
Farisan Dary, Haiyi Liang, and Ee Hou Yong,
"Helical stability of double-stranded semiflexible chains with interstrand interactions,"
In preparation.

Ryota Masuki, Donn Liew, and Ee Hou Yong,
"RNA folding analysis using mean free energy approach,"
In preparation.

Shu Tian Eu and Ee Hou Yong,
"Contours information and the perception of various visual illusions,"
preprint on arXiv

Ee Hou Yong and L. Mahadevan,
"Lyapunov-Schmidt bifurcation analysis of a supported compressible elastic beam,"
submitted to Nonlinearity, preprint on arXiv

Donn Liew, Zi Way Lim, and Ee Hou Yong,
"Machine learning-based prediction of DNA G-quadruplex folding topology with G4ShapePredictor,"
Scientific Reports 14(1), 24238, 2024.

Javad Deylami, Shu Sin Chng, and Ee Hou Yong,
“Elucidating Antibiotic Permeation through the Escherichia coli Outer Membrane: Insights from Molecular Dynamics,”
Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, 64(21), 8310, 2024

Research covered in Nature Index article

Ee Hou Yong, Farisan Dary, Luca Giomi, and L. Mahadevan,
“Reply to van der Heijden and Starostin: On the persistent helicity of fluctuating ribbons,”
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 121 (28), e2303436121, 2024.

Nuoya Zhang and Ee Hou Yong,
“Dynamics, statistics, and task allocation of foraging ants,”
Physical Review E 108, 054306, 2023.

Ee Hou Yong, Farisan Dary, Luca Giomi, and L. Mahadevan,

"Statistics and topology of fluctuating ribbons,"

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 119 (32), e2122907119, 2022.

Hong Chen and Ee Hou Yong,

"How zealots affect the energy cost for controlling complex social networks,"
Chaos 32, 063116, 2022.

Thomas H. Gray, Claudio Castelnovo, and Ee Hou Yong,

"Enhanced diffusion in soft-walled channels with a periodically varying curvature,"

Physical Review E 105, 054141, 2022.

Hong Chen and Ee Hou Yong,
"Energy cost study for controlling complex social networks with conformity behavior,"
Physical Review E 104, 014301, 2021.

Thomas H. Gray and Ee Hou Yong,
"An effective one dimensional approach to calculating mean first passage time in multi-dimensional potentials,"
Journal of Chemical Physics 154, 084103, 2021.

Hong Chen and Ee Hou Yong,
"Optimizing target node set for the control energy of directed complex networks,"
Scientific Reports 10, 18112, 2020.

Thomas H. Gray and Ee Hou Yong,
"Effective diffusion in one-dimensional rough potential energy landscapes,"
Physical Review E 102, 022138, 2020.

Thomas H. Gray and Ee Hou Yong,
"Overdamped Brownian dynamics in piecewise-defined energy landscapes,"
Physical Review E 101, 052123, 2020.

Mary Caswell Stoddard, Ee Hou Yong, Derya Akkaynak, Catherine Sheard, Joseph A. Tobias, and L. Mahadevan,
"Evolution of avian egg shape: underlying mechanisms and the importance of taxonomic scale,"
International Journal of Avian Science, 161(4), 922-925, 2019.

Han Kheng Teoh and Ee Hou Yong,
"Renormalization group study of Nagel-Schreckenberg model,"
Physical Review E 97, 032314, 2018.

Meng Zeng and Ee Hou Yong,
"Crooks Fluctuation Theorem in PT-symmetric Quantum Mechanics,"
Journal of Physics Communications 1, 031001, 2017.

Meng Zeng and Ee Hou Yong,
"Discrete-Time Quantum Walk with Binary Phase Disorder: Localization and Entanglement Entropy,"
Scientific Reports 7, 12024, 2017. 

Mary Caswell Stoddard, Ee Hou Yong, Derya Akkaynak, Catherine Sheard, Joseph A. Tobias, and L. Mahadevan,
"Form, Function and Evolution of Avian Egg Shape,"
Science 356, 1249-1254, 2017.

Cover issue of vol. 356.  Review of paper

Ee Hou Yong, and L. Mahadevan,
"Statistical Mechanics and Shape Transitions in Microscopic Plates,"
Physical Review Letters 112, 048101, 2014.

Ee Hou Yong, David R. Nelson, and L. Mahadevan,
"Elastic Platonic Shells,"
Physical Review Letters 111(17), 177801, 2013.

Cover of Physical Review Letters vol. 111, issue 17

Ozgur Sahin, Ee Hou Yong, Adam Driks and L. Mahadevan,
"Physical basis for the adaptive flexibility of bacillus spore coats,"
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 9, 3156-3160, 2012.

Ee Hou Yong and L. Mahadevan,
"Probability, geometry and dynamics in the toss of a thick coin,"
Physics Today 64 (7), 66, 2011

Ee Hou Yong and L. Mahadevan,
"Probability, geometry and dynamics in the toss of a thick coin,"
American Journal of Physics 79(12):1195-1201, 2011.

Cover of American Journal of Physics vol. 79, issue 12