Criteria for Thesis Submission


If you wish to be supervised by me for a master’s degree (2 years) then the following criteria must be satisfied before you can submit your dissertation.

  • You have at least ONE first-author publication in high quality (at least Rank A) conference venue
  • You must have at least one first-author journal paper which has successfully gone through the first round review in a premium venue (Rank A+) prior to thesis submission.
  • Note that survey/workshop papers are not counted in the above criteria. Similarly, second tier venues (Rank B) are not counted.



Earning a Ph.D. degree involves a lot of hard work and creativity. In most cases, it will take at least four years under me. One of the key measure of your progress during doctoral program is publications. Your future employability as faculty member of a good University or a member of technical staff in a good Research Lab largely depends on the area of research and quality of publications. Hence, if you wish to be supervised by me then please note the following standard I expect from a student. Apart from being highly motivated, creative, and technically solid, you are strongly encouraged to satisfy the following criteria before your thesis defense.

  • You have at least TWO first-author publication in a premium (Rank A+) conference/journal venue (e.g., VLDB, VLDB J, SIGMOD, TKDE, KDD, ICDE, RECOMB, Bioinformatics, etc)
  • Note that survey papers are not counted in the above criteria.


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