 (7 Oct 2004) 2720-2725


Binary phase of layered nanotubes

RLD Whitby, WK Hsu, CB Boothroyd, PK Fearon, HW Kroto, DRM Walton

Presented at: MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, 26-29 Nov 2001

Published in: Making functional materials with nanotubes, ed P Bernier, P Ajayan, Y Iwasa, P Nikolaev, MRS symposium proceedings vol 706 (MRS, Warrendale, PA, 2002) p 239-244


High spatial resolution strain measurement of deep sub-micron semiconductor devices using CBED

Suey Li Toh, K Li, CH Ang, E Er, S Redkar, KP Loh, CB Boothroyd and L Chan

Presented at: 11th international symposium on the physical and failure analysis of integrated circuits (IPFA 2004), Science Park, Hsinchu, Taiwan, 5-8 July 2004

Published in: Proceedings of the 11th international symposium on the physical & failure analysis of integrated circuits IPFA 2004, ed Steve S Chung, Alastair Trigg, MD Ker and John Thong (IEEE, 2004) p 143-146


Reduction of local mechanical stress in a transistor using Si3N4/SiOxNy contact ESL

Suey Li Toh, KP Loh, CB Boothroyd, K Li, CH Ang, E Er and L Chan

Electrochemical and solid state letters 8 no 2 (2005) G38-G40 (DOI: 10.1149/1.1843754)


Synthesis of Fe nanoparticles by redox reaction using an electron beam deposition technique

S Jain, SY Chan, AO Adeyeye and CB Boothroyd

Presented at: International conference on materials for advanced technologies, ICMAT 2003, Singapore, 7-12 December 2003

Published in: International journal of nanoscience 3 no 4 & 5 (Aug & Oct 2004) 631-638 (DOI: 10.1142/S0219581X04002462)


Influence of Au catalyst on the growth of ZnS nanowires

Ming Lin, Tripathy Sudhiranjan, Chris Boothroyd and Kian Ping Loh

Chemical Physics Letters 400 no 1-3 (11 December 2004) 175-178 (DOI: 10.1016/j.cplett.2004.10.115)


Phonon Scattering in High-Resolution Electron Microscopy

CB Boothroyd

Presented at: Microscopy & Microanalysis 2005, Honolulu, Hawaii, 31 July-4 August 2005

Published in: Microscopy and Microanalysis 10 suppl SO2 (2005) 554-555


Electronic properties of half metallic Fe3O4 films

S Jain, AO Adeyeye and CB Boothroyd

Journal of Applied Physics 97 no 9 (1 May 2005) 093713-1 to -6 (DOI: 10.1063/1.1889247)


In-situ growth of BN nanocages

M Yeadon, M Lin, CB Boothroyd, H Zheng and KP Loh

Presented at: Microscopy and Microanalysis 2003, San Antonio, Texas, 3-7 Aug 2003

Published in: Microscopy and Microanalysis 9 Suppl 2 (2003) 914-915


NiGe on Ge(001) by reactive deposition epitaxy: an in-situ ultrahigh-vacuum transmission electron microscopy study

R Nath, CW Soo, CB Boothroyd, M Yeadon, DZ Chi, HP Sun, YB Chen, XQ Pan, YL Foo

Applied Physics Letters 86 no 20 (16 May 2005) 201908-1 to -3 (DOI: 10.1063/1.1929100)


Strain analysis in silicon substrates under uniaxial and biaxial stress by convergent beam electron diffraction

Suey Li Toh, KP Loh, CB Boothroyd, K Li, CH Ang and L Chan

Journal of vacuum science and technology B 23 no 3 (May/June 2005) 940-946 (DOI: 10.1116/1.1924583)


Shape and size control of Ag2Se nanocrystals from single precursor [(Ph3P)3Ag2(SeC{O}Ph)2]

Meng Tack Ng, Chris Boothroyd and Jagadese J Vittal

Chemical Communications 30 (2005) 3820-3822 (DOI: 10.1039/b506203a)


Nanocantilevers made of bent silicon carbide nanowire-in-silicon oxide nanocone

Ming Lin, Kian Ping Loh, Chris Boothroyd and Anyan Du

Applied Physics Letters 85 no 22 (29 November 2004) 5388-5390 (DOI: 10.1063/1.1828601)


Hexagonal close-packed Ni Nanostructures grown on the (001) Surface of MgO

W Tian, HP Sun, XQ Pan, JH Yu, M Yeadon, CB Boothroyd, YP Feng, RA Lukaszew and R Clarke

Applied Physics Letters 86 no 13 (28 March 2005) 131915-1 to -3 (DOI: 10.1063/1.1890472)


Effects of buffer layer on the electronic properties of half-metallic Fe3O4 films

S Jain, AO Adeyeye, and CB Boothroyd

Journal of Applied Physics 97 (15 May 2005) 10C312-1 to -3 (DOI: 10.1063/1.1855205)


Simulations for printing contacts with near field X-rays

Antony J Bourdillon and Chris B Boothroyd

Journal of Physics D 38 no 16 (21 August 2005) 2947-2951 (DOI: 10.1088/0022-3727/38/16/031)


Quantitative measurement of image intensity in transmission electron microscope images

Qu Wenbang, Chris Boothroyd and Alfred Huan

Presented at: International conference on materials for advanced technologies, ICMAT 2005, Singapore, 3-8 July 2005

Published in: Applied surface science 252 no 11 (31 March 2006) 3984-3988 (DOI: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2005.09.031)


Effect of Fe2O3 on the transport and magnetic properties of half metallic Fe3O4

D Tripathy, AO Adeyeye and CB Boothroyd

Journal of Applied Physics 99 no 8 (15 April 2006) 08J105-1 to -3 (DOI: 10.1063/1.2170981)


Growth and structural evolution of nanosized Ni on (001) MgO by in situ TEM

HP Sun, W Tian, YB Chen, JH Yu, M Yeadon, CB Boothroyd, RA Lukaszew, R Clarke and XQ Pan

Presented at: Microscopy and Microanalysis 2004, Savannah, Georgia, USA, 1-5 August 2004

Published in: Microscopy and Microanalysis 10 (Aug 2004) 272-273


Characteristics of single metallic nanowire growth via a field-emission induced process

CH Oon, SH Khong, C Boothroyd, JTL Thong

Journal of Applied Physics 99 no 6 (15 March 2006) 064309-1 to 12 (DOI: 10.1063/1.2181281)


Measurement of focal spread, beam divergence and vibration in HREM images

CB Boothroyd and RE Dunin-Borkowski

Presented at: 16th international microscopy congress, Sapporo, Japan, 3-8 September 2006

Published in: Proceedings of the sixteenth international microscopy congress, volume 2, ed Hideki Ichinose and Takahisa Sasaki (Publication committee of IMC16, 2006) p 640


The phonon contribution to diffraction patterns

Anjan Soumyanarayanan and Chris Boothroyd

Presented at: 16th international microscopy congress, Sapporo, Japan, 3-8 September 2006

Published in: Proceedings of the sixteenth international microscopy congress, volume 2, ed Hideki Ichinose and Takahisa Sasaki (Publication committee of IMC16, 2006) p 992


Direct observation of single-walled carbon nanotube growth at the atomistic scale

