
- Yeng Ming LAM, Ph.D.
- Professor, Materials Science and Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, N4.1-1-28, Nanyang Avenue, Singapore 639798, since 2009
- Director, Facility for Analysis, Characterization, Testing & Simulation (FACTS), Nanyang Technological University, Nanyang Avenue, Singapore 639798, since 2017
- Senior Faculty-in-Residence, Hall of Residence 8, 26 Nanyang Avenue, Singapore 639812, since 2015
- Email: ymlam[at]
Research Students:

- Rui Gonçalves
- Graduate student since: August 2015
- Background: MSc Chemistry (2015), BSc Chemistry (2013) – University of Coimbra, Portugal
- Project: Phase behaviour of novel surfactants for personal care application.
- Bio: I am focused on the thermodynamic properties of the formulations and its implications on its molecular structure organisation, surfactants self-association.
- Hobbies: Hiking, Art exhibitions, Traveling, Socialising.
- Email: ruiandre001[at]

- Hu Hongwei
- Graduate student since: August 2014
- Background: M.Eng Material Chemistry (2014), Changzhou University; B.Sc in Chemistry (2011), Hebei University of Science and Technology.
- Project: Perovskite optoelectronics, including perovskite solar cells and perovskite light-emitting diodes. Synthesis of functional nanocrystals.
- Bio: I am interested in exploring the light-matter interaction, particularly in light harvesting and light emission.
- Hobbies: Tennis, drawing and traveling.
- Email: hhu005[at]
Research Staff:

- Chen Bingbing
- Research Staff since: October 2015
- Background: PhD Engineering (2015), BSc Engineering (2010)— Huazhong University of Science & Technology, China
- Project: perovskite and organic solar cells
- Bio: I am focused on studying the donor:acceptor interface, electrode interface and their coupling in organic solar cells, the interfacial photovoltaic process in perovskite solar cells.
- Hobbies: Basketball, Running, Listening to music, Reading books
- Email: bbchen[at]

- Amit Kumar Tiwari
- Research Fellow since: July, 2015
- Background: Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry (2014) Birla Institute of Technology & Science-Pilani, India
- Project: Phase behaviour of novel surfactants for personal care application
- Bio: At the present, I am working on the synthesis and phase study of cationic surfactants, that’s can be used for hair care products.
- Hobbies: Cooking, cinema, cricket.
- Email: aktiwari[at]

- Teddy Salim
- Research Fellow/Scientist since: Aug 2012/Oct 2015.
- Background: PhD in MSE (2012), NTU, Singapore
- Project: Morphological modification of hybrid perovskites for photovoltaic applications
- Bio: I am working on new approaches to control the morphology of hybrid perovskites and improve the ambient stability. I am also exploring various X-ray based characterization techniques for different materials.
- Hobbies: I like reading, running, listening to music, and drawing.
- Email: tedd0004[at]

- Li Zhenggang
- Research Fellow since: Aug 2014
- Project: Cu nanostructures based conductive ink/paste and its applications
- Bio: I am very keen in applied research and passionate about bringing technology out of lab to market. I obtained my bachelor degree (first class honors) in NTU, and subsequently pursued a PhD degree (Aug 2009 ~ Aug 2014) in materials science and engineering under the guidance of Dr. Lam Yeng Ming. My thesis topic was on Cu2ZnSn(S,Se)4 thin film solar cells using nanoparticles ink approach. Right after graduation, I have been working on my current project to develop conductive Cu ink/paste at industrial standard and explore its applications. We are dedicated to commercialize the Cu ink/paste.
- Hobbies: History books, table tennis, hiking
- Email: zgli[at]

- Gao Yang
- Position in the group: Postdoc
- Period in the group: 2015-2017
- Research area: Soft materials for environment sustainability, Organic synthesis
- Previous education background: Ph.D. Material Science and Engineering (2016), Nanyang Technological University; M.Sc
- Polymer Chemistry and Physics (2011), Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry; B.Sc Chemistry (2008), University of
- Science and Technology of China.
- Email:
- Current position/company: Lecturer/Shenzhen University

- Zhang Yan
- Period in the group: 2006
- Research area: Nanotechnology
- Current position/company: Regional Technical Manager/Wacker Chemicals
- Email: yan.zhang[at]

- Song Lixin
- Position in the group: PhD
- Period in the group: 2002 -2006
- Undergrad (deg and university): Bachelor, Master degree from Zhejiang University
- Project (during Masters or PhD): Synthesis of nanocages for application as nano-size reactors/containers
- Other interests (hobbies): Jogging
- Email: songlixin88[at]
- Currently Position: Heraeus Precious Metal (North America)
- Pham Thi Thu Trang, Sandy
- Position in the group: PhD student
- Period in the group: 2008-2013
- Research area: Dye-sensitized solar cells, TiO2, nanomaterials
- Previous education background: Bachelor of Engineering, NTU
- Email: sandy.phamtrang[at]
- Current position/company: Lecturer at University of Engineering and Technology, Vietnam National University.

