Awards & scholarship
- “Twittener” received an honorary mentioning at the NTU Hackathon 2016, Collage of Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, March 12, 2016.
- “Smart Museum” received an honorary mentioning at the NTU Hackathon 2016, Collage of Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, March 12, 2016.
- Research Commercialization via Spinoffs award for “Point and Search Augmented Reality Solution for Mobile Devices (NTU TD Ref: TD/254/13),” Nanyang Technological University, NTUitive Pte. Ltd, March 06, 2015.
- Research Commercialization via Spinoffs award for "Socially Mediated System for Vector- Borne Diseases Surveillance engagement (NTU Ref: TD/248/14)," Nanyang Technological University, NTUitive Pte. Ltd, March 06, 2015.
- “Sensing Environment through Mobile” received an honorary mentioning at the Neo Ubimedia MindTrek Awards, in Tampere Finland (2014).
- “Selective Inductive Powering System for Paper Computing” won the first prize from the Nokia UbiMedia MindTrek Awards, Tampere, Finland (2011).
- The paper titled "A Multimodal Virtual Anatomy Learning Tool for Medical Education," has been selected as the best paper for the session on `Learning Technologies / Strategies for Assessing Student Learning and Teaching,' at the 2nd International Conference on Education, Training and Informatics (ICETI 2011), held in Orlando, Florida, USA (2011).
- Poetry Mix-up: Winner of the "Integrated Art Competition”, Land Transport Authority of Singapore (LTA), Awarded First Prize for “Poetry Mix-up,” which is permanently installed at the Kent Ridge Station of the new subway “Circle Line”, 2011.
- “AmbiKraf” received an honorary mentioning at the Nokia UbiMedia MindTrek Awards, in Tampere Finland (2010).
- Petimo: social networking robot for children, won the first prize in an international innovation competition in Milan Milan, Italy (2010).
- Petimo: Winner of the C4C (Como for Children) Competition at IDC 2009 (The 8th International Conference on Interaction Design and Children): Learning and Playing in the pre-school of the future, Como, Italy (2009).
- Babbage Cabbage: Babbage Cabbage Empathetic Living Media was one of three prize winners of the International NOKIA Ubimedia MindTrek Award (2008).
- A paper describing a “Spatial Audio for Mobile interfaces” won the third prize (Demo Category) at the MobileHCI Conference, Singapore, September 2007.
- Distinguished Laksakura Award from the Herath Foundation (Japan), 2001– 2002.
- Japanese Government Scholarship (MEXT: Gakushu-Shoreihi) for outstanding scholastic performance, 2002 – 2003.
- Japanese Government Sch olar ship (MEXT: Monbukagakusho), 2004 –2006.