Ming Lin, Joyce Pei Ying Tan, Chris Boothroyd, Kian Ping Loh, Eng Soon Tok and Yong Lim Foo

Nano Letters 6 no 3 (March 2006) 449-452 (DOI: 10.1021/nl052356k)


High spatial resolution mapping of strain induced by the geometry configuration in nanoscaled devices

SL Toh, KP Loh, CB Boothroyd, K Li, CH Ang and L Chan

Presented at: 207th meeting of the Electrochemical Society, Quebec, Canada, 15-20 May 2005

Published in: Meeting abstracts of the Electrochemical Society 501 (2006) 670


One pot synthesis of new phase AgInSe2 nanorods

Meng T Ng, Chris B Boothroyd and Jagadese J Vittal

Journal of the Americal Chemical Society 128 no 22 (7 June 2006) 7118-7119 (DOI: 10.1021/ja060543u)


The growth mechanism and field emission properties of single carbon nanotips

KS Yeong, CB Boothroyd and JTL Thong

Nanotechnology 17 no 15 (14 Aug 2006) 3655-3661 (DOI: 10.1088/0957-4484/17/15/006)


Evaluation of the strain state in SiGe/Si heterostructures by high resolution X-ray diffraction and convergent beam electron diffraction

Suey Li Toh, K Li, CH Ang, R Rao, E Er, KP Loh, CB Boothroyd and L Chan

Presented at: 12th International Symposium on the Physical and Failure Analysis of Integrated Circuits (IPFA) 2005, Singapore, 27 June - 1 July 2005

Published in: Physical and Failure Analysis of Integrated Circuits, 2005, ed ? (IEEE, 2005) p 302-305 (DOI: 10.1109/IPFA.2005.1469184)


Directed wiring of zinc oxide nanowires

JBK Law, KS Yeong, CB Boothroyd and JTL Thong

Presented at: International Congress of Nanotechnology (ICNT 2005), San Francisco, 31 October - 4 November 2005

Published in: Proceedings of the 2nd International Congress of Nanotechnology 2005, CD ROM (Dec 2005)


Microstructural evolution and its influence on magnetic properties of CoFe2O4 powders during mechanical milling

BH Liu, J Ding, ZL Dong, CB Boothroyd JH Yin and JB Yi

Phys Rev B 74 no 18 (Nov 2006) 184427-1 to 10 (DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.74.184427)


Magnetic and transport properties of Co-doped Fe3O4 films

D Tripathy, AO Adeyeye, CB Boothroyd and SN Piramanayagam

Journal of Applied Physics 101 no 1 (1 Jan 2007) 013904-1 to 6 (DOI: 10.1063/1.2404469)


One-step synthesis of titania nanoparticles from PS-P4VP diblock copolymer solution

Lixin Song, Yeng Ming Lam, Chris Boothroyd and Puat Wen Teo

Nanotechnology 18 no 13 (4 April 2007) 135605-1 to -6


Calculating the intensity in electron diffraction patterns

Chris Boothroyd and Anjan Soumyanarayanan

Plenary lecture at: 24th Annual conference of the Microscopy Society of Thailand, Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand, 14-16 February 2007

Published in: Journal of Microscopy Society of Thailand 21 no 1 (Feb 2007) 13-14


Size and composition tunable Ag-Au alloy nanoparticles by replacement reactions

Qingbo Zhang, Jim Yang Lee, Jun Yang, Chris Boothroyd, Jixuan Zhang

Nanotechnology 18 no 24 (20 June 2007) 245605-1 to -8 (DOI: 10.1088/0957-4484/18/24/245605)


Dynamical observation of bamboo-like carbon nanotube growth

Ming Lin, Joyce Pei Ying Tan, Chris Boothroyd, Kian Ping Loh, Eng Soon Tok and Yong-Lim Foo

Nano Letters 7 no 8 (30 June 2007) 2234-2238 (DOI: 10.1021/nl070681x)


Microstructure and magnetotransport properties of Cu doped Fe3O4 films

D Tripathy, AO Adeyeye, CB Boothroyd and S Shannigrahi

Journal of Applied Physics 103 no 7 (16 Jan 2008) 07F701 (DOI: 10.1063/1.2828504)


Controlled chemical stabilization of self-assembled PS-P4VP nanostructures

Yeng Ming Lam, Lixin Song, Ya Chuin Moy, Lifei Xi and Chris Boothroyd

Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 317 issue 1 (1 Jan 2008) 255-263 (DOI: 10.1016/j.jcis.2007.09.044)


Silica coating of nanoparticles by sonogel process

Quan Chen, Chris Boothroyd, Gim Hong Tan, Nelvi Sutano, Andrew Mcintosh Soutar and Xian Ting Zeng

Langmuir 24 no 3 (5 Aug 2008) 650-653 (DOI: 10.1021/la703872k)


A microstructural investigation of Al-doped ZnO films prepared by spray pyrolysis

C Euvananont, S Pakdeesathaporn, P Pratoomwan, V Yodsri, Y Boontongkong, C Thanachayanont and C Boothroyd

Proceedings of the 25th annual conference of the Microscopy Society of Thailand 2008 (Microscopy Society of Thailand, 2008) 163-164


Site-specific growth of ZnO nanowires from patterned Zn via compatible semiconductor processing

JBK Law, CB Boothroyd and JTL Thong

Journal of Crystal Growth 310 no 10 (1 May 2008) 2485-2492 (DOI: 10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2008.01.012)


Influence of As4 flux on the growth kinetics, structure and optical properties of InAs/GaAs quantum dots

A Garcia, CM Mateo, M Defensor, A Salvador, HK Hui, CB Boothroyd and E Philpott

Journal of Applied Physics 102 (11 Oct 2007) 073526-1 to -4 (DOI: 10.1063/1.2785969)


Understanding and Controlling the Growth of Monodisperse CdS Nanowires in Solution

Lifei Xi, Winnie Xiu Wen Tan, Chris Boothroyd and Yeng Ming Lam

Chemistry of Materials 20 no 16 (26 August 2008) 5444-5452 (DOI: 10.1021/cm8014379)


Thermal stability of catalytically grown multi-walled carbon nanotubes observed in transmission electron microscopy

Cheng-Yu Wang, Chuan-Pu Liu and CB Boothroyd

Applied Physics A 94 no 2 (Feb 2009) 247-251 (DOI: 10.1007/s00339-008-4765-y)


Formation of carbon capsules from an amorphous carbon film by Ga and Ni/Co catalysts in a transmission electron microscope

Cheng-Yu Wang, Yen-Chih Chen, Wen-Huei Chu, Chuan-Pu Liu and CB Boothroyd

Journal of Materials Research 24 no 4 (4 April 2009) 1388-1394


Synthesis of monodisperse CdS nanowires and their photovoltaic applications

Lifei Xi, Winnie Xiu Wen Tan, Kee Sze Chua, Chris Boothroyd and Yeng Ming Lam

Presented at: E-MRS, Strasbourg, 26-30 May 2008

Thin Solid Films 517 (1 Oct 2009) 6430-6434 (DOI: 10.1016/j.tsf.2009.02.054)


Controlled synthesis of CdSe and CdTe multi-block heteronanostructures

Lifei Xi, Chris Boothroyd and Yeng Ming Lam

Chemistry of Materials 21 no 8 (28 April 2009) 1465-1470 (DOI: 10.1021/cm802350p)