- Abe Yuichiro
- Position in the group: PhD
- Period in the group: 2013-2017
- Research area: Synthesis, characterization, structural analysis, and device fabrication
- Previous education background: MSc (2011), BSc (2009) in Pharmaceutical Sciences–Kyushu University, Japan
- Current position/company: Product manager/Springer Nature

- Lam Kwan Hang
- Position in the group: PhD
- Period in the group: 2009-2013
- Research area: Synthesis and Characterization of Electroactive Small Molecules
- Previous education background: Bachelor of Engineering, NTU
- Email: khlam.ntu[at]
- Current position/company: Physical Chemist/ GlaxoSmithKline
- Yew Sok Yee
- Position in the group: Master
- Period in the group: 2007 to 2009
- Research area: Biomolecules and Carbon nanotubes
- Previous: Bachelor of Engineering, NTU
- Email: kh_sy11[at]
- Current position/ company: Forensic Scientist/ Health Sciences Authority

- Lek Jun Yan
- Position in the group: PhD and Postdoc
- Period in the group: 2007 -2014
- Research area: 1. Synthesis and surface modification of inorganic semiconductor nanoparticles. 2. Fabrication and characterization of organic-inorganic hybrid solar cells. 3. Nanocopper ink for printed electronics.
- Previous education background: Bachelor of Engineering, NTU
- Email: lekjunyan[at]
- Current position/company: Materials Researcher/ DMG MORI Singapore

- Neo Min Shern
- Position in the group: Postdoc
- Period in the group: 2009-2013
- Research area: Solar cells
- Previous education background: Bachelor of Science, NUS; Doctor of Philosophy NUS
- Email: neominshern[at]
- Current position/company: Free lance
- Sun Shuangyong
- Position in the group: Project officer & PhD student
- Period in the group: 2009.05 - 2010.08 Project Officer 2010.08 - 2015.01 PhD student & Project Officer
- Research area: hybrid solar cells (P3HT:CdSe system, and perovskite system), polymer assembly of P3HT
- Previous education background: Bachelor of Engineering, NTU (2005.08 - 2009.05)
- Email: shuangyongsun[at]
- Current position/company: Senior Analytical Chemist (3M Singapore)

- Ricky Chua Kee Sze
- Position in the group: PhD
- Period in the group: 2005 - 2010
- Research area: Self-Assembled PS-P4VP for Photovoltaic Nano-templating
- Previous education background: NTU MSE Class of 2005
- Email: sg.rockstar[at]
- Current position/company: Lecturer [at] Ngee Ann Polytechnic

- Zhang Liling
- Position in the group: PhD
- Period in the group: 2009-2013
- Research area: Photovoltaics, Carbon nanotubes / nanocomposites
- Previous education background: (B. Eng.) MSE, NTU
- Email: zhangliling[at]
- Current position/company: Research Scientist, Temasek Labs [at] NTU

- Xincun Dou(窦新存)
- Position in the group: Research Fellow
- Period in the group: Nov 2009 to Nov 2011
- Research area: Development of photoanode materials of DSSCs
- Previous education background: Bachelor of Science, East China Normal University, China. (Sep. 2000 to Jun 2004); PhD of Engineering, Materials Physics and Chemistry, Institute of Solid State Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (Sep. 2004 to Jun 2009).
- Email: xcdou[at]
- Current position/company: Full professor, Xinjiang Technical Institute of Physics & Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences
- Lifei Xi
- Position in the group: PhD and research staff
- Period in the group: 07.2015-02.2010
- Research area: II-VI group nanowires synthesis and their photovoltaic applications
- Previous education background: Master of Engineering, Tianjin Univ. China.
- Email: lifei.xi[at]
- Current position/company: Postdoc, Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin

- Position in the group: PhD
- Period in the group: Aug 2010~Aug 2014
- Research area: Chalcopyrite Solar Cell
- Previous education background: Bachelor of Engineering, NTU
- Email: mxwang[at]
- Current position/company: Assistant Director/ NTU office of Sino-Singapore International Joint Research Institute, NTU

- Mahshid Ahmadi
- Position in the group: PhD student
- Period in the group: Aug 2008 ~ Aug 2012
- Research area: Solution processable nano crystals for low cost electronic devices
- Previous education background: Bachelor (Industrial Metallurgy- Shiraz University, Iran)/Master(Materials science and engineering)
- Email: ahmadi.mahshid[at]
- Current position/company: Staff Scientist, Joint Institute for Advanced Materials, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA

- Hemant Kumar Mulmudi
- Position in the group: PhD student
- Period in the group: 2010-2014
- Research area: Photovoltaics, water splitting, metal oxides
- Previous education background: Bachelors (IIT Roorkee, India), Masters (University Ulm, Germany)
- Email: Hemant.Mulmudi[at]
- Current position/company: Research Fellow, Australian National University.

- Sara Engberg
- Position in the group: PhD student
- Period in the group: August 2013-November 2016
- Research area: CZTS nanoparticle thin-film solar cells
- Previous education background: Master of Science in Engineering in Nanotechnology, University of Pennsylvania
- Email: sleen[at]
- Current position/company: PhD student, DTU Fotonik

- Keg Peisi
- Position in the group: PhD
- Period in the group: 2004-2009
- Research area: Self Assembly of semi-conducting molecules
- Previous education background: B.Appl.Sc.(Applied Chemistry) at NUS
- Email: kegpeisi[at]
- Current position/company: Manager at NTU, Research Support Office

- Li Yan
- Position in the group: exchange
- Period in the group: Marth 2016 to September 2016
- Research area: Solar cell
- Previous education background: Master of Science, Changzhou University
- Current position/company: Ph.D, Changzhou University
- Email: liyanlydialee[at]