Selected Publications of Ling KV
Model Predictive Control,
Control Technology and Applications
- KV
Ling, JM Maciejowski and BF Wu, Multiplexed
Model Predictive Control, CUED Report, CUED/F-INFENG/TR.561, July
- Ling KV, SP Yue and JM Maciejowski, An
FPGA Implementation of Model Predictive Control, In: Proc. American
Control Conference, pp.1930—1935, Minneapolis,
14-16 June 2006.
- W. Luo, Y.-C. Chu, K.-V. Ling, Inverse Optimal Adaptive Control for Attitude Tracking of
Spacecraft, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol.50, No.11,
pp.1639-1654, 2005.
- Y
Xiao, KY Zhu, C Zhang, KJ Tseng and KV Ling, Stabilizing Synchronization
Control of Rotor-Magnetic Bearing Systems, Proceedings of the Institution
of Mechanical Engineers Part I: Journal of Systems and Control
Engineering, to appear.
- Q. Cao, M.H. Lim, K.V. Ling, J.H. Li and C.W. Chan,
Online Context Switching for Real-Time Control Applications using
Reconfigurable Fuzzy Inference Chip, Int'l Journal of Computer
Applications in Technology, Special Issue on Fuzzy Control Applications,
2005, to appear.
- Z Ding, KV Ling, and MK Goh,
Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, Vol. 15, No. 2
(2005) 325-331, Special Issue: Selected Papers from the 2005 International
Conference on Embedded and Hybrid Systems.
- KV Ling, JM Maciejowski
and BF Wu, Multiplexed
Model Predictive Control, 16th IFAC World Congress, Prague, July 2005.
- Wencheng Luo, Yun-Chung
Chu and Keck-Voon Ling, H-infinity Inverse
Optimal Attitude Tracking Control of Rigid Spacecraft, Journal of
Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, Vol. 28, No. 3, pp. 481-494, 2005.
- KV Ling, MH He, BF Wu and Y
Zhang, An Augmented Model Predictive Controller for Multirate
Cascade Systems, American Control Conference, Boston, USA, pp.1575-1579,
30 June - 2 July 2004.
- KV Ling, P. Falugi,
JM Maciejowski and L Chisci,
Robust Predictive Control of the Furuta
Pendulum, 15th IFAC World Congress, Barcelona, Spain, July 2002
- Ling KV and Lim KW, Receding Horizon Recursive
State Estimation, IEEE Transactions on Automatic
Control, Vol.44, No.9, pp.1750-1753, 1999.
- Low KS, Chiun
KY and Ling KV, Evaluating Generalised Predictive Control for a Brushless
DC Drive, IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics, Vol 13, No
6, pp 1191-1198, November 1998.
- Lim KW, Ho WK, Lee TH, Ling KV and
Xu W. Generalized Predictive Controller With
Pole-Restriction, IEE Proc. Pt D., Vol.145, No.2, pp.219-225, March 1998.
- K. V. Ling, K. S. Low, W. F.
Lee and K. Y. Chiun, ”Auto-Tuning of Predictive
Controller for Motion Control Application”, 2nd Asian Control Conference
(ASCC'97), Seoul, Korea, 1997.
- K. V. Ling, X. J. Wu and K. W. Lim, ”State Observers for Single
Rate and Multi-Rate Controllers”, 13th IFAC World Congress, San Francisco,
USA, Vol. C, pp. 343-348, 1996.
- Ling KV and Lim KW. A State Space GPC with
Extension to Multi-Rate Control. Automatica,
Vol.32, No.7, pp.1067-1071, 1996.
- K. V. Ling, A. Mashar and K. W. Lim, ”Experimental
Evaluation of a Multi-Rate Controller”, 1st Asian Control Conference
(ASCC'94), Tokyo, Japan, pp. 357-360, 27-30 July 1994.
- K. V. Ling and A. L. Dexter, ”Expert Control of Air-Conditioning Plant”, Automatica, Vol. 30, No. 5, pp. 761-773, May 1994.
- K. V. Ling and A. L. Dexter, ”Constrained
Predictive Control of Multi-Zone Air-Conditioning Systems”, 4th
International Conference on Control, Warwick, UK, 21-23 March 1994.
