Jun. 2024

Congratulations to Dr. Dai Mingjin for the Nature Communications publication on the “On-chip photodetection of angular momentums of vortex structured light”.

Apr. 2024

Congratulations to Dr. Wang Congwu for the Nature Communications publication on the “Ultrastrong exciton-plasmon couplings in WS2 multilayers synthesized with a random multi-singular metasurface at room temperature”.

Jan. 2024

Congratulations to Dr. Wang Fakun for the Nature Nanotechnology publication on the “Multidimensional detection enabled by twisted black arsenic-phosphorus homojunctions”.

Jun. 2023

Congratulations to Dr. Dai Mingjin and Dr. Wang Chongwu for the Nature Communications publication on the “Long-wave infrared photothermoelectric detectors with ultrahigh polarization sensitivity”.

Apr. 2023

Congratulations to Dr. Wang Fakun and Hu Fangchen for the Nature Communications publication on the “A two-dimensional mid-infrared optoelectronic retina enabling simultaneous perception and encoding”.

Feb. 2023

Congratulations to Dr. Han Song and Chua Yunda for the Nature Communications publication on the “Photonic Majorana quantum cascade laser with polarization-winding emission”.

Aug. 2022

Congratulations to Dr. Wang Chongwu for the Nature Photonics publication on the “Incoherent Broadband Mid-infrared Detection with Lanthanide Nanotransducers”.

Aug. 2022

Congratulations to Deng Wenjie for the joint publication with Prof. Yongzhe Zhang and Prof. Xiangfeng Duan in Nature Communications on “Electrically Tunable Two-Dimensional Heterojunctions for Ultra-Miniaturized Spectrometers”.

Aug. 2022

Congratulations to Dr. Dai Mingjin for the Nature Communications publication on the “On-chip mid-infrared photothermoelectric detectors for full-Stokes detection”.

Jun. 2022

Congratulations to Dr. Zhu Bofeng for the Physical Review Letters publication on the “Anomalous single-mode lasing induced by nonlinearity and the non-Hermitian skin effect”.

Apr. 2021

Congratulations to Dr. Zeng Yongquan for the joint publication with Prof. Cao Hui’s group in Science on “Massively-parallel ultrafast random number generation with a chip-scale multimode laser”.

Apr. 2020

Congratulations to Dr. A. M. Dubrovkin for the Nature Communications publication on the “Resonant nanostructures for highly confined and ultra-sensitive surface phonon-polaritons”.

Jan. 2020

Congratulations to Dr. Zeng Yongquan for the Nature publication on the “Quantum Cascade Topological Laser with Robust Edge Modes”.

Congratulations to Dr. He Yongming for the Nature Communications publication on the “Engineering grain boundaries at the 2D limit for the hydrogen evolution reaction“.

Jul. 2019

Congratulations to Dr. He Yongming for the Nature Materials publication on the “Self-gating in semiconductor electrocatalysis“.

May. 2019

Congratulations to Dr. Zeng Yongquan on obtaining the prestigious award of “Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-financed Student Abroad” 2019.

Aug. 2018

Congratulations to Dr. Zeng Yongquan for the Science publication in collaboration with Prof. Hui Cao at Yale and Prof. Ortwin Hess at Imperial College London.

Aug. 2018

Congratulations to Dr. Yu Xuechao on publishing the research on Mid-infrared photonics in Nature Communications.

May 2018

Congratulations to Dr. Wu Kedi on publishing the research on free-form conformal metasurfaces in Nature Communications.

Apr. 2018

Congratulations to Dr. A. M. Dubrovkin on publishing the research on phonon polariton squeezing in Nature Communications.

Mar. 2018

Congratulations to Dr. Yu Xuechao on publishing the research on Mid-infrared photonics in Nature Communications.

Dec. 2017

Congratulation to Zeng Yong Quan on his succesful PhD. oral denfense.

Aug. 2017

Congratulations to Prof. Wang who has won successfully the NRF competitive research programme (CRP) with a funding size of a few millions Singapore dollars as the programme PI on the development of next generation compact mid-infrared laser spectroscopy system.



Director, Centre for OptoElectronics and Biophotonics (OPTIMUS)

School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering 
School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Nanyang Technological University

Phone: (+65) 6790 5431 
Office: S1-B1a-03


Welcome to professor Wang Qijie’s research group in School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, and School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.

The main interests of our research are broadly in optoelectronic technologies from fundamental studies to various applications, specifically on investigating theoretically and experimentally fundamental light-matter interactions in the infrared regimes in new materials and new designs, and developing novel photonic and optoelectronic devices and systems.

Most of the spectrum windows in the electromagnetic spectrum have been well developed, leading to important applications that have changed our life significantly. However, the mid- and far-infrared (Terahertz) regime, ~3-300 micrometer, still remains the least developed spectrum window mainly due to the lack of compact, electrically-driven, high performance photonic and optoelectronic devices. This region is called the molecular fingerprint region, as molecules have unique and strong absorption features which are related to the vibration modes of oscillations. Thus, obtaining such high performance photonic/optoelectronic devices and systems in this region could enable a broad range of applications including but not limited to sensing & spectroscopy, biomedical sciences, communications, quality control of food, environmental monitoring and process control, imaging and security screening, defense, etc.

In particular, we are developing innovative 
1) Mid- and far-infrared lasers, particularly quantum cascade lasers; 
2) 2D material based mid-IR and THz optoelectronic devices (waveguides, detectors, and modulators), and 
3) Infrared plasmonic and metamaterial devices.

We are always looking for strongly motivated both postdoc and Ph.D researchers dedicated to the cutting edge research in laser physics and engineering, nanotechnology, and nano-optics/photonics. Interested candidates please send your CV to Shortlisted candidates will be contacted.




















Our collaborators:


Last edit on Jan. 15 2018