SIDMA: SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 39(1). 2025.
Preliminary version appeared at AAAI 2021.
Optimal Auction Design for Mixed Bidders
AAAI 2025: AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2025. Forthcoming.
IJCAI 2024: International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2024.
Social Choice and Welfare. Forthcoming.
Preliminary version appeared at AAAI 2023.
Social Choice and Welfare. Special issue on Fair Public Decision Making: Allocating Budgets, Seats, and Probability. 2024.
Preliminary version appeared at AAAI 2022.
WINE 2023: Conference on Web and Internet Economics, 2023.
WINE 2023: Conference on Web and Internet Economics, 2023.
WINE 2023: Conference on Web and Internet Economics, 2023.
AAAI 2023: AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2023.
SODA 2023: ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, 2023.
2025 & Forthcoming
WINE 2022: Conference on Web and Internet Economics, 2022.
UAI 2022: Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, 2022.
POMS: Production and Operations Management, 31(8): 3096-3124. 2022.
SIDMA: SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 36(2): 1156-1186. 2022.
Preliminary version appeared at AAAI 2021.
AAAI 2022: AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2022.
AAAI 2022: AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2022.
AAAI 2022: AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2022.
JAAMAS: Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, 36(1): 5. 2022
Preliminary version appeared at AAMAS 2020.
NeurIPS 2021: Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, 2021.
JAAMAS: Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, 35(2): 34. 2021.
Preliminary version appeared at AAAI 2021.
ICML 2021: International Conference on Machine Learning, 2021.
long presentation, 3% acceptance rate.
Theory of Computing Systems, 65(7), 1060-1093, 2021.
Preliminary version appeared at IJCAI 2019.
SICOMP: SIAM Journal on Computing, 50(3): 924-971. 2021.
Preliminary version appeared at ITCS 2020.
Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 293, April 2021, 103436.
Preliminary version appeared at AAAI 2020.
AAAI 2021: AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2021.
AAAI 2021: AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2021.
AAAI 2021: AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2021.
Social Choice and Welfare 55(3), 523-545. 2020.
Preliminary version appeared at IJCAI 2018.
AAMAS 2020: International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, 2020.
AAAI 2020: AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2020.
Outstanding Student Paper Award at AAAI 2020.
ITCS 2020: Innovations in Theoretical Computer Science, 2020.
SODA 2020: ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, 2020.
NeurIPS 2019: Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, 2019.
TAEC: ACM Transactions on Economics and Computation 7(2), article 10, 2019.
Preliminary versions appeared at SAGT 2017 and ESA 2016
UAI 2019: The Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, 2019.
IJCAI 2019: International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2019.
TALG: ACM Transactions on Algorithms 15(3), article 37, 2019.
Preliminary version appeared at EC 2016.
AAMAS 2019: International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (Extended Abstract), 2019.
SODA 2019: ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, 2019.
PRICAI 2018: Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2018.
IJCAI 2018: International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2018.
AAMAS 2018: International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (Extended Abstract), 2018.
AAAI 2018: AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2018.
SAGT 2017: International Symposium on Algorithmic Game Theory, 2017.
SICOMP: SIAM Journal on Computing 46(4), 1428–1448, 2017.
Preliminary version appeared at STOC 2012.
IJCAI 2017: International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2017.
IJCAI 2017: International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2017.
IJCAI 2017: International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2017.
ESA 2016: European Symposium on Algorithms, 2016.
EC 2016: ACM Conference on Economics and Computation, 2016.
AAAI 2016: AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2016
ICALP 2015: International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming, 2015.
KDD 2013: ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, 2013.
STOC 2013: ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing, 2013.
AAAI 2012: AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2012.
STOC 2012: ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing, 2012.
SODA 2011: ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, 2011.
TCS: Theoretical Computer Science, 2011.
Preliminary version appeared at ESA 2009.
Before 2016