bootstrap themes

Research Interests


Quantum computing and sensing with spins

Our interest lie in the physics of spin-based quantum computing platforms. We work on electrostatically-gated quantum dot qubits, donor-based spin qubits and spin qubits coupled via circuit quantum electrodynamics. We also work on spin-based magnetometers as quantum sensors. Some of our representative research work in these areas are:
Gated quantum dot qubits
  1. npj Quant. Inf. 7, 112 (2021)
  2. Nat. Commun. 5, 3020 (2014)
Donor qubits
  3. Mater. Quant. Technol. 3 012501 (2023)
  4. arXiv:2404.15762
Circuit QED
  5. Phys. Rev. A 104, 062606 (2021)
  6. arXiv:2404.06187
Spin-based quantum sensors
  7. Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 216402 (2022)
  8. arXiv:2306.15960


Quantum noise and error correction

Our group is also working on quantum noise spectroscopy beyond dynamical decoupling assumptions, bosonic codes in circuit QED systems, and error correction with high-dimensional spins. Some of our representative research work in these areas are:
Bosonic codes
  1. manuscript in preparation
Noise characterization and tomography
  2. Nature 511, 70 (2014)
  3. Phys. Rev. B 91, 205434 (2015)


Open quantum systems

We are interested in studying Markovian master equations from first principles when open quantum systems are strongly driven. This is a situation which applies to many qubit systems. As quantum computers progress towards fault-tolerance, non-Markovian quantum processes arising from cleaner and more structured environments become important. We also study analytical and numerical techniques to understand the dynamics of an open quantum system in the non-Markovian regime.


Physics education

We are interested in the epistemic quality of teaching and learning of quantum theory, and the quality of ignorance in learning science at the boundaries of knowledge. Research in education is performed collaboratively with Michael TAN (NIE). Some of our representative research work in these areas are:

Ignorance and learning of science:
  1. Science Education 107, 1 (2023)

Research Grants

2023 - 26: [MOE AcRF Tier 2; PI] Circuit Quantum Electrodynamics with Spins: Expanding the Quantum Toolbox
2022 - 25: [NRF QEP 2.0; Co-PI] Atomic Engineering of Donor-based Spin Qubits in Silicon
2021 - 24: [MOE AcRF Tier 1; PI] Multiaxis Quantum Noise Spectroscopy with Bayesian Inference Approach
2017 - 19: [MOE AcRF Tier 1; PI] Quantum Control and Decoherence of Silicon Quantum Dot Spin Qubits

2017 - 20: [MOE Acad Fund; PI] Enhancing STEM Education through Improvisational Tinkering and Computational Thinking

Quantum technology and philosophy
2020 - 22: [NTU ACE; PI] From https to httpQ: envisioning ethics, security and trust in a world with quantum computers. (Q is for quantum)

Research Collaborations

We are part of Quantum SG, a loosely bound local quantum research community, and Nanyang Quantum Hub, the SPMS centre for quantum research at NTU. Current and recent collaborators are listed below.

Bent Weber (Weber lab)
Ng Hui Khoon (QI@YNC)
Johnson Goh (IMRE)
Gao Weibo (Weibo group)
Nelly Ng (nellyng group)
Rainer Dumke (quantumschmantum)
Marek Gluza (@drmarekgluza21)
Michael Tan (Webpage)
Christina Chuang (christinachuang)

Last updated 20 June 2024