Theoretical and experimental factors affecting measurements of semiconductor mean inner potentials

RS Pennington, JJ Mortensen, T Kasama, CB Boothroyd and RE Dunin-Borkowski

Presented at: Microscopy of semiconducting materials XVI, Oxford, 17-20 March 2009

Published in: Journal of Physics: Conference Series 209 no 1 (2010) 012030 (DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/209/1/012030)


Atomic resolution imaging of in situ InAs nanowire dissolution at elevated temperature

RS Pennington, JR Jinschek, JB Wagner, CB Boothroyd and RE Dunin-Borkowski

Presented at: Microscopy of semiconducting materials XVI, Oxford, 17-20 March 2009

Published in: Journal of Physics: Conference Series 209 no 1 (2010) 012013 (DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/209/1/012013)


Reversibility of Al/Ti modified LiBH4

D Blanchard, Q Shi, CB Boothroyd and T Vegge

Journal of Physical Chemistry C 113 no 31 (1 July 2009) 14059-14066 (DOI: 10.1021/jp9031892)


Sol-gel nanocoating on commercial TiO2 nanopowder using ultrasound

Quan Chen, Chris Boothroyd, Andrew Mcintosh Soutar, Xian Ting Zeng

Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology 53 no 1 (13 Jan 2010) 115-120 (DOI: 10.1007/s10971-009-2066-3)


Synthesis of Ag@AgAu metal core/alloy shell bimetallic nanoparticles with tunable shell compositions by a galvanic replacement reaction

Qingbo Zhang, Jianping Xie, Jim Yang Lee, Jixuan Zhang and Chris Boothroyd

Small 4 no 8 (Aug 2008) 1067-1071 (DOI: 10.1002/smll.200701196)


Dynamical response of catalytic systems in a CS corrected environmental transmission electron microscope

TW Hansen, RE Dunin-Borkowski, CB Boothroyd, M Beleggia and JB Wagner

Presented at: Microscopy and Microanalysis 2010, Portland, Oregen, USA, 1-5 August 2010

Published in: Microscopy and Microanalysis 16 Suppl 2 (2010) 292-293 (DOI: 10.1017/S1431927610056230)


Dynamical Effects in the Study of Supported Nanocrystals using Electron Holography

RE Dunin-Borkowski, CB Boothroyd and M Beleggia

Presented at: Microscopy and Microanalysis 2010, Portland, Oregen, USA, 1-5 August 2010

Published in: Microscopy and Microanalysis 16 Suppl 2 (2010) 572-573 (DOI: 10.1017/S1431927610057119)


Three-dimensional structure of CeO2 nanocrystals

Joyce Pei Ying Tan, Hui Ru Tan, Chris Boothroyd, Yong Lim Foo, Chao Bin He and Ming Lin

Journal of Physical Chemistry C 115 no 9 (10 Mar 2011) 3544-3551 (DOI: 10.1021/jp1122097)


Stability studies of CdSe nanocrystals in an aqueous environment

Lifei Xi, Jun Yan Lek, Yen Nan Liang, Chris Boothroyd, Wenwen Zhou, Qingyu Yan, Xiao Hu, Freddy Boey Yin Chiang and Yeng Ming Lam

Nanotechnology 22 no 27 (8 July 2011) 275706-1 to -5 (DOI: 10.1088/0957-4484/22/27/275706)


Microstructural investigation and SnO nanodefects in spray-pyrolyzed SnO2 thin films

Chanchana Thanachayanont, Visittapong Yordsri and Chris Boothroyd

Materials Letters 65 issue 17-18 (Sept 2011) 2610-2613 (DOI: 10.1016/j.matlet.2011.05.071)


Reconstruction of an InAs nanowire using geometric and algebraic tomography

RS Pennington, S König, A Alpers, CB Boothroyd and RE Dunin-Borkowski

Presented at: 17th International Conference on Microscopy of Semiconducting Materials, Cambridge, 4-7 April 2011

Published in: Journal of Physics: Conference Series 326 (2011) 012045 (DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/326/1/012045)


Mapping boron in silicon solar cells using electron energy-loss spectroscopy

M Duchamp, CB Boothroyd, A Kovács, S Kadkhodazadeh, MS Moreno, BB Van Aken, SB Newcomb and RE Dunin-Borkowski

Presented at: 17th International Conference on Microscopy of Semiconducting Materials, Cambridge, 4-7 April 2011

Published in: Journal of Physics: Conference Series 326 (2011) 012052 (DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/326/1/012052)


Experimental evidence for self-assembly of CeO2 particles in solution: formation of single-crystalline porous CeO2 nanocrystals

Hui Ru Tan, Joyce Pei Ying Tan, Chris Boothroyd, Thomas W Hansen, Yong Lim Foo and Ming Lin

Journal of Physical Chemistry C 116 no 1 (12 Jan 2012) 242-247 (DOI: 10.1021/jp208340q)


Analysis of charge transfer for in situ Li intercalated carbon nanotubes

Kuldeep Rana, Gokce Kucukayan Dogu, Huseyin Sener Sen, Chris Boothroyd, Oguz Gülseren and Erman Bengu

Journal of Physical Chemistry C 116 no 20 (24 May 2012) 11364-11369 (DOI: 10.1021/jp301369u)


Transmission electron microscope tomography of nanostructured materials

Ming Lin, Hui Ru Tan, Joyce Pei Ying Tan, Chris Boothroyd, Yong Lim Foo and Chao Bin He

Journal of Nanoengineering and Nanomanufacturing 1 (2011) 257-264 (DOI: 10.1166/jnan.2011.1028)


Evolution pathway of CIGSe nanocrystals for solar cell applications

Mahshid Ahmadi, Stevin Pramana, Lifei Xi, Chris Boothroyd, Yeng Ming Lam and Subodh Mhaisalkar

Journal of Physical Chemistry C 116 no 14 (12 April 2012) 8202-8209 (DOI: 10.1021/jp300187r)


EELS measurements of boron concentration profiles in p-a-Si and nip a-Si solar cells

Bas B Van Aken, Martial Duchamp, Chris B Boothroyd, Rafal E Dunin-Borkowski and Wim J Soppe

Presented at: 24th International Conference on Amorphous and Nanocrystalline Semiconductors (ICANS), Nara, Japan, 21-26 August 2011

Published in: Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 358 no 17 (1 Sept 2012) 2179-2182 (DOI: 10.1016/j.jnoncrysol.2011.12.055)


Geometric reconstruction methods for electron tomography

Andreas Alpers, Richard J Gardner, Stefan König, Robert S Pennington, Chris B Boothroyd, Lothar Houben, Rafal E Dunin-Borkowski and Kees Joost Batenburg

Ultramicroscopy 128 (May 2013) 42-54 (DOI: 10.1016/j.ultramic.2013.01.002)

Preprint: arXiv:1205.5738


In situ HRTEM - image corrected and monochromated Titan equipped with environmental cell

JB Wagner, JR Jinschek, TW Hansen, CB Boothroyd and RE Dunin-Borkowski

Presented at: 14th European Microscopy Congress (EMC 2008), Aachen, Germany, 1-5 September 2008

