research on recommendation and social media mining
- Recommendation and User Behaviour Modeling
knowledge graphs & recommendation
- Mining Social Media, Reviews, and Forums
Recommendation and User Behaviour Modeling
1: Overview of our research on recommendation
Selected publications:
- Data issues in recommendation (WSDM’22) (Best paper runner up award)
- HyperML:
A Boosting Metric Learning Approach in Hyperbolic Space for Recommender
Systems. WSDM 2020 (Best paper award runner-up)
- Global
Context Enhanced Graph Nerual Networks for
Session-based Recommendation, SIGIR 2020
- Interact and
Decide: Medley of Sub-Attention Networks for Effective Group
Recommendation (SIGIR 19)
- Group Recommendation
based on topic models(KDD14)
contributors: Quan Yuan, Shanshan Feng, Pham
Nguyen Tuan-Anh, Xutao Li, Xiucheng Li, Lucas VINH Tran, Jin Yao Chin
Sun Aixin, Wei Wei.
2. POI knowledge graph & recommendation
2: Overview about our research on POI
knowledge graph & recommendation
Selected publications:
- HME: A Hyperbolic
Metric Embedding Approach for Next-POI Recommendation, SIGIR 2020
- A new POI recommentdation approach, which performs better than
previous approaches in experiments (SIGIR 2015)
- SAR: A
sentiment-aspect-region model for user preference analysis and POI/user
recommendation. The model provides explanations for recommendation
results. (ICDE 2015)
- A general
graph model for recommendation in heterogeneous networks and its
applications in event-based social networks (ICDE 2015)
- Diversity-aware
POI recommendation (AAAI 2015)
- Time-aware POI
recommendation (SIGIR13,
CIKM14). Datasets available here
- Mining
significant semantic locations from user generated GPS data for recommendation
- W4:
Discovering spatio-temporal topics for
individual users and its various applications, e.g., requirement-aware POI
recommendation (KDD13, TOIS15).
Datasets available here
contributors: Quan Yuan, Shanshan Feng, Pham Nguyen Tuan-Anh, Tao Guo, Kaiqi
Zhao, Zongcheng Ji, Dezhong Yao, Yile Chen, Junghoon Kim, Pasquale BALSEBRE
Sun Aixin, Jialong Han.
3. Mining
Reviews, Social Media, and Forums
- We consider
the impact of users' attributes, time factor, and novelty decay (Repeated
exposures of an individual to an idea may have diminishing influence on
the individual) for finding influential users.
- We develop
techniques for review mining and sentiment analysis.
- We also
develop techniques for mining social media, including Micro-blogs
(e.g., Twitter), and Community Based Question Answering Sites (e.g.,
Yahoo! Q&A).
Selected Publications:
- Inf2vec:
Latent Representation Model for Social Influence Embedding (ICDE 18)
- DynaDiffuse:
A dynamic diffusion model for continuous time constrained influence
maximization (AAAI 15)
- Finding
influential event organizers in event based social networks (SIGMOD14)
- Influence
maximization with novelty decay (AAAI14)
- Time
constrained influence maximization in
social networks ( ICDM12
, TKDE . Source
- Computing
top-k influential nodes (KDD10, AAAI
- Detecting
user intents from tweets (AAAI 15)
- Coarse-to-fine
review selection via supervised joint aspect and sentiment model (SIGIR14)
- One seed to
find them all: Mining opinion features via association (CIKM12)
- Geolocation
prediction for social images by exploring user profiles (JASIST14)
- On
predicting popularity of newly emerging hashtags in Twitter (JASIST13)
- Short text
classification ( WWW12
poster, evaluation paper JASIST )
and hierarchy maintenance ( SIGIR12).
Annotated dataset for our SIGIR12
paper is available here.
- Using
categorization information to improve question search in community based
question answering services ( CIKM09, WWW2010,
TOIS12). Annotated
dataset is available here
- Extracting
Question-Answer pairs from forums to build the QA database (SIGIR08, ACL08)
- Routing
questions to expert users ( ICDE09)
Acknowledgement: Some of our projects are supported by
grants awarded by Ministry of Education, NRF, IAF, Singtel/NCS,
Roll-Royce, Alibaba, and Microsoft.