1. Querying and Exploring Geospatial Data   

            We would like to update the survery regularly, and if we miss your work on the topic, please drop us an email.

1.1 Querying spatio-textual (geo-textual) data streams

Selected publications:

1.2 Data exploration for spatial data: Region search & topic exploration

Selected publications:

1.2 Spatial keyword queries

 2. Spatial Data Mining and Spatial-temporal Data Mining 

2.1 Road network representation

2.2 Intelligent transportation using trajectory data

Selected Publications:

2.3 Data driven smart city applications

2.4 Spatial graph mining,  POI recommendation & prediction

3. Machine Learning for Data Management

3.1 Deep learning for databases


3.2 Deep learning for trajectory similarity and search

Selected Publications:


4. Recommendation, POI recommendation and User Behaviour Modeling

4.1 Recommendation and group recommendation

Selected publications:

4.2 POI recommendation

4.3 User behaviour modeling


5. Mining Reviews, Social Media, and Forums



Acknowledgement: Some of these projects are supported by grants awarded by Ministry of Education, NRF, IAF, Singtel/NCS, Roll-Royce, and Microsoft.