Published in: EMC 2008 14th European Microscopy Congress, Martina Luysberg, Karsten Tillmann and Thomas Weirich (Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2008) 509-510 DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-85156-1_255


Boron concentration measurements at the I/P interface in NIP a-Si solar cells

BB Van Aken, M Duchamp, CB Boothroyd, RE Dunin-Borkowski, J-P Barnes, M Veillerot and WJ Soppe

Presented at: 26th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition (PVSEC), Hamburg, Germany, 5-9 September 2011

Published in: ECN Publications ECN-M-11-022


Direct visualization of the spatial distribution of functional groups in graphene oxide

MS Moreno, CB Boothroyd, N Monge, GM Morales, RE Dunin-Borkowski and CA Barbero

Presented at: EMC 2012

Published in: EMC 2012 Volume 2 Physical Sciences: Tools and Techniques, Edited by DJ Stokes and JL Hutchison (RMS, 2012)


Transmission electron microscopy of Co:ZnO magnetic semiconductor

A Kovács, M Duchamp, A Ney, V Ney, CB Boothroyd, PL Galindo, M Luysberg and RE Dunin-Borkowski

Presented at: EMC 2012

Published in: EMC 2012 Volume 2 Physical Sciences: Tools and Techniques, Edited by DJ Stokes and JL Hutchison (RMS, 2012)


Surface plasmon mapping of the silver layer in a silicon solar cell using energy-filtered transmission electron microscopy

M Duchamp, CB Boothroyd, K Söderström, A Kovács, F-J Haug, C Ballif and RE Dunin-Borkowski

Presented at: EMC 2012

Published in: EMC 2012 Volume 2 Physical Sciences: Tools and Techniques, Edited by DJ Stokes and JL Hutchison (RMS, 2012)


Electron holography of dynamical contributions to the phase and amplitude of an InAs nanowire

Robert S Pennington, Chris B Boothroyd, Rafal E Dunin-Borkowski

Presented at: EMC 2012


Synthesis of Cu2SnSe3 nanocrystals for solution processable photovoltaic cells

Mahshid Ahmadi, Stevin S Pramana, Sudip K Batabyal, Chris Boothroyd, Subodh Mhaisalkar and Yeng M Lam

Inorganic Chemistry 52 no 4 (18 Feb 2013) 1722-1728 (DOI: 10.1021/ic301141w)


Electron energy-loss spectroscopy of boron-doped layers in amorphous thin film silicon solar cells

M Duchamp, CB Boothroyd, MS Moreno, BB van Aken, WJ Soppe and RE Dunin-Borkowski

Journal of Applied Physics 113 no 9 (7 March 2013) 093513


Towards understanding the influence of electron-gas interactions on imaging in an environmental TEM

JB Wagner, CB Boothroyd, M Beleggia, TW Hansen and RE Dunin-Borkowski

Presented at: Microscopy Conference MC 2011, Kiel, Germany, 28 August - 02 September 2011

Published in: Microscopy Conference MC 2011 (German Society for Electron Microscopy, 2011) IM6-614


Direct observation of carbon nanostructures growth using in-situ ultrahigh vacuum transmission electron microscopy

YL Foo, M Lin, JPY Tan, CB Boothroyd and ES Tok

Presented at: Nanotech 2007, Santa Clara, 20-24 May 2007

Published in: Technical Proceedings of the 2007 NSTI Nanotechnology Conference and Trade Show, Volume 1 ed Matthew Laudon, Bartlomiej F Romanowicz (CRC Press, 2007) p 21-24


Comparison of approaches and artefacts in the measurement of CCD modulation transfer functions

CB Boothroyd, T Kasama and RE Dunin-Borkowski

Ultramicroscopy 129 (June 2013) 18-29 (DOI: 10.1016/j.ultramic.2013.03.001)


Transmission electron microscopy of the textured silver back reflector of a thin film silicon solar cell: from crystallography to optical absorption

M Duchamp, K Söderström, Q Jeangros, CB Boothroyd, A Kovács, T Kasama, F-J Haug, C Ballif and RE. Dunin-Borkowski

Presented at: 26th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, Hamburg, 5-8 September 2011

Published in: EU PVSEC Proceedings (2011) 2554-2557


Disordered Precipitates in an Al-Mg-Si-Cu-Ag Alloy

CD Marioara, SJ Andersen, CB Boothroyd and R Holmestad

Published in: International Conference on Aluminium Alloys 12 (2010) p 424-429


Compositional study of defects in microcrystalline silicon solar cells using spectral decomposition in the scanning transmission electron microscope

M Duchamp, M Lachmann, CB Boothroyd, A Kovács, F-J Haug, C Ballif and RE Dunin-Borkowski

Applied Physics Letters 102 no 13 (April 2013) 133902-1 to -3 (DOI: 10.1063/1.4800569)


Chromatic aberration corrected tilt series transmission electron microscopy of a whole mount macrophage cell

Jean-Pierre Baudoin, Joerg R Jinschek, Chris B Boothroyd, Rafal E Dunin-Borkowski and Niels de Jonge

Microscopy and Microanalysis 19 no 4 (Aug 2013) 814-820 (DOI: 10.1017/S1431927613001475)


Advantages of chromatic aberration correction for energy-filtering in the transmission electron microscope

M Luysberg, L Houben, J Barthel, DG Stroppa, CB Boothroyd, H Du, J Mayer and RE Dunin-Borkowski

Presented at: EDGE 2013, Sainte Maxime, France, 26-31 May 2013

Published in: Enhanced data generated by electrons EDGE 2013 (2013) p T-32


Get more out of EELS spectra: noise reduction, original background-removal functions and component analysis

Martial Duchamp, Chris B Boothroyd, András Kovács and Rafal E Dunin-Borkowski

Presented at: Advanced microstructural characterization of nanomaterials, Sevilla, 1-2 July 2013

Published in: Al-NanoFunc workshops 2013 102 (2013) p 17-18


Focused ion beam specimen preparation for electron holography of electrically biased thin film solar cells

M Duchamp, M den Hertog, R Imlau, CB Boothroyd, A Kovács, AH Tavabi and RE Dunin-Borkowski

Presented at: Microscopy conference 2013, Regensburg, Germany, 25-30 August 2013

Published in: Proceedings MC 2013 ed Reinhard Rachel (2013) p 242-243


Ion implantation of graphene - towards IC compatible technologies

U Bangert, W Pierce, DM Kepaptsoglou, Q Ramasse, R Zan, MH Gass, JA Van den Berg, CB Boothroyd, J Amani and H Hofsäss

Nano Letters 13 no 10 (2013) 4902-4907 (DOI: 10.1021/nl402812y)


Magnetic properties of ultra-small goethite nanoparticles

E Brok, C Frandsen, DE Madsen, H Jacobsen, JO Birk, K Lefmann, J Bendix, KS Pedersen, C Boothroyd, AA Berhe, GG Simeoni and S Mørup

Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 47 no 36 (10 Sept 2014) 365003-1 to -13 (DOI: 10.1088/0022-3727/47/36/365003)


The origin of high efficiency in low-temperature solution-processable bilayer organometal halide hybrid solar cells