- K. V. Ling, ”An Efficient Constrained
Predictive Control Algorithm for 2-Input Systems”, 12th IFAC World
Congress, Sydney, Australia, Vol. 1, pp. 345-348, 18-23
July 1993, Pre-print.
- K.
W. Lim and K. V. Ling, ”Generalized Predictive
Control of a Heat Exchanger”, IEEE Control Systems Society Magazine, pp.
9-12, 1989.
Prostate Outlining, Image
- Shao F, Ling KV and Ng WS, ”Automatic 3D
Prostate Surface Detection from TRUS with Level Sets”, Special Issue on
"Deformable Models for Image Analysis and Pattern Recognition",
International Journal of Image and Graphics, Vol.4, No.3, pp.1-19, 2004.
- Shao F, Ling KV, Ng WS and Wu RY,
Prostate boundary detection from ultrasonographic
images, Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine, Vol.22, pp.605-623, 2003.
- Wu RY, Ling KV, Shao W and Ng WS, Registration of Organ Surface with
Intra-operative 3D Ultrasound Image Using Genetic Algorithm, in R.E. Ellis
and T.M. Peters (Eds.): MICCAI 2003, LNCS 2878, pp.383-390, 2003.
- F. Shao,
K.V. Ling and W.S. Ng, A Practical Method for Prostate Surface Detection
from 3D TRUS, Proceedings of World Congress on Medical Physics and
Biomedical Engineering, Sydney, Australia, August 2003.
- F. Shao,
K. V. Ling and W. S. Ng, ”A Fast Algorithm of Level Set Method for 3D
Prostate Surface Detection”, Proceedings of the International Conference
on Scientific & Engineering Computation (IC-SEC) 2002, Imperial
College Press, H. P. Lee and K. Kumar (Eds),
Singapore, pp. 855-858, December 2002.
- F. Shao,
K. V. Ling and W. S. Ng, ”3D Prostate Surface Detection from Ultrasound
Images Based on Level Set Method”, 5th International Conference on Medical
Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI 2002),
Springer, Dohi and R. Kikinis
(Eds): LNCS 2489, Tokyo, Japan, pp. 389-396,
September 2002.
- R. Y. Wu, B. L. Stephen, K. V.
Ling and W. S. Ng, ”A Web-Based Evaluation System for Boundary Detection
Algorithms on Medical Images”, World Congress of High-Tech Medicine,
Hanover, Germany, pp. 427-433, 15-20 October 2000.
- Wu RY, Ling KV and Ng WS,
Automatic prostate boundary recognition in sonographic
images using feature model and genetic algorithm, Journal of Ultrasound in
Medicine, Vol.19, pp.771-782, 2000.
Remote Monitoring and
Control, Online Laborartory
- Bing
DUAN, Habib Mir HOSSENIN, Keck Voon LING and
Robert Keng Leng GAY,
“An Architecture for Online Laboratory
E-Learning System”, Journal of Distance Education Technologies, 4(2),
87-101, April-June, 2006.
- Bing DUAN, Keck Voon LING, Habib Mir M. HOSSEINI and Robert Kheng
Leng GAY, An e-Learning Model for Lab-based
Courses, International Journal of Engineering Education, Vol.21, No.6,
pp.1068-1075, 2005
- Habib Mir Hosseini,
Keck-Voon Ling, Bing Duan, Robert Kheng Leng Gay, "
Learning Object Model for Laboratory-Based Lessons", WSEAS
Transactions on Computer, Issue 4, Volume 2, Pages 1144-1148, October
- DUAN Bing and LING Keck Voon, Developing a Scalable and
Reliable Online Laboratory for Engineering Education, NI Week 2003, 13 to
15 August, 2003, Austin Convention Centre, Austin, TX USA. Winner,
Academic Category, National Instruments Week 2003 Paper Contest.
- KV Ling, Y Lai and K Chew, An online Internet laboratory for control
experiments, in: Advances in Control Education 2000 (L Vlacic and M Brisk, eds), Pergamon, Great Britain (2001), pp.173-176.