Unified MOSFET Compact I-V Model Formulation through Physics-Based Effective Transformation

Xing Zhou, Senior Member, IEEE, and Khee Yong Lim, Student Member, IEEE

IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, Vol. 48, No. 5, pp. 887-896, May 2001.

(Manuscript received May 31, 2000; revised October 4, 2000)

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A one-region compact Ids model from subthreshold to saturation, which resembles the same form as the well-known long-channel model but includes all major short-channel effects in deep-submicron MOSFET's, has been formulated through physics-based effective transformation.  The model has 23 process-dependent fitting parameters, which requires an 11-step, one-iteration extraction procedure.  The new approach to modeling channel-length modulation, subthreshold diffusion current, and edge-leakage current, all in a compact form, has been verified with the 0.25-mm experimental data.  The model covers the full range of gate length (without "binning") and bias conditions, and can be correlated to true process variables for aiding technology development.



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