Shuangyong Sun, Teddy Salim, Nripan Mathews, Martial Duchamp, Chris Boothroyd, Guichuan Xing, Tze Chien Sum and Yeng Ming Lam

Energy & Environmental Science 7 no 1 (1 Jan 2014) 399-407 (DOI: 10.1039/c3ee43161d)


Mechanically alloyed β-Ag2Te in thermoelectric Bi2Se0.01Te2.99

Bralee Chayasombat, Suparoek Henpraserttae, Chris Boothroyd and Chanchana Thanachayanont

Materials Letters 116 (1 Feb 2014) 243-246 (DOI: 10.1016/j.matlet.2013.11.048)


Defects in paramagnetic Co-doped ZnO films studied by transmission electron microscopy

A Kovács, A Ney, M Duchamp, V Ney, CB Boothroyd, PL Galindo, TC Kaspar, SA Chambers and RE Dunin-Borkowski

Journal of Applied Physics 114 (2013) 243503-1 to 6 (DOI: 10.1063/1.4851015)


Atomic resolution imaging and spectroscopy of barium atoms and functional groups on graphene oxide

CB Boothroyd, MS Moreno, M Duchamp, A Kovács, N Monge, GM Morales, CA Barbero and RE Dunin-Borkowski

Ultramicroscopy 145 (Oct 2014) 66-73 (DOI: 10.1016/j.ultramic.2014.03.004)


Opportunities for chromatic aberration corrected high-resolution transmission electron microscopy, lorentz microscopy and electron holography of magnetic minerals

RE Dunin-Borkowski, T. Kasama, RJ Harrison, L Houben, J Barthel, A Thust, M Luysberg, CB Boothroyd, A Kovács, JR Jinschek

Microsc. Microanal. 18 Suppl 2 (2012) 1708-1709 (DOI: 10.1017/S1431927612010392)


Plasmonic enhancement at metal atoms on graphene edges revealed by EFTEM

W Pierce, R Zan, QM Ramasse, CB Boothroyd and U Bangert

Journal of Physics: Conference Series 522 (2014) 012078-1 to -4 (DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/522/1/012078)


Three-wave electron vortex lattices for measuring nanofields

C Dwyer, CB Boothroyd, SLY Chang and RE Dunin-Borkowski

Ultramicroscopy 148 (2015) 25-30 (DOI: 10.1016/j.ultramic.2014.08.011)


Phase stabilization principle and precipitate-host lattice influences for Al-Mg-Si-Cu alloy precipitates

FJH Ehlers, S Wenner, SJ Andersen, CD Marioara, W Lefebvre, CB Boothroyd and R Holmestad

Journal of Materials Science 49 no 18 (1 Sept 2014) 6413-6426 (DOI: 10.1007/s10853-014-8371-4)


Understanding the role of single molecular ZnS precursors in the synthesis of InP/ZnS nanocrystals

Lifei Xi, Deok-Yong Cho, Martial Duchamp, Chris B Boothroyd, Jun Yan Lek, Astrid Besmehn, Rainer Waser, Yeng Ming Lam and Beata Kardynal

ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 6 no 20 (22 October 2014) 18233-18242 (DOI: 10.1021/am504988j)


Factors affecting phase noise in off-axis electron holography

CB Boothroyd, C Dwyer, S Chang and RE Dunin-Borkowski

Presented at: 18th International Microscopy Congress, Prague, 7-12 September 2014

Published in: 18th International Microscopy Congress Proceedings ed Pavel Hozak (Czechoslovak Microscopy Society, Prague, 2014) p IT-11-P-1659


Electrostatic potential of single-layer graphene measured using electron holography and ab-initio calculations

S Chang, C Dwyer, R Nicholls, CB Boothroyd, U Bangert and RE Dunin-Borkowski

Presented at: 18th International Microscopy Congress, Prague, 7-12 September 2014

Published in: 18th International Microscopy Congress Proceedings ed Pavel Hozak (Czechoslovak Microscopy Society, Prague, 2014) p IT-11-O-1669


Imaging functional groups in graphene oxide at atomic resolution

MS Moreno, CB Boothroyd, M Duchamp, A Kóvacs, N Monge, GM Morales, CA Barbero and RE Dunin-Borkowski

Presented at: 18th International Microscopy Congress, Prague, 7-12 September 2014

Published in: 18th International Microscopy Congress Proceedings ed Pavel Hozak (Czechoslovak Microscopy Society, Prague, 2014) p MS-2-O-3121


Hybridization of off-axis and inline high-resolution electron holography

C Ozsoy Keskinbora, CB Boothroyd, RE Dunin-Borkowski, P van Aken and CT Koch

Presented at: 18th International Microscopy Congress, Prague, 7-12 September 2014

Published in: 18th International Microscopy Congress Proceedings ed Pavel Hozak (Czechoslovak Microscopy Society, Prague, 2014) p IT-11-P-3191


Plasmon tailoring in graphene through Lattice impurities and ad-atoms

C Pan C, W Pierce, CB Boothroyd, Q Ramasse, D Kepaptsoglou and U Bangert

Presented at: 18th International Microscopy Congress, Prague, 7-12 September 2014

Published in: 18th International Microscopy Congress Proceedings ed Pavel Hozak (Czechoslovak Microscopy Society, Prague, 2014) p MS-2-O-3480


Towards 4-D EEL spectroscopic scanning confocal electron microscopy (SCEM-EELS) optical sectioning on a Cc and Cs double-corrected transmission electron microscope

P Wang, CB Boothroyd, RE Dunin-Borkowski, AI Kirkland and PD Nellist

Presented at: 18th International Microscopy Congress, Prague, 7-12 September 2014

Published in: 18th International Microscopy Congress Proceedings ed Pavel Hozak (Czechoslovak Microscopy Society, Prague, 2014) p IT-10-O-2435


Optimising electron holography in the presence of partial coherence and instabilities

Shery LY Chang, Christian Dwyer, Chris B Boothroyd and Rafal E Dunin-Borkowski

Ultramicroscopy 151 (April 2015) 37-45 (DOI: 10.1016/j.ultramic.2014.11.019)


Hybridization approach to in-line and off-axis (electron) holography for superior resolution and phase sensitivity

C Ozsoy-Keskinbora, CB Boothroyd, RE Dunin-Borkowski, PA van Aken and CT Koch

Scientific Reports 4 (12 Nov 2014) 7020 (DOI: 10.1038/srep07020)


Layered transition metal oxyhydroxides as tri-functional electrocatalysts

Chee Shan Lim, Chun Kiang Chua, Zdeněk Sofer, Kateřina Klímová, Christopher Boothroyd and Martin Pumera

Journal of Materials Chemistry A 3 no 22 (14 June 2015) 11920-11929 (DOI: 10.1039/c5ta02063h)


Surface effects on mean inner potentials studied using density functional theory

Robert S Pennington, Chris B Boothroyd, Rafal E Dunin-Borkowski

Ultramicroscopy 159 part 1 (Dec 2015) 34-45 (DOI: 10.1016/j.ultramic.2015.07.011)


Performance of a direct detection camera for off-axis electron holography

Shery LY Chang, Christian Dwyer, Juri Barthel, Chris B Boothroyd and Rafal E Dunin-Borkowski

Ultramicroscopy 161 (February 2016) 90-97 (DOI: 10.1016/j.ultramic.2015.09.004)


Optimising electron holography in the presence of partial coherence and instrument instabilities with conventional and direct detection cameras

Shery LY Chang, Christian Dwyer, Juri Barthel, Chris B Boothroyd and Rafal E Dunin-Borkowski

Presented at: Microscopy & Microanalysis 2015, Portland, Oregon, USA, 2-6 August 2015

Published in: Microscopy and Microanalysis 21 Suppl S3 (August 2015) 1955-1956 (DOI: 10.1017/S1431927615010557)


Hybrid electron holography

Cigdem Ozsoy-Keskinbora, Chris B Boothroyd, Rafal E Dunin-Borkowski, Peter A van Aken and Christoph T Koch

Presented at: Microscopy & Microanalysis 2015, Portland, Oregon, USA, 2-6 August 2015

Microscopy and Microanalysis 21 Suppl S3 (August 2015) 2311-2312 (DOI: 10.1017/S1431927615012337)


Atomic-scale insights into 1D and 2D nano-materials

U Bangert, W Pierce, CB Boothroyd, M Migliorato, C-T Pan, AJ Harvey, DM Kepatsoglou and QM Ramasse

Presented at: Electron Microscopy and Analysis Group Conference (EMAG2015), Manchester, UK, 29 June-2 July 2015

Published in: Journal of Physics: Conference Series 644 (12 October 2015) 012021-1 to 012021-6 (DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/644/1/012021)


Separation of thorium ions from wolframite and scandium concentrates using graphene oxide

Ondřej Jankovský, David Sedmidubský, Petr Šimek, Kateřina Klímová, Daniel Bouša, Chris Boothroyd, Anna Macková and Zdeněk Sofer

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 17 (14 October 2015) 25272-25277 (DOI: 10.1039/C5CP04384K)


Anomalous particle size dependence of magnetic relaxation phenomena in goethite nanoparticles

Catherine Frandsen, Daniel Esmarch Madsen, Chris B. Boothroyd and Steen Mørup

Croatica Chemica Acta, 88 no 4 (4 Dec 2015) 481-485 (DOI: 10.5562/cca2753)


Layered black phosphorus: strongly anisotropic magnetic, electronic and electron transfer properties

Z Sofer, D Sedmidubský, Š Huber, J Luxa, D Bouša, CB Boothroyd and M Pumera

Angewandte Chemie Int ed 55 (2016) 3382-3386 (DOI: 10.1002/anie.201511309)

Angewandte Chemie 128 (2016) 3443-3447 (DOI: 10.1002/ange.201511309)


The role of ion exchange in the passivation of In(Zn)P nanocrystals with ZnS

Deok-Yong Cho, Lifei Xi, Chris Boothroyd, Beata Kardynal and Yeng Ming Lam

Scientific Reports 6 (2016) 22818-1 to 8 (DOI: 10.1038/srep22818)


Experimental realization of the Ehrenberg-Siday thought experiment

Giulio Pozzi, Chris B Boothroyd, Amir H Tavabi, Emrah Yücelen, Rafal E Dunin-Borkowski, Stefano Frabboni and Gian Carlo Gazzadi

Applied Physics Letters 108 no 8 (22 Feb 2016) 083108-1 to 4 (DOI: 10.1063/1.4942462)


Interfacial evolution and bond reliability in thermosonic Pd coated Cu wire bonding on aluminum metallization: effect of palladium distribution

Adeline BY Lim, Chris B Boothroyd, Oranna Yauw, Bob Chylak, Chee Lip Gan and Zhong Chen

Microelectronics Reliability 63 (Aug 2016) 214-223 (DOI: 10.1016/j.microrel.2016.04.003)


Counting vacancies and nitrogen-vacancy centers in detonation nanodiamond

Shery LY Chang, Amanda S Barnard, Christian Dwyer, Chris B Boothroyd, Rosalie K Hocking, Eiji Ōsawa and Rebecca J Nicholls

Nanoscale 8 no 20 (28 May 2016) 10548-10552 (DOI: 10.1039/c6nr01888b)


Collective electronic excitations in the ultra violet regime in 2-D and 1-D carbon nanostructures achieved by the addition of foreign atoms

U Bangert, W Pierce, C Boothroyd, C-T Pan and R Gwilliam

Scientific Reports 6 (7 June 2016) 27090 (DOI: 10.1038/srep27090)


Recent progress in chromatic aberration corrected high-resolution and lorentz transmission electron microscopy

L Houben, J Barthel, A Thust, M Luysberg, CB Boothroyd, A Kovács, JR Jinschek and RE Dunin-Borkowski

Presented at: 3rd International symposium on advanced microscopy and theoretical calculations, Gifu, Japan, 9-11 May 2012

Published in: AMTC Letters 3 (2012) 72-1 to 2


Elucidating the relationship between crystallo-chemistry and optical properties of CIGS nanocrystals

Mahshid Ahmadi, Stevin S Pramana, Chris Boothroyd and Yeng Ming Lam

Nanotechnology 28 no 4 (2017) 045708-1 to 11 (DOI: 10.1088/1361-6528/28/4/045708)


Prospects for quantitative and time-resolved double and continuous exposure off-axis electron holography

Vadim Migunov, Christian Dwyer, Chris B Boothroyd, Giulio Pozzi and Rafal E Dunin-Borkowski

Ultramicroscopy 178 (July 2017) 48-61 (DOI: 10.1016/j.ultramic.2016.08.010)


Mapping the electrostatic potential of Au nanoparticles using hybrid electron holography

Cigdem Ozsoy-Keskinbora, Chris B Boothroyd, Rafal E Dunin-Borkowski, Peter A van Aken and Christoph T Koch

Ultramicroscopy 165 (June 2016) 8-14 (DOI: 10.1016/j.ultramic.2016.03.007)


Surface and point defect measurements of detonation nanodiamond using combined Cs-Cc corrected TEM and ab initio calculations

Shery LY Chang, Amanda S Barnard, Christian Dwyer, Chris Boothroyd, Eiji Osawa and Rebecca Nicholls

Microscopy and Microanalysis 22 Iss S3 (July 2016) 1392-1393 (DOI: 10.1017/S1431927616007807)


Quantitative strain analysis of InAs/GaAs quantum dot materials

Per Erik Vullum, Magnus Nord, Maryam Vatanparast, Sedsel Fretheim Thomassen, Chris Boothroyd, Randi Holmestad, Bjørn-Ove Fimland and Turid Worren Reenaas

arXiv preprint: arXiv:1611.08911

Scientific Reports 7 (28 March 2017) 45376-1 to 6 (DOI: 10.1038/srep45376)


Facile in situ synthesis of stable luminescent organic-inorganic lead halide perovskite nanoparticles in a polymer matrix

Lifei Xi, Chris B Boothroyd, Teddy Slim, Sven Borghardt, Yeng Ming Lam and Beata Kardynal

Journal of Materials Chemistry C 5 no 29 (7 Aug 2017) 7207-7214 (DOI: 10.1039/C7TC02109G)


Microstructure and thermoelectric properties of Bi2Te3 nanoplates prepared by sol-gel method

Suparat Tongpeng, Thapanee Sarakonsri, Braree Chayasombat, Chris Boothroyd and Chanchana Thanachayanont

Chiang Mai Journal of Science 45 no 1 (Jan 2018) 540-546


FEI Titan G2 60-300 HOLO

Chris Boothroyd, András Kovács and Karsten Tillmann

Journal of large-scale research facilities 2 (2016) A44-1 to 4 (DOI: 10.17815/jlsrf-2-70)


Extracellular electron transfer powers enterococcus faecalis biofilm metabolism

Damien Keogh, Ling Ning Lam, Lucinda E Doyle, Artur Matysik, Shruti Pavagadhi, Shivshankar Umashankar, Pui Man Low, Jennifer L Dale, Yiyang Song, Sean Pin Ng, Chris B Boothroyd, Gary M Dunny, Sanjay Swarup, Rohan BH Williams, Enrico Marsili and Kimberly A Kline

mBio 9 no 2 (2018) e00626-17 1 to 16 (DOI: 10.1128/mBio.00626-17)


PtSn/GO Co-catalyst for quasi-solid-state dye sensitized solar cells

Voranuch Somsongkul, Surassawatee Jamikorn, Chanu Photiphitak, Thapanee Sarakonsri, Viratchara Laokawee, Nutpaphat Jarulertwathana, Naruephon Mahamai, Rawinunt Thanachayanont, Suchada Srisakuna, Chris Boothroyd, Taweechai Amornsakchai, Pasit Pakawatpanurat, Pennapa Muthitamongkol, Visittapong Yordsri and Chanchana Thanachayanont

Solid State Phenomena 283 (2018) 55-64 (DOI: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/SSP.283.55)


Characterization of bamboo charcoal prepared using oil barrel kiln

Visittapong Yordsri, Chanchana Thanachayanont, Chabaiporn Junin, Nuttakorn Keratipaiboon, Pairat Tabai, Mana Rodchom, Samerkhae Jongthammanurak, Phetcharaporn Ninwilai, Supapan Seraphin and Chris Boothroyd

Solid State Phenomena 283 (2018) 1-6 (DOI: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/SSP.283.1)


Hydrothermal solid carrot spheres

Bralee Chayasombat, Visittapong Yordsri, Vittaya Amornkitbamrung, Seksan Lowpa, Samuk Pimanpang, Wasan Maiaugree, Nattawat Ratchapolthavisin, Pikaned Uppachai, Santipap Mitravong, Chris Boothroyd and Chanchana Thanachayanont

Solid State Phenomena 283 (2018) 16-22 (DOI: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/SSP.283.16)


Influence of particle velocity when propelled using N2 or N2-He mixed gas on the properties of cold-sprayed Ti6Al4V coatings

Adrian Wei-Yee Tan, Jun Yan Lek, Wen Sun, Ayan Bhowmik, Iulian Marinescu, Xu Song, Wei Zhai, Feng Li, Zhili Dong, Chris B Boothroyd and Erjia Liu

Coatings 8 no 9 (September 2018) 327:1-22 (DOI: 10.3390/coatings8090327)


Understanding the microstructural evolution of cold-sprayed Ti-6Al-4V coatings on Ti-6Al-4V substrates

Jun Yan Lek, Ayan Bhowmik, Adrian Wei-Yee Tan, Wen Sun, Xu Song, Wei Zhai, Pio J Buenconsejo, Feng Li, Erjia Liu, Yeng Ming Lam and Chris B Boothroyd

Applied Surface Science 459 (30 November 2018) 492-504 (DOI: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2018.07.175)


Morphological growth and theoretical understanding of gold and other noble metal nanoplates

Jing Xia, ZhiLi Dong, Yongqing Cai, Guijian Guan, Shuangyuan Zhang, András Kovács, Chris Boothroyd, In Yee Phang, Shuhua Liu, Mingda Wu, Yong Wei Zhang, Xiao Hu and Ming-Yong Han

Chemistry 24 no 58 (17 October 2018) 15589-15595 (DOI: 10.1002/chem.201802372)


Atomic clusters in decagonal Al-Cr-Fe: hexagon, star and decagon

RT Li, CB Boothroyd, ZL Dong and KA Khor

Materials Letters 233 (15 December 2018) 254-257 (DOI: 10.1016/j.matlet.2018.09.002)


Ultrafast spin-to-charge conversion at the surface of topological insulator thin films

Xinbo Wang, Liang Cheng, Dapeng Zhu, Yang Wu, Mengji Chen, Yi Wang, Daming Zhao, Chris B Boothroyd, Yeng Ming Lam, Jian-Xin Zhu, Marco Battiato, Justin CW Song, Hyunsoo Yang and Elbert EM Chia

Advanced Materials 30 no 52 (27 December 2018) 1802356-1 to 8 (DOI: 10.1002/adma.201802356)


The Young-Feynman controlled double-slit electron interference experiment

Amir H Tavabi, Chris B Boothroyd, Emrah Yücelen, Stefano Frabboni, Gian Carlo Gazzadi, Rafal E Dunin-Borkowski and Giulio Pozzi

Scientific Reports 9 (2019) 10458-1 to 8 (DOI: 10.1038/s41598-019-43323-2)


Correction for Keogh et al., "Extracellular Electron Transfer Powers Enterococcus faecalis Biofilm Metabolism"

Damien Keogh, Ling Ning Lam, Lucinda E Doyle, Artur Matysik, Shruti Pavagadhi, Shivshankar Umashankar, Pui Man Low, Jennifer L Dale, Yiyang Song, Sean Pin Ng, Chris B Boothroyd, Gary M Dunny, Sanjay Swarup, Rohan BH Williams, Enrico Marsili and Kimberly A Kline

mBio 10 no 3 (May/June 2019) e01080-19 1 (DOI: 10.1128/mBio.01080-19)


STEM electron beam-induced current measurements of organic-inorganic perovskite solar cells

M Duchamp, H Hu, YM Lam, RE Dunin-Borkowski and CB Boothroyd

Ultramicroscopy 217 (Oct 2020) 113047-1 to 8 (DOI: 10.1016/j.ultramic.2020.113047)


Pressure-responsive two-dimensional metal-organic framework composite membranes for CO2 separation

Yunpan Ying, Zhengqing Zhang, Shing Bo Peh, Avishek Karmakar, Youdong Cheng, Jian Zhang, Lifei Xi, Chris Boothroyd, Yeng Ming Lam, Chongli Zhong and Dan Zhao

Angewandte Chemie Int ed 60 no 20 (10 May 2021) 11318-11325 (DOI: 10.1002/anie.202017089 and 10.1002/ange.202017089)


The influence of chromatic aberration on the dose-limited spatial resolution of transmission electron microscopy

Eduardo Ortega, Chris Boothroyd and Niels de Jonge

Ultramicroscopy 230 (Nov 2021) 113383-1 to 10 (DOI: 10.1016/j.ultramic.2021.113383)


Synergistic use of gradient flipping and phase prediction for inline electron holography

Cigdem Ozsoy-Keskinbora, Wouter Van den Broek, Chris B Boothroyd, Rafal E Dunin-Borkowski, Peter A van Aken and Christoph T Koch

Scientific Reports 12 (2 August 2022) 13294 (DOI: 10.1038/s41598-022-17373-y)


Enhanced versatility of table-top X-Rays from Van der Waals structures

Sunchao Huang, Ruihuan Duan, Nikhil Pramanik, Chris Boothroyd, Zheng Liu, and Liang Jie Wong

Advanced Science (2022) 2105401-1 to 8 (DOI: 10.1002/advs.202105401)


Quantum recoil in free electron-driven spontaneous emission from van Der Waals crystals

Sunchao Huang, Ruihuan Duan, Nikhil Pramanik, Jason Scott Herrin, Chris Boothroyd, Zheng Liu and Liang Jie Wong

Presented at: Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), San Jose, California, 15-20 May 2022

Published in: Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, Technical Digest Series (Optica Publishing Group, 2022) paper FF4C.4 (DOI: 10.1364/CLEO_QELS.2022.FF4C.4)


Tunable table-top X-rays from tilted van der Waals crystals

Nikhil Pramanik, Sunchao Huang, Ruihuan Duan, Chris Boothroyd, Zheng Liu and Liang Jie Wong

Presented at: Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), San Jose, California, 15-20 May 2022

Published in: Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, Technical Digest Series (Optica Publishing Group, 2022) paper FTh4A.3 (DOI: 10.1364/CLEO_QELS.2022.FTh4A.3)


Structure and field evolution of magnetic skyrmions in Co/Pt-based multilayers by in-situ electron holography

Ingrid Marie Andersen, Hui Ru Tan, Xiaoye Chen, Hang Khume Tan, Chee Beng Nelson Lim, Lee Koon Sherry Yap, Anjan Soumyanarayanan, Pin Ho and Chris Boothroyd

Microscopy and Microanalysis 28 Supp 1 (2022) 836-837 (DOI: 10.1017/S1431927622003749)


In-situ study of skyrmions at high resolution using differential phase contrast microscopy

Hui Ru Tan, IM Andersen, Ming Lin, Xiaoye Chen, Hang Khume Tan, Anjan Soumyanarayanan and Chris Boothroyd

Microscopy and Microanalysis 28 Supp 1 (2022) 842-844 (DOI: 10.1017/S1431927622003762)


Copper nanoparticle-coated fabrics for rapid and sustained antibacterial activity applications

Rui Gonçalves, Joanne Ku, Hao Zhang, Teddy Salim, Guodong Oo, Alfred Zinn, Chris Boothroyd, Richard Tang, Chee Lip Gan, Yunn-Hwen Gan and Yeng Ming Lam

ACS Applied Nano Materials 5 (2022) 12876-12886 (DOI: 10.1021/acsanm.2c02736)


Spintronic terahertz emitters in silicon-based heterostructures

Jiayun Liu, Kyusup Lee, Yingshu Yang, Ziqi Li, Raghav Sharma, Lifei Xi, Teddy Salim, Chris Boothroyd, Yeng Ming Lam, Hyunsoo Yang, Marco Battiato and Elbert EM Chia

Phys Rev Applied 18 (September 2022) 034056 (DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevApplied.18.034056)


Quantum recoil in free-electron interactions with atomic lattices

Sunchao Huang, Ruihuan Duan, Nikhil Pramanik, Jason Scott Herrin, Chris Boothroyd, Zheng Liu and Liang Jie Wong

Nature Photonics 17 (19 Jan 2023) 224-230 (DOI: 10.1038/s41566-022-01132-6)


Expanding the low-dimensional interface engineering toolbox for efficient perovskite solar cells

Senyun Ye, Haixia Rao, Minjun Feng, Lifei Xi, Zhihao Yen, Debbie Hwee Leng Seng, Qiang Xu, Chris Boothroyd, Bingbing Chen, Yuanyuan Guo, Bo Wang, Salim Teddy, Qiannan Zhang, Huajun He, Yue Wang, Xingchi Xiao, Yeng Ming Lam and Tze Chien Sum

Nature Energy 8 (Mar 2023) 284-293 (DOI: 10.1038/s41560-023-01204-z)


Tunable X-rays from free electrons interacting with van der Waals materials

Sunchao Huang, Ruihuan Duan, Nikhil Pramanik, Chris Boothroyd, Zheng Liu and Liang Jie Wong

Presented at: 24th International Vacuum Electronics Conference, Chengdu, China, 25-28 April 2023

Published in: 2023 24th International Vacuum Electronics Conference (IVEC) (IEEE, 2023) 1-2 (DOI: 10.1109/IVEC56627.2023.10157914)


Tunable multicolor X-rays from free-electron-driven van der Waals heterostructures

Sunchao Huang, Ruihuan Duan, Nikhil Pramanik, Michael Go, Chris Boothroyd, Zheng Liu and Liang Jie Wong

Presented at: CLEO: Fundamental Science 2023, San Jose, CA, United States, 7-12 May 2023

Published in: CLEO 2023 (Optica Publishing Group, 2023) FW4M.3 (DOI: 10.1364/CLEO_FS.2023.FW4M.3)


Fundamental scaling laws for tunable X-ray Smith-Purcell radiation in Van der Waals structures

Nikhil Pramanik, Sunchao Huang, Zhai Qingwei, Michael Go, Ruihuan Duan, Chris Boothroyd, Zheng Liu and Liang Jie Wong

Presented at: 2023 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), San Jose, CA, United States, 7-12 May 2023

Published in: CLEO 2023 (Optica Publishing Group, 2023) FTh5B.6 (DOI: 10.1364/CLEO_FS.2023.FTh5B.6)


MXene nanosheets functionalized with Cu atoms for urea adsorption in aqueous media

Zhihao Yen, Teddy Salim, Chris Boothroyd, Peter Ferdinand Haywood, Cheng-Tai Kuo, Sang-Jun Lee, Jun-Sik Lee, Deok-Yong Cho and Yeng Ming Lam

ACS Applied Nano Materials 6 (22 September 2023) 16486-16496 (DOI: 10.1021/acsanm.3c02723)


Multicolor X-ray generation from free electron-driven van der Waals heterostructures

Sunchao Huang, Ruihuan Duan, Nikhil Pramanik, Michael Go, Chris Boothroyd, Zheng Liu and Liang Jie Wong

Science Advances 9 (1 Dec 2023) eadj8584 (DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.adj8584)


Ultrahigh electromechanical response from competing ferroic orders

Baichen Lin, Khuong Phuong Ong, Tiannan Yang, Qibin Zeng, Hui Kim Hui, Zhen Ye, Celine Sim, Zhihao Yen, Ping Yang, Yanxin Dou, Xiaolong Li, Xingyu Gao, Chee Kiang Ivan Tan, Zhi Shiuh Lim, Shengwei Zeng, Tiancheng Luo, Jinlong Xu, Xin Tong, Patrick Wen Feng Li, Minqin Ren, Kaiyang Zeng, Chengliang Sun, Seeram Ramakrishna, Mark BH Breese, Chris Boothroyd, Chengkuo Lee, David J Singh, Yeng Ming Lam and Huajun Liu

Nature (2024) (DOI: 10.1038/s41586-024-07917-9)


Fundamental scaling laws of water-window X-rays from free-electron-driven van der Waals structures

Nikhil Pramanik, Sunchao Huang, Ruihuan Duan, Qingwei Zhai, Michael Go, Chris Boothroyd, Zheng Liu and Liang Jie Wong

To be published in: Nature